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taylor anne photo

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Posts posted by taylor anne photo

  1. 1 hour ago, Elektra Boogaloo said:

    Hi guys,

    I was kind if tearing up about the suicide. Long-time posters might remember I had a depressive episode about two years ago and my doctor put me in the hospital. What I learned there is that mentally ill people are some of the nicest, most sensitive folks and we have terrible mental healthcare in this country (I heard there was a doc about it at Sundance this year and I can't wait to see because it's a problem that needs some work). Anyway, if you are depressed and reading this, please do call a hotline or someone you love. I know a lot of people don't like to use the phone now days but those people volunteer for this. They want to talk to you. And, tbh, it couldn't make you feel worse, could it?

    I battle clinical anxiety and depression every day and let me just say that I could not agree more with everything Elektra has said here. I've never met anyone that suffers from a mental illness that wasn't actively trying to be the best and nicest person they can be.

    Also, Elektra, we love you so much here and every time I see you post it makes me happy.

    • Like 9

  2. 17 minutes ago, AlmostAGhost said:

    Ah The Snowman had been on HBO app for like 6 months... until last week!  

    Also I've read The Snowman book, and it's great!  Curious how the film gets it so wrong

    Gdi I knew that was going to happen. My mom has been trying to get me to watch it every since it came out because of how bonkers it is and I kept telling her, "Noooo I want to wait for HDTGM." 🙄

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  3. I could have sworn I had seen this movie as a teenager and now I'm 100% doubting myself. I think I've only seen clips - like when they find Nathan Fillion and he starts crying because his brothers were too young for war and what a heartbreaking thing to think you're the one in war and your brothers still die.

    What I do remember about when this came out is that my mom, my aunt, and my grandfather saw this in theaters together, and I remember my grandfather (WWII vet) loving it. He was very very picky about his war movies (if only y'all could've heard him rant about Pearl Harbor) and this one definitely passed his test. I think I had also said that Platoon was on his faves list as well when that episode came out, but I found out via my mom I was actually thinking of Patton, which was definitely one of the literal 3 DVDs my grandfather owned (the other two being A River Runs Through It and A Beautiful Mind).

    So I guess I should actually sit and watch this from start to finish lol.

  4. 1 minute ago, Cameron H. said:

    Part 2 is pretty good. I just binged them all a few months ago. It’s up to the group if you want to do it. It’s not one I would recommend (due to length) but it’s really up to the entire group.

    I think I would definitely rather watch Part 2 with everyone cause I watched Part 1 when Doug Benson did an interruption of it during SF Sketchfest, and that's probably the best way to watch a grown man fall in immediate love with a baby lmao.

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  5. 37 minutes ago, Cameron H. said:

    I don't know if Vudu works. I know iTunes does not.

    Also, I've looked ahead, and we have a lot of unavailable movies coming up (at least, as far as Amazon is concerned.) Twilight Breaking Dawn: Part One is the next one up that we could rent (although, I own it â˜ș, Although, I'm not sure if on a Rabbitable platform.), but I'm not sure how fun that one will be. It's super-duper long and kind of slow. The next, what I think, viable movie would be Cool as Ice since we'll probably save Jingle All the Way for next December. It's kind of a shame too. I don't really mind missing a re-watch of Tresspass, I was looking forward to seeing Catwoman again. :(   

    All of the Twilight movies are on Amazon Prime rn. I still haven't seen Part 2.

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  6. 2 minutes ago, Cinco DeNio said:

    Here are screenshots for what I am talking about.  If I select Web to view something on Amazon I have to log in to Amazon via Rabb.it's browser.  I can't be in on Amazon in a separate tab and then share the tab.




    ....yeah so I've never been able to just share a tab in my own browser if it wasn't through Rabbit first so Idk what you mean there either, but you did get to the spot I was referring to. I've only tested out sending the direct link to my friends but once I did that it remembered their accounts so I can just click on that group again and they can be automatically invited I think.

  7. 1 minute ago, Cinco DeNio said:

    To actually open the room I have to click the "Explore & Watch" button and then pick a video.  There's no "Open Room" button.

    Yes, but that's basically the same function as "Open Room," which I never had the same issues as you did where it wouldn't let me start something until someone else was there. I was able to do whatever I wanted if that room was opened. And as I mentioned above, if you do that from the front page it is automatically public and always public, but I will screenshot the places I mean where we can get private videos.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Cinco DeNio said:

    I've created several groups but haven't found how to put people into it without sending them an invite link.  Also it appears I have to start some video somewhere in order to get a private room open so I can then go to the Chrome extension and start sharing the real video.  I'm on Rabb.it's Facebook page and people have been hollering there for weeks.  It appears Rabb.it rolled out their new update but it's missing lots of things the old system had.  They should have waited until all the features were ready.

    I'm not sure what you mean by "start some video somewhere."

    When I get home tonight I'll take some screenshots of what I mean because I have it set up with two of my friends now so we can all stream Jessica Jones together and it's been working pretty seamlessly (besides the noticeable lags that Cameron also pointed out).

  9. 10 hours ago, gigi-tastic said:

    Not really on topic but if you guys would like to know about an actual person who was from a noble family I would really encourage you to look up Dido Elizabeth Belle. She was the daughter of a slave and Sir John Lindsey. What's fascinating about her is that by all accounts she was brought to England and raised by his uncle William Murray the first Earl of  Mansfield very similarly to that of her white cousin Lady Elizabeth Murry who he was also raising with his wife. This is fascinating because that just wasn't done back then. By all accounts (tragically few sadly) Dido was treated as a regular member of the family (as she obviously should be) the only time there was ever a difference being when guests were there which must have been awkward because she was sort of an open secret. 

    there's a really famous painting of both Dido and Elizabeth together that is known because of the fact Dido is treated as a person and not an object. 699px-Dido_Elizabeth_Belle.jpg

    It was unheard of for a person of color to be so present and engaging with  the viewer.  The fact she's even the same size as Elizabeth is significant. This painting is so fascinating it inspired a (pretty good imo as a fan of historical tv/movie nerd) movie Belle. 

    There's a really good movie about her called "Belle" staring Gugu M'batha Raw. The whole movie leads up to the reveal of this painting because she's just going through this inner turmoil of not ever really feeling like she's respected as part of the family and she gives a great monologue about how all paintings featuring black people have them as servant children or hidden behind the white people. Then she sees this and she sees how she is standing side by side with her cousin and it's a really beautiful moment.

    • Like 2

  10. You have to create "groups" in order to have a completely private room with chosen friends I believe. It is totally weird how they have the whole thing set up now, but there's a spot somewhere (I'm not currently looking at it since I'm at work so I can't describe it better) that says go to groups that will take you to an all white page and then you can start a room there and put whoever you want into that private group. If you do "watch and explore" from the main page then that is public only.

    • Like 1

  11. On 3/1/2019 at 5:18 PM, Cameron H. said:

    I love Simon & Garfunkel too! Do you have a favorite song?

    I love “Leaves that are Green”

    Definitely "The Only Living Boy in New York"


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  12. 3 hours ago, sycasey 2.0 said:

    What was interesting for me is that I kind of expected to have this reaction (the movie was great in its time, doesn't hold up as well), but after watching it again this week, instead I thought: "Holy crap, this is great!" I'm not sure if you revisited it again recently, but I'd be curious of your take.

    I found myself liking the movie more than expected, because this time I could also see how the film was being critical of Benjamin as much as anyone, and actually WAS fairly conscious of the societal issues that still plague us. This time I left with more of a feeling that The Graduate is evergreen. Individual people might fall in and out of favor with it, but it won't stop being picked up and appreciated by new generations.

    You're probably right and I'm just too outside of my viewing of the movie to recall my true feelings about it. Just listening to the clips from the show definitely brought some feelings back, but I couldn't tell if that was the movie or my love for Simon & Garfunkel lol.

    • Like 1

  13. 1 minute ago, AlmostAGhost said:

    Yea really. I mean I knew the basics of like who Meghan and Harry are, but even in this very very cursory Google searching I've done, everything around the Royal Family is just crazy.  I might now watch The Crown haha

    Oh I looove The Crown. Definitely will paint a new light on Prince Philip for you that's for sure lol. I'm not sure how much is true in that series either, because right before I had started watching that I watched this doc special for the Queen's 90th birthday and it definitely didn't paint Prince Philip to be such a douchebag in his younger days as the show did, but there's also no way in hell I could see The Crown putting something on screen without Elizabeth's approval.

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  14. OH OH! AND KRYSTEN RITTER OF COURSE! I mentioned that before but I'm still over the moon excited for her and Adam and I am shocked that not more places are like omg she revealed she's pregnant on the red carpet of the Oscars! But I guess that's what happens when you're surrounded by literally every other hella famous person in the world for the night lol.

    • Like 1

  15. 24 minutes ago, AlmostAGhost said:

    Wow they really just can't let sleeping dogs lie, can they?

    They've been pulling this shit on Meghan since they got engaged and it's so fucking obvious they just want their time in the spotlight and will do anything for it. Meghan has no real relationship with these people and anything beyond that is on them.

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  16. Shallow was definitely a big highlight of the night! I also loved that Melissa McCarthy and Brian Tyree Henry presented the costume award decked out in exaggerated versions of what was nominated. Made everyone at the party I was at laugh hysterically. Plus seeing Ruth Carter in her own royal gloriousness win and walk up with that hell of a dress was a good cherry on that moment.

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  17. That was a really great conversation that I've read between all of y'all. I honestly don't have anything else to add (yet lol) because I feel like Cameron and Grudlian really captured my feelings exactly.

    I forgot that I wanted to mention that I haven't seen this movie in quite some time, definitely it was before the Me Too movement started, and at the time I loooved this movie. Legit understood the hype and why it was one of the most talked about, and most quoted movies of our time, but now thinking back on it I really don't think this holds up as well under a new societal light. Even when I loved it at the time (genuinely think I saw this in college and it's already been 8 years since then) I can't say that I really thought about it much at all after about a year out from seeing it. It's one of those movies that I think you see and may fall in love with and then just like Elaine and Ben in the back of that bus you kinda lose that excitement and stop smiling about it.

    Originally I voted that this shouldn't be on the list, just because I think there are now better movies that can cover similar topics while also making better and more clear statements about the main protagonist, but I'm kind of waffling on that gut reaction. I do still like this movie, but I also know that I don't have the same feelings about it as I did when I was younger.

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  18. 12 minutes ago, AlmostAGhost said:

    Right, and that's why I like the ending the best out of anything. I know why she went with him, to escape. My question still goes back to "why Ben?" because she can run out on that wedding without him too, no?  She still does, even momentarily, choose him.  I'm sure she'll run out as soon as that bus hits the next stop sign. But I'm not sure if it's enough for me here, that's what I'm struggling with.

    I think up until that moment she would've been fine doing whatever it was her parents told her to do, despite that not being what she wanted. It could've been literally any man banging on that window for her to stop and she would've run off with them.

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  19. Just now, Cameron H. said:

    Ding ding ding! 100%!!!

    She’s being forced BY HER PARENTS to marry the “make out king” to keep her away from Ben. She doesn’t love Ben at all. She runs away from Ben to reassert control over her life.

    I find it so funny that never once does anyone ever ask Elaine what she wants. Her parents force her into this relationship to keep her away from Ben as if Ben gets final say on ending up with Elaine in the first place. If I were her parents I would've been like, "Hey this dude is expressing interest in marrying you, are you cool with that? No? Oh okay then carry on with your life and we'll call the police if he ends up stalking you all the way to your college campus."

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