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taylor anne photo

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Everything posted by taylor anne photo

  1. taylor anne photo

    Episode 129 - The Apple: LIVE!

    Get that tswift shit outta here lol. If we're doing 80s era people we could literally throw Kylie Minogue or even Olivia Newton-John in there and it would be better lol.
  2. taylor anne photo

    Episode 129 - The Apple: LIVE!

    I fell asleep during that song (I still hate calling these songs considering how awful they all sound) where Alphie started singing that love ballad after he got the shit kicked out of him. I can't even remember anything about it other than it was boring and I woke up when he went to the party again so I assume I didn't miss anything important. If we are going for literally anyone in this movie then I want Bowie as Boogalow!
  3. taylor anne photo

    Episode 129 - The Apple: LIVE!

    HOLY SHIT YOU'RE RIGHT! I didn't even register that when I watched it! Since the audience had met the reporter I guess I just filled in the blanks. Wow that's it this movie is TRASH! I don't think anyone in this movie did any math whatsoever. The Lead Hippie/Mr. Tops dude was the only one who would have been old enough to really be part of the 60s and considered a refugee. The rest of them were Alphie & Bibi's age according to looks or just children. There is a possibility then that their parents were actually 60s refugees and they were born in the 60s but then Lead Hippie would not have been the only one in his age group in that commune. None of those people who look like they were born in 65-70 would be considered 60s refugees. Plus seeing kids who would have been my age in 94 are not fucking 60s children. Unless there is some weird time loop thing and they still think it's 1980.
  4. taylor anne photo

    Episode 129 - The Apple: LIVE!

    Also Mr. Tops looks just like a younger Donald Sutherland to me
  5. taylor anne photo

    Episode 129 - The Apple: LIVE!

    This is exactly the issue I was going to bring up now that I finally got to see it! That severely distressed me!
  6. taylor anne photo

    Episode 129 - The Apple: LIVE!

    I haven't even gotten to the actual episode yet and I have to say these ads are actually making me laugh harder than any HDTGM ads. I sincerely hope that Squarespace changed their slogan to "You should!" just because Chris Hardwick and Kyle Clark messed that up on the Nerdist and made it a thing.
  7. taylor anne photo

    Episode 128.5 - Minisode 128.5

    Pffft I can keep up with you on Broadway musicals and I still absolutely love football (and baseball and soccer). I'm a walking contradiction! Oh and congrats on 1,000 posts!
  8. taylor anne photo

    Episode 128.5 - Minisode 128.5

    I think my favorite part about King George's songs are how they're more like love ballads to the colonies. Especially the line, "I'll kill your friends and family to prove my love." I actually kind of choked on air while laughing that was so amazing. The General Lee yelling "Wheee!" is also one of my favorites! As well as the "Call me son one more time!" just partnered with the beat in the background! OH! Also when Angelica goes "Burr, you disgust me," and he responds with, "Ah so you discuss me!" Fuck I love this musical so much!
  9. taylor anne photo

    Episode 128.5 - Minisode 128.5

    The way that Daveed sings as Jefferson with that air of narcissism is soooo fucking brilliant and just the way he goes "whaaaaat" when Madison recommends reaching out to Hamilton gets me every god damn time! Like the more I find out about Jefferson the more I despise him but Daveed makes me want to love him because he's so good at playing him! Also the cabinet battles are amazing and how I now picture congress communicating with each other. Exactly! Honestly I mentioned being able to take Chicago's songs out purely for the argument that the plot couldn't survive without them, which I disagree with. But as I mentioned earlier those songs in particular may not all exactly tell the story but still we visually see that story moving along while the song is happening. They're all important. I feel the same about Moulin Rouge. The story absolutely does not rely on being stapled to the pop songs that Baz chooses but they add another element in the story telling to make it complete. Gosh it's been a long time since I've seen it too but I still listen to the soundtrack so I would certainly hope that it still holds up.
  10. taylor anne photo

    Episode 128.5 - Minisode 128.5

    FUCK! WHY DON'T I EVER ACTUALLY LOOK AT LOCATIONS!? I was having a difficult time picking a favorite but then I was like "NOPE IT'S BURN!" and then I listen to that one alone 50 times on repeat before I go through the entire soundtrack again. I am just so in love with the Schuyler sisters! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CFOuGqBSEE Lin-Manuel must be a witch because I haven't been this captivated by a musical in yeeaaarrrsss
  11. taylor anne photo

    Episode 128.5 - Minisode 128.5

    See I think that if you took out the music you could have a stand alone movie with that plot. The music just really adds the performer quality to their characters. And in my opinion (upon rewatching) the replaying of the femme fatales is almost the point. Roxy was never going to be in the spotlight for long and she was going to be pushed aside for the next femme fatale that came along just as she had pushed aside Velma and the others before her. But I still have to agree that it was not the best picture that year. I even think that without having seen Gangs of New York, The Pianist, or The Hours. Musicals are all so polarizing which makes this discussion sooo interesting to me. I see y'all say stuff against Moulin Rouge and Across the Universe but shit I love those and am very unapologetic about it. But with AtU I know I'm rather in the minority about my love for it lol. Just to throw in a musical that's not currently a movie right now that I'm obsessed with - is anyone listening (or has anyone seen) Hamilton!? Seriously y'all I am o b s e s s e d!!!
  12. taylor anne photo

    Episode 128.5 - Minisode 128.5

    I would recommend it lol
  13. taylor anne photo

    Episode 128.5 - Minisode 128.5

    I couldn't agree more with everything you've said here. I think there may be just a couple of songs that don't necessarily add anything to the plot but are great ways to see how they're performers first and foremost. Like "And All That Jazz" doesn't itself move the plot along but we see on screen how much Roxy longs to perform on stage while watching Velma and that's important to the plot and to her character development. It's, in my humble opinion, not the best musical that's ever been done (and probably not really deserving of the best picture win at the Oscars that year) but it's definitely not the worst either. I saw it in theaters when I was 13 and just didn't like it at all but as I got older and started actually being in musical theater it started to grow on me and I really have an appreciation for it now.
  14. taylor anne photo

    Episode 128.5 - Minisode 128.5

    I might need you to explain to me why you think Chicago was the worst musical, plot wise, lol
  15. taylor anne photo

    Dreamcatcher (2003)

    6 pages... That's too many comments for them not to do this. PLEASE Y'ALL PLEASE
  16. taylor anne photo

    Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (1995)

    I keep commenting on here because I need this to happen. Power Rangers was the first thing that I remember really truly being obsessed with as a child (my dad said it's actually Beauty and the Beast but I was 2 when it came out so I have only a few memories of this but I digress) but I tried to rewatch the series and the movie and wow my child mind accepted so much insanity and I would really really enjoy this being covered by the gang.
  17. taylor anne photo

    Episode 128.5 - Minisode 128.5

    Shit you're right I can't ignore how brilliant those lyrics are. My ears will just have to bleed if they must in order to experience that stunning writing.
  18. taylor anne photo

    Episode 128.5 - Minisode 128.5

    Oh my baby Jesus I haven't even gotten through the whole trailer and I'm wondering if anyone ever told these people how flat they were?! I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it past any of the singing while watching this.
  19. taylor anne photo

    HDTGM All-Stars

    Willem Dafoe is also credited for Spider-Man 3 so I think it's only right we up his appearances to 3.
  20. taylor anne photo

    Ask Paul!

    This makes me incredibly happy, thank you!
  21. taylor anne photo

    Ask Paul!

    Did June see Force Awakens? Did she like it? Was she pleased with the answer of BB-8's mission according to the plot?
  22. I think this is also probably because it borders the territory of making fun of people's actual beliefs rather than the movie itself.
  23. taylor anne photo

    Episode 128 - Streets of Fire: LIVE!

    jarrycanada I took a page from your book and made my title my biker gang. As if we weren't all creating one for ourselves anyway.
  24. taylor anne photo

    Episode 127.5 - Minisode 127.5

    Oh gosh Paul my southern hospitality is about to come out cause you are just way too kind to us plebs! I have to agree with everything mentioned above! We know y'all would never seriously shame your listeners for anything (unless it was a dumb-dumb that was just trolling the shit out of you) and I don't think Fister, myself, or anyone else who was pointed out in a mini-ep is suddenly gonna be a jackass to y'all because of it. In fact I'm just delighted that I am noticed by the all-knowing entity that is Paul Sheer! Having someone like Blake devote his time to all the research and writing is admirable! I personally just wanted to make sure I wasn't slacking off on our end of the occasion as fans if I chose not to engage in that area. And it sounds like I'm not! I love commenting on this forum and I'm glad to hear that with the addition of Blake's articles nothing ever has to change. The three of y'all created something special with this show and I think all of us here are better for it lol. Thank you Paul! P.S: Does this mean you actually did appreciate my in depth analysis of the Ninja Turtles versus their historical counterparts? You don't understand how proud of that one I am.
  25. taylor anne photo

    Episode 128 - Streets of Fire: LIVE!

    I hate how much this all makes sense. But you know me, I am a sucker for connecting bad films to art history (still kinda salty that Paul didn't read my in depth analysis on the Ninja Turtles and their historical counterparts).