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taylor anne photo

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Everything posted by taylor anne photo

  1. taylor anne photo

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    Yes and no haha. They will probably air the mini-ep tomorrow or Friday which means that Paul has probably already recorded it, and after 16 pages there is a high chance that what you want to comment on has already been commented on. Then again at this point I say fuck it and discuss what you want to discuss, man.
  2. taylor anne photo

    razzie time

    I agree that they can sometimes be the obvious choice but also sometimes the obvious choices are literally the worst. I had also thought 50 Shades of Grey was a commercial success because I'm pretty positive it made more money than everything else combined.
  3. taylor anne photo

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    I don't care what your opinion on the matter is and honestly I don't care about her opinion either, and like Cameron said above it isn't because I'm dismissing either of you it's just because the opinions don't affect my life. You called the woman an "asshole" for sharing her opinion on movies. It doesn't matter who the person is (except maybe we can all agree that if it had been Trump your words would have been said with no disagreement) the fact that someone said they don't like movies and they like the Real Housewives shows does not make them deserving of being called an "asshole."
  4. taylor anne photo

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    Oh you're so right! Someone that has different tastes and admits that one kind of media just isn't their thing is such an asshole!
  5. taylor anne photo

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    What the fuuuuuck I hope that man burns as well! That's mind blowingly fucked up! Paul F Tompkins actually did an amazing video about comedy and dark subjects that summed up my feelings on it exactly! (If I find it again I'll post it) But I think the tl;dr version of it is of course you can joke about things but it's how you joke about those things. I think that sometimes the HDTGM crew can very much walk that line but we've actually discussed this before that it's who is the punchline that can make or break the joke. If you are making a joke about rape and the punchline is that someone was raped then that's not funny that's fucked up. If you are making a joke about rape and the punchline is that the rapist is someone that can burn in hell and this society doesn't treat survivors fairly (which I've heard plenty of female comedians do sooo well) then that can actually be really funny and doesn't harm anyone in the process. And I can't even comment on Chris Hardwick because I'm a total fangirl who has traveled to other states multiple times just to see him perform so I am too biased to contribute. I love him a lot. EDIT: Thank the lord that PFT doesn't update his tumblr as often as I thought so it was still on the first page. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufz4W0puLPA
  6. taylor anne photo

    Supergirl (1984)

    Think this would be a perfect addition to the podcast now that we have the Supergirl TV show and BvS is coming out soon.
  7. taylor anne photo

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    You are extremely right, Cameron. Which is kinda why I'm so sick of Doug bringing him on and then pushing him to talk about it again and again. I think Fister and I both are pretty regular listeners of his show and I wasn't kidding when I said it was getting me to the point where I wanted to start burning the theaters he regulars to the ground. We get it. He loves them and a lot of people don't. It's beating a dead horse. As for context about the prostitute line. There isn't anything else you need. He legitimately said his only problem with Deadpool was that Morena Baccarin was too old to play a prostitute that cost as much as she did. Like he brought that up that last time he was on and then brought it up a-fucking-gain cause he "wanted to clear the air" which dug himself in a deeper hole. I also laughed when he shut the dude down for complaining about Star Wars spoilers now that he had over two months to go see the movie but shit yeah they beat that joke into the ground pretty quickly too. And then he completely lost me when he stated he was going to have sex with an audience member without even asking for her consent. He just proudly stated it was going to happen. That made my skin crawl and I'm pretty much 100% done with him. I have to say for as long as I've been listening to DLM this is the only time I've ever had a legitimate problem with a guest. Even when he had to kick guests off the panel for practically taking over the show I never legit was as angry or offended as I am by Jacob Sirof. The man just isn't that funny and things he thinks are funny just make me feel awful.
  8. taylor anne photo

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

  9. taylor anne photo

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    I had the same exact reaction when I saw his name and it was kinda a struggle for me, honestly. And I know that Doug likes to give people hard times but honestly if I have to hear about how he loves Phantom Menace and everyone who doesn't isn't a true Star Wars fan one more time I might burn UCB to the ground.
  10. taylor anne photo

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    I'm taking the fact that tangents seem okay now to complain about Jacob Sirof on Doug Loves Movies. I knew the moment I found out he was a prequel lover that I would find him annoyingly awful and I was right. So 6 episodes in 3 months with him on the show has filled me with lots of rage.
  11. taylor anne photo

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    I am slightly exaggerating because I don't think it was 8 hours straight but I do remember him telling us he had to bring the thing along because he couldn't even go to the movies without holding it with that stupid bracelet plugged in because then it would start to cry after a certain amount of time and it was all recorded through ~technology~ And you're exactly right it was weird that none of these teachers and schools thought about how they're making a 12 year old do everything alone. Literally no one else could hold and make that baby stop crying except my cousin because he was the one wearing the bracelet. Ridiculous.
  12. taylor anne photo

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    Oh we had robot babies at our school too but that was in an optional class. So only a handful of students had to do it. My favorite story about that time, though, is when I was a sophomore and there was a senior in my French class who had the baby with her and told us how she really really wanted to get into a fight that day just so she could yell out, "HOLD MY BABY! HOLD MY BABY!" Also my cousin had to do it during his middle school years and had to actually constantly hold the baby because there was some kind of chip that required this bracelet he had to wear be plugged into the baby for almost 8 hours a day. It was insane. He had to bring the stupid thing along when we went as a family to go see Coraline.
  13. taylor anne photo

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    It's like they never saw Grease 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJGQgAniyho
  14. taylor anne photo

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    "New Faces" ...Like a facebook?? Did these witches truly invent the first facebook?! I like your theory except "Miller" would probably have to be from her Father's side of the family unless the immortal mother married her descendant to keep their line "pure". But that does make me laugh at the fact that "Miller" is an incredibly common last name and Serena perked up and repeated it like Luis Guzman was the only person who could possibly have that name in the whole country. And that makes me think of "Last Man on Earth" and their whole gag that out of 7 living people on Earth two of them are named Phil Miller lol.
  15. taylor anne photo

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    Also being a Texan that's why I realized how weird it is that I got about 4 (the first was in 5th grade where the nurse came in and explained to all of us wtf was happening to our bodies now that we were in the beginning stages of puberty so idk if you can really count that or not) and then we got the 1 true abstinence talk in 8th grade. Actually the photo of STDs in high school might have also been abstinence-based but I can't remember anything passed the pictures that still haunt me till this day. Certainly have no memory of anyone ever mentioning the words "condom" or "birth control" so I think it's safe to assume they wanted us all to just keep it in our pants. EDIT: Yep just asked my best friend who was in that class with me and she said she remembers it was all abstinence. Good ol' Texas.
  16. taylor anne photo

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    It was kinda implied when they said his name because we all pretty much know by now who Dick Sargent is. I weirdly got 4 kinds of sex ed throughout my schooling but two of them were in 9th grade with two different classes: The first in Biology where we went through the actual stages of conception to birth and watched that crazy ass video of a woman giving birth in the 70s, and then the "here are gross as fuck photos of all the STDs you could possibly get" in health class.
  17. taylor anne photo

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    Holy shit out of all the things I picked up from this movie I can't believe I missed that. I mean we could assume they were drawings?? But shit yeah they look like photographs a la civil war era. Fuck.
  18. taylor anne photo

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

  19. taylor anne photo

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    Hardy har har. Don't play with me, Fister, that movie struck a nerve with all of us lol. I wish I could say that was intentional.
  20. taylor anne photo

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    I think this is an excellent point. I still feel like it uses the "female gaze" incorrectly because despite the way it focuses on Brad's physique the message of the movie is still that you need that kind of man to satisfy you. I was trying to think of some other movies that I feel use the "female gaze" more correctly and I have to say the MCU actually does this pretty well (not including Age of Ultron for obvious reasons that don't need to be gone into again right now lol). They love to focus on Jeremy Renner's arms when he shoots (a personal favorite of mine), Chris Evans' nice ass at any point (okay another personal favorite of mine), and then Chris Hemsworth's torso any time he is shirtless. Especially in Thor 2 when they legit pan down his abs at one point. It's marvelous that they take all of that into consideration and don't just focus on the bodies of Scarlett, Cobie, etc... Anyway my point is that it seems like Teen Witch is still trying to force a certain way of thinking onto women while using the "female gaze" when other movies are able to avoid that.
  21. taylor anne photo

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    Late night thoughts~ I hope every time we put "Luis Guzman" in a post he gets a Google alert
  22. taylor anne photo

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    I can answer that one. It's not uncommon for high schools to give the director's chair over to another student if that's something they want to pursue in college. Typically the drama teacher would be the director but I can see this high school letting a student do it and then it turns into just picking the popular people (as we saw cause Kiki probably didn't crush her audition like Luis Guzman did).
  23. taylor anne photo

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    Okay I was thinking about this on my way home from work this evening but we never actually see evidence of Louise being bullied by anyone except the white rapper bobo Ryan Reynolds dude and her own English teacher. Like none of the girls say anything mean to her and we're supposed to take her word for it that being at school is absolute hell for her. Her "revenge" on them is turning three girls that are actually friends into complete assholes. I don't understand why supporting Kiki in her dreams of singing was so bad of Randa and the other girl to do. Then Louise casts her spell and Randa is then turned into a bully who tears down her own friend. That makes zero sense to me.
  24. taylor anne photo

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    I think that was just the gym class cause Louise was wearing the same purple leotard. But that begs another question... Why the hell did the cheerleaders not get their credit for doing cheerleading? In my high school marching band, cheer, and drill team all counted towards your gym credit even though many people didn't consider those to be part of athletics. EDIT: AND! we suddenly see that Louise becomes a cheerleader after her popularity boom but how do we know she actually knows how to tumble and do any of the moves? Being popular doesn't suddenly mean you can do a back handspring down the sideline at a football game. Did she even have to try out? Did they just ask her because they suddenly love her and she went "YES!"???
  25. taylor anne photo

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    I couldn't agree more. I think that for "plain janes" Pretty in Pink was a momentous movie. It told all of us that no matter where we came from or how unpopular we were that a super hot rich dude could still genuinely be into us. There have been soooo many movies where the lame "ugly" dude (I only put ugly because in the movie or TV show he is supposed to be considered that) ends up with the hot girl at the end but no one ever ever talks about how his best gal pal was really the one he was supposed to end up with. It kinda just fuels the flames on the whole "nice guy" craze that's been happening and takes away the woman's right to choose and like whomever the fuck she wants lol. I'm all about women's rights today y'all. The right to be gay! The right to not be raped by a silver lake hipster! The right to choose Andrew McCarthy! All of it!