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taylor anne photo

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Everything posted by taylor anne photo

  1. taylor anne photo

    Possible Forum Game: Musical Mondays

    Also like how old is Chip? Was he born a cup? Did Mrs. Potts give birth as a teapot to a teacup???
  2. taylor anne photo

    Possible Forum Game: Musical Mondays

    I've seen people discuss this before but when it comes to Beauty and the Beast I find that to be a case of being overly sensitive about children's entertainment lol. The case of Stockholm Syndrome would have more ground if he were evil and then she still fell in love with him. Also I have an intense love of that movie so I will fight anyone who tries to take that away from me lol.
  3. taylor anne photo

    Possible Forum Game: Musical Mondays

    Oh yeah I've seen Thumbelina and I HATED IT I also hated The Swan Princess Ferngully is much better than both of those combined
  4. taylor anne photo

    Possible Forum Game: Musical Mondays

    Yes yes yes yes yes! Especially Beauty and the Beast! But I'll be DAMNED if we can't throw in Little Mermaid & Mulan! Also I will throw in Moana because it was fucking stunning and really (finally) went back to the good ol' days of the 90s Disney movies that are absolute perfection. And it's a great movie to take your son to, Cameron!
  5. taylor anne photo

    Possible Forum Game: Musical Mondays

    Are we starting this immediately? Because I'm hella excited for La La Land to go wide release and that's a musical.
  6. taylor anne photo

    Episode 150 - Grease 2

    Yup! Apparently when Patty Duke was 23 she had a very public relationship with a then 17 year old Desi which Lucille Ball did not approve of lol.
  7. taylor anne photo

    Episode 150 - Grease 2

    1. Holy shit I never made that connection either. 2. Apparently his biological father is Michael Tell. 3. He thought his father was actually Desi Arnaz, Jr for a while. 4. John did adopt him when he was three and Sean still considers him to be his father. What a roller coaster ride he went on.
  8. I swear I wasn't fishing for a happy birthday but I will take it anyway lol. Thank you, Cameron!
  9. So I couldn't remember if Phantom Menace came out in 99 or 2000 so I went to look it up and I found out that Jason was right all along Because even though Phantom Menace did premiere in May of 1999 it was already re-released into theaters again on December 3rd, 1999 (my birthday in case anyone was dying to know). So Jason could have gone to see Phantom Menace on his birthday (which is December 18th), but why the hell would he have waited so long to see it!?
  10. taylor anne photo

    Episode 150 - Grease 2

    My whole life is a lie
  11. taylor anne photo

    Episode 150 - Grease 2

    I feel like we do this a lot
  12. taylor anne photo

    Episode 150 - Grease 2

    I think it's a reflection of 1950s (and early 60s for Grease 2) America. The women's liberation movement wasn't until the late 60s/early 70s and so this idea of what men and women were supposed to be like left them with very little choices. Even nowadays people are fighting so hard against this idea of a "spectrum" and "non-binaries" like why are there still so many ideas of what a person should and shouldn't be? EDIT: Okay Grease was made during the height of that movement and maybe this is exactly why this musical and movie were made during this time. This idea that women could break out of the boxes that were thrust upon them and go to whichever side they wanted was liberating and is what Sandy does in the end. I think now I'm focused so much on the fact that there are sooo many other possibilities laid out in front of her that I forget about not only what time these movies are set but what era they were made. But I still believe that Sandy can do whatever the fuck she wants and she has more than 2 choices, dammit! Okay I understand this completely because even in middle school I don't think I understood how they were supposed to be high schoolers having pregnancy scares lol.
  13. taylor anne photo

    Episode 150 - Grease 2

    Yes this was something I left out of my post because it was just getting too long and ridiculous lol. But I don't view Danny's "change" the same way as Sandy's because his was really portrayed more as a responsibility change rather than just a physical change. But I'm still to this day trying to figure out what exactly Sandy's change means. Which takes us back to my original question - Is it an empowering change that shows a girl breaking out of the 1950s patriarchal expectations that were thrust upon her or is it a change for the boy she loves? I'm never talking about what she changes into being good or bad in and of itself, but rather that willingness to do so. I just use the examples of the good girl vs the bad girl image because that is what the movie presents to us as the audience. That you have 2 choices to make, and honestly I think it's more complicated than that. My meaning in that she falls somewhere in the middle is basically exactly what you are saying about being on that discovery of herself. She doesn't have to be either one of those choices if she doesn't want to be, but again the movie only sets up those two. I could write a 10 page dissertation discussing all of this and still question all of it tbh lol
  14. taylor anne photo

    Episode 150 - Grease 2

    Damn Fister, I couldn't agree more.
  15. taylor anne photo

    Episode 150 - Grease 2

    This is why I'm really not ready to jump on the "she changes herself for a man!" train so quickly. However, I don't think you need an outright saying of, "I like you, but we can only be together if you're like this," because it's there in the actions of those around her. There is a very clear line of who hangs out with who in the school and if you get made fun of enough you're inclined to not hang out with those people anymore. Only once is there really a time where Danny pushes her beyond where she is comfortable himself and that's at the drive-in, but no other time does he do or say anything to her to get her to change. In all honesty I think the pressure purely comes from the Pink Ladies and the T-Birds towards both of them to act a certain way, and we see with Rizzo that she was feeling those same pressures because her reputation was already at that bad place. OKAY THIS IS WHY I THINK THERE IS A 0-60 MENTALITY! Rizzo didn't want to be the kind of girl that stayed home every night and felt lonely, but the only kinds of girls that didn't stay home were not considered to be good people. So Rizzo just went full on with that shit and didn't act like a good person. She was having an inner crisis herself after having been with and loved Danny and then seeing him go to Sandy. But Rizzo at the end doesn't change herself at all she just moves on to someone else. I still truly believe that Sandy fell somewhere in the middle of those two personalities. Certainly she wanted to rid herself of that image that was getting made fun of by the people that Frenchey brought her around, but I don't think that hardcore image at the end is exactly who she is either. Just like the letter jacket jock isn't who Danny is either, but of course we only remember her look because literally 2 seconds after Danny sees her he throws that dumb jacket out. See there's just too much for me to go through in a couple of posts about this. I'm more willing to say that Sandy is an empowering female character that blossoms at the end of the movie, however, it's not like telling women to change for their man in 1978 is unheard of lol. Shit there are still movies coming out where the classic "take off your glasses and ponytail then he'll love you" trope is prevalent. Frenchey was my idol when I was a kid though. She was the one I was always focused on (I mean Rizzo is always the character you want to play because I sang "There Are Worst Things I Could Do" non fuckin' stop) and she was the one I wanted to dress like. That pink hair was fuckin' iconic. It looked so gd beautiful and it's everything I've wanted.
  16. taylor anne photo

    Episode 150 - Grease 2

    FUNNY YOU SHOULD MENTION THAT! THIS WEEK IN FEMINISM!!! So with nothing to do with Grease 2 at all my weekly movie feminist thoughts are as such - Is Grease an empowering movie about a girl getting away from the 1950s patriarchal expectations thrown at her so that she can finally be free to be herself and love the bad boy that she fell for over the summer? Or is it a movie about a girl throwing away who she is as a person to get with the hot guy just because that's who he is more comfortable being with? I am inclined to believe that it falls somewhere in the middle. There was a certain 0-60 mentality about the way the women would act in these movies. You were either the prudish cheerleader nerd who would eventually end up with your nuclear family, or you were the bad ass smoking girl who had a terrible reputation after sleeping with a few guys. There was absolutely no in between and that's where I think Sandy (and probably Stephanie) truly lie. Those lyrics help and don't help me at all. The first stanza tells me that she wants to break away from this image that she doesn't feel comfortable with, but that second stanza tells me that she is almost forcing herself into a new image that is the complete opposite of what she has always been. I feel like I need more than a week to really dive into this topic. This may be the trickiest "this week in feminism" ever.
  17. taylor anne photo

    Episode 150 - Grease 2

    I hope you started writing song titles as grades. "Reproduction!" being an A+ while "Do It For Our Country" is a straight F.
  18. taylor anne photo

    Episode 150 - Grease 2

  19. taylor anne photo

    Episode 150 - Grease 2

    I thought you were just calling Fister an asshole and I was gonna say, "Oh no you don't have to apologize for that"
  20. taylor anne photo

    Episode 150 - Grease 2

    The whole time the British dude was talking I kept thinking that his voice and accent sounded so familiarly fake. Like it was reminiscent of someone else who was putting on a weird accent, and that's when it hit me... The entire time I thought it sounded like Damian Lewis as Mr. Grey in Dreamcatcher.
  21. taylor anne photo

    Trailer Talk

    I'm still SO MAD that they refuse to write "F8" instead of "Fate." How dare they!
  22. taylor anne photo

    Episode 150 - Grease 2

    You were far from a shithead, and even if you were a shithead you for sure weren't the only one.
  23. taylor anne photo

    Episode 150 - Grease 2

  24. taylor anne photo

    Episode 150 - Grease 2

    I didn't take it as a negative comment towards the trans community. It was just a confusing comment but if you'd rather not explain then that's fine.