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taylor anne photo

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Everything posted by taylor anne photo

  1. taylor anne photo

    Episode 143 - Gods of Egypt

    I apologize for not posting anything Gods of Egypt related right off the bat but my friend created something EPIC for us and he gave me permission to post it here since he doesn't have an earwolf account.
  2. taylor anne photo

    Episode 142.5 - Minisode 142.5

    Ultimately I think you have the underlying thing about all of it. Using the wolf in sheep's clothing tactic is probably what any of us would say Gacy was doing to lure his victims and then Stephen King adopted that same concept but just more based on an actual fear sweeping the country.
  3. taylor anne photo

    Episode 142.5 - Minisode 142.5

    That made me smile a whole hell of a lot, thank you! Re: Clowns - All of that was really well said! I also think it has a lot to do with John Wayne Gacy dressing up as a clown and murdering over 30 young boys 8 years before IT was published. Jason really wasn't making that shit up about murderous clowns. I had always thought that Stephen King was using that fear that was sparked within America afterwards as a starting point into the terrifying world of Pennywise. I really think you even got into what made Gacy able to murder so many people in real life.
  4. taylor anne photo

    Episode 142.5 - Minisode 142.5

    Yeah Tim Curry in IT scares me, but clowns on their own don't... I don't think... Actually they might if I were to seriously study this. Also I'm super duper angry about some shit with some coworkers so if anyone has some funny videos/memes/whatever that can distract me better than my actual work that would be great lol ETA: Okay maybe actual work does a good job of distracting cause looking up photos of baby pandas can calm anyone.
  5. taylor anne photo

    Episode 142.5 - Minisode 142.5

    I unironically love QotD and catching it at 1 AM is the best way to watch it. True Story: Aaliyah in this movie is what I point to whenever people ask for that moment when I found out I was attracted to girls. But also I was kinda hella into Stuart Townsend and that stupid goth vampire look. Bisexuality is fun.
  6. taylor anne photo

    Episode 142.5 - Minisode 142.5

    I don't know who these people are... OH! The Skateboards! Yes that dynamic family!
  7. taylor anne photo

    Episode 142.5 - Minisode 142.5

    (I know this is large but it was the only way to read the text) Hannibal humor is my fave kind of humor.
  8. taylor anne photo

    Episode 142.5 - Minisode 142.5

    (Although I always lose it during his "The Unblackening" segments)
  9. Man I also had no idea of the significance of the "Wait for it" line in Hurricane! I had thought (also without the visual cues cause I haven't seen it yet) that it was actually a bit of Burr giving Hamilton just a final piece of advice before their friendship truly evaporated. Absolutely amazing work, y'all! This is already a fantastic podcast to add to my subscriptions!
  10. taylor anne photo

    Episode 142.5 - Minisode 142.5

    In all fairness on the political side of the commentary, we are in an election year where Donald Trump is a candidate. They've also talked a lot about other things (I loved the piece on Beyonce that Francesca did when Lemonade came out) but it does kind of get pushed to the side when politics is what's making the news everyday. It was indeed an uphill battle from the start but I think more than just separation it needed more time to find it's real footing and it's real audience. I personally have kept up more with The Daily Show & The Nightly Show more than all of the other Late Night programs combined. I still need to watch Full Frontal though because every clip I see is brilliant and hilarious but I keep forgetting to put it into my DVR...
  11. taylor anne photo

    Episode 142.5 - Minisode 142.5

    I totally understand all of this, and I'm so sorry that this pregnancy has been so hard on y'all! After Orlando (and then again after the shooting here) the stress and the fear of what was going on actually made me physically ill for about 4 days so I can't even imagine how these kind of things would be making me feel if I were pregnant on top of that. There's a lot going on in the world and I respect that y'all have found ways to safely take it all in.
  12. taylor anne photo

    Episode 142.5 - Minisode 142.5

    What made their predecessors so successful was that they were their own thing. Trying to force either Trevor or Larry to fit into the same mold as Jon and Stephen would be a straight recipe for disaster. Which is why Trevor has now gone away from the exact method that Jon used when he was host. And The Nightly Show would in fact not be better served on MTV considering Comedy Central thought that he was not doing well with the younger demo and that's why they cancelled him. They literally said the show was not appearing on social media as much as they wanted and their target audience didn't seem interested. Moving him to MTV where that target audience is 90% of the audience is another recipe for disaster. I very much get those feelings about Trevor Noah and see that myself sometimes, but his recent coverage on the election and the recent shootings have been A+ and genuine. As for Larry, I have appreciated his view on things more so than I had ever imagined. His stuff came from the heart and still made me laugh, which was what was needed in these times of insanity. It's really unfair to tell someone that isn't Stephen Colbert to be more like Stephen Colbert, especially when he has more cards stacked against him.
  13. taylor anne photo

    Episode 142.5 - Minisode 142.5

    Oooooh shit I just realized this is my 1,000th post! For my 500th post I recommended The Day After Tomorrow for the podcast because it's my favorite bad movie of all time. This go around I'm going with something that I just recently rewatched and still have an amazing time laughing at all the ridiculous parts. Notable for being Aaliyah's last movie which was released after her death. In all honesty I still think she's the best part of the whole thing and wish she had more screen time than Marguerite Moreau. This would be an excellent addition to the HDTGM filmography and hope someday I can discuss the lore of Anne Rice's novels and how they compare to this shitty movie.
  14. taylor anne photo

    Episode 142.5 - Minisode 142.5

    This has nothing to do with anything but I just found out The Nightly Show (which Paul has been a guest on) has been cancelled and it just makes me really sad. I loved Larry Wilmore's commentary on the fucked up shit that's going on in our country and his correspondents were all extremely smart and well spoken. It also just makes me sad that I've already seen some horrible things said about him (and Trevor cause they clearly want him gone too) in the wake of the announcement. I hate people.
  15. taylor anne photo

    Episode 142.5 - Minisode 142.5

    Paul, do I smell a future Halloween costume for your baby? If a 1-year-old in The Phantom costume makes you laugh so hard then I think that's an obvious choice come October 31st!
  16. taylor anne photo

    Episode 142.5 - Minisode 142.5

    How do I get my podcast app to stop bein a lil bitch and update so I can listen to the dang episode!
  17. Surprising no one I am Barb. They say that I am a badass who knows who she is and is confident in herself. Hell yeah!
  18. I have a huge suspicion that they knew that would make me angry. They sure do think it's funny to be misogynist to make me angry. Such fun.
  19. Okay I'm back to add on to Cameron's post from the last page! Huzzah! This is riddled with spoilers so I'm doing the best I can to prevent something slipping by. I think what I really love about Stranger Things is that we can really see ourselves in these characters. I identified with Barb pretty immediately. I always seemed to be on the outskirts of the friend groups in high school and had to be described as "you know - the one with the boobs" to anyone who didn't remember my name, which sucks on so many levels. Took me till I was at the end of my junior year to figure out who my real friends were and we've all stuck together ever since. It feels like a part of this show that was really done well is that so many of us are like "holy shit that is me" even though I was in high school in the early 2000s. Some shit is timeless. But I also think that's why I actually got to watch this with my mom who would have been exactly Nancy & Barb's age in 83 and she was very upset at the outcomes for all of the women in the show. It was very interesting to see it through my own eyes and hers at the exact same time. A lot of me was pissed that so many people kept assuming Eleven was a boy and she had to remind me that in the 80s girls just didn't do that shit with their hair unless they were in the alternative scene and were considered outcasts. Even now I think girls that buzz their hair are considered outcasts. But also what's funny is she was mad that a few of their props were still 70s era and "no one would have had that TV in 83" lol. If Nancy had to end up with one of the two of them I wish it would be Jonathan. I feel like those two have more chemistry together than her and Steve. Plus even though I feel like my whole issue is that both of the guys are presented to us as if they are going to get Nancy no matter what and she becomes some kind of prize to be won. Which is why I'm hardcore Team Nancy Needs To Be Single And Find Herself Again. Cause I would think after I don't think this is actually anything against either one of the guys or Nancy (but still fuck Steve), just the way it was presented to me as a story line. Seriously I really do like Jonathan, and it doesn't hurt that he looks like River Phoenix who was my first celeb crush. Okay I'll stop now lol
  20. I haven't read that article yet, but I have a feeling that it's discussing the lines of defining Joyce as only a mother. But I think they establish pretty early that that is just what's going to be highlighted due to Will's disappearance. She is also a woman who works her ass off and stands up for herself but I think the spotlight on motherhood makes some people feel that it's another instance of a woman being shoved into that one box. However, I just agree that it doesn't have the same feeling behind it. It doesn't feel like the intent is to shove Joyce out of the way and just pin her as an overly emotional woman who is just defined by the men in her life. It's another tricky subject. I've gotten into some conversations with people over the Olympics because they can't stand that they are highlighting the mothers so much because they are mothers. But I view it as these are women are going through intense training and intense physical transformations and going through a pregnancy during that does have an effect on the way you will compete that men just don't go through. I was actually very interested in Dana Vollmer's story of being on bed rest for 7 1/2 weeks during her pregnancy, then not being able to make it through her warm ups, and then winning both bronze and silver medals. That's the story of a true Olympian! But at the same time yes that is not the only thing about them and does not define who they are as women.
  21. Okay real quick - Cameron, I agree with you. The one thing about that whole situation is that no one seemed to set up some kind of donation thing for Joyce and her family. I appreciated Karen cooking for them, but when there is an already "known" poor family that no longer is working because they are searching for a missing child, then maybe throw them a couple of bucks so they can pay their bills. She shouldn't have to get an advance on two week's worth of pay just to buy a phone.
  22. Ugh, Cameron I had a really great post to go along with yours and continue the discussion but then my browser quit and I lost it all. I think I'm gonna take that as a sign that I should get back to work and use this as a placeholder for later.
  23. Every guy in my office has expressed that they are hardcore Steve fans, and that's when I realized that is because they were all Steves when they were in high school and don't see how douchey he really is. Their exact words seem to be "I feel so bad for Steve! He just gets shafted!" I'm still Team Nancy Needs To Be Single And Find Herself Again.
  24. My thoughts on why you don't think Steve fits the time period, Cameron