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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. It's amazing how often I want to make them either an animal or a food item. I'm better than this!
  2. You can be "Cray-cray Tay-Tay" I see you as the GBK version of that garbage lady in Labyrinth.
  3. Ooh, I like that better! I'm trying to come up for one for Colleen and I keep running into "Colleen Wang." Stop it brain! These cards are for children, damn it!
  4. What about... Frankfurter Castle - He's a raging GPK hot dog that shoots condiments at people (Kind of like the Condiment King) or Patsy "Walker" - an elderly GPK proficient in Krav Maga that fights "crime" by thrusting the tennis balls on the bottom of her walker at the hooligans on her lawn
  5. Considering this is the official Defenders/GPK thread, how about: Fluke CAGE - a GPK depicting the Hero of Harlem as a parasitic flatworm IRON cyst - a mystical and mopey GPK covered in hundreds of ruptured, glowing cysts
  6. ^ Nope. Nailed it in one.
  7. And you're TOM Stanks. I see yours as a skunk baby who lives in a garbage dump.
  8. I'm sorry to hear that. You have my condolences.
  9. That's what you get for having such a sweet, sweet Internet butt.
  10. I also concur about The Shining. It's a fine movie, but not the best thing ever. I read the book before seeing movie and I was disappointed that it wasn't closer to the source material.
  11. Everyone really should listen if only to hear Quasar's dulcet tones!
  12. Forum Game! What's your GPK name (and describe the card)? Candied CAMERON - my GPK with a head like a candy apple with a bite taken out of it. (Of course, a worm will be coming out of the bite.) It should also look like I'm chewing as if I somehow took a bite out of my own head. Cl-ass-y CAM - my GPK getting out of a limo drunk and smoking cigarettes while paparazzi take photos. My sequined dress is too short and you can tell I'm not wearing any underwear. Chthonic CAM - my GPK as a gigantic, hooded Elder God with tentacles for a mouth. As lightning crackles behind me, I'm throwing enormous 12 sided dice at other GPK's that have been driven to madness from gazing upon my unholy visage.
  13. I wish the end credits scene was Finn Jones apologizing for anything he did with his mouth during the whole show - kissing, eat dumplings, speaking... Also, the writers apologizing for (REAL SPOILER AHEAD)
  14. Shoved in his mouth with his poor chopsticks game.
  15. Quick poll: What's grossest? A. Colleen kissing Danny B. Danny eating a dumpling C. The Garbage Pail Kids
  16. Congratulations, again! I know you're going to excel there! Don't worry about us, we'll be here whenever you get a chance to pop in.
  17. These are still spoilers for the end of The Defenders...
  18. For real Defenders Spoiler below! Open at your own risk!
  19. Out of all of them, her delivery feels the most natural
  20. This isn't a criticism of Ritter, but I felt like the writers (on the Defenders) were trying to hard with her sometimes and it didn't always work. Like in her first scene with Trish every sentence out of her mouth is a quip just to tell the people (who didn't watch Jessica Jones) what a badass she is. Also, it's like they couldn't let audience figure it out for themselves that she had a drinking problem without 5 scenes in a row where it easy either implied or directly addressed. I just found it very heavy handed and obnoxious. Certainly it was a part of her show, but it felt like on this they had to dial it up to eleven. Just have her wake up in that bar, and that's it. They did a lot of great character work with her in her own show, and at least for the first episode, she just comes off as "cynical alcoholic." Then again, the only Defender I thought came off decently in that first episode was DD. But- we talked about this earlier - the show doesn't really get good until the characters are all together. It's just disappointing that it took three episodes for us to get there. Once they're together, everyone comes off much better.
  21. I have to agree. Everything is just so dire all the time. You can't even appreciate it when things are going well for the characters, because everything, even victory, is bleak and dark and rain-soaked. And when they do try to throw some humor in these shows, it doesn't really land. You get a couple of chuckles, but often it just seems forced.
  22. Should we just replace the Defenders' characters' names with characters from GPK? "I though it was awesome when Ali Gator ducked behind Foul Phil when...Juice and those bullies...started shooting up the place. And then Ali Gator's fist starts to glow and they both turn to the camera side-by-side. That was awesome! It looked just like the cover of a...trading card."