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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. I hope things have settled down for you. What I love is that MM's are a casual thing. If you've got other things going, you don't have to be pressured for missing one.
  2. Thank Heaven...for finite running times. We watched:
  3. No problem! I just read your post, and you make a lot of good points
  4. Re IF showrunner - Maybe. I guess we'll see since they got a new show runner for Season 2. ;)/> I'm not trying to say Jones is solely responsible, but I don't think he's got a good handle on the character, either. (Or able to get into a lotus position without looking like he's struggling).
  5. Oh, yeah...and Garbage Pail Kids was gross
  6. @Ryan Squirrel Girl is happening! Granted, she'll be a part of the New Warriors, but still... http://www.cbr.com/marvel-new-warriors-tv-cast/ Moon Knight goes up against Taskmaster in one of the first arcs of Huston's run. I love his rational for not wanting to fight MK
  7. @Taylor - I think my biggest issue with Danny is Finn Jones is bound and determined to make him just another angsty, raspy-voiced superhero - which tells me that he doesn't get Iron Fist at all. Also, it throws off the whole dynamic. Matt is our raspy, angsty hero, we don't need two. Luke is the cool-headed voice of reason, Jessica is the cynic, so to complete that group, Danny has to be the goofy, innocent. There are times he gets close, but he can't sustain it. As weird as this might sound, I think Jones' problem is sustaining an American accent. It seems like the only way he can do it is by doing "Batman" voice and that is informing his character. Trust me, as a fan of comics Danny, I'm no fan of Jones' Danny.
  8. Yes! Yes! (That was the run I was referring too!) Yes! Yes!
  9. First of all: YES! Moon Knight was the first thing I picked up when I first came back to comics years ago. I back your pitch 100%. Secondly: James Gunn has shown a lot of interest in doing something with Moon Knight. I don't know how I feel about that. On the one hand, I just want Moon Knight, but as much as I like him, I'm just not sure if Gunn is the one to do it.
  10. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays - Week 18 - Gigi

    I'd hang out with your parents...
  11. Oh, I meant more in terms of a movie movie, not something on Netflix or television. As it stands, you could already do a "true" Defenders movie (more like the comics) since you have Dr. Strange, Hulk, and Valkyrie in place. You'd just have to add Hawkeye, Black Widow, or anyone else from that list (not owned by Fox) and have a Cinematic Defenders movie.
  12. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays - Week 18 - Gigi

    ...and I forgot to answer the rest of the question. First of all, confirmed, my mother's favorite movie is Gone With the Wind. I'm not sure if I like it. I've only seen it beginning to end once, and I remember thinking it was okay, but it's been awhile so I'm not sure. I asked my father what his favorite movie was and he couldn't give me one. Eventually, I cajoled a "maybe" with National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation out of him - although not with too much conviction. As for that one, I like it more for the memories of hearing my dad crack up to it and as a Christmas tradition than an actual movie. What about you, Cam?
  13. Tan was charming, funny, and sexy af. Plus, he can actually, you know, fight. Whatever, dawg.
  14. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays - Week 18 - Gigi

    I definitely will! Thanks, Dan!
  15. I totally agree, but I'm guessing that wasn't as marketable - not as punchy. It sucks, though, since now we'll never get a "true" Defenders movie. Even if you can't get Surfer or Namor because of rights issues (although I think Namor is theirs again), you could have easily put in Ghost Rider, Valkyrie, or just about anyone on this list.
  16. Elektra - I was Tweeting Marc Bernardin that I thought Lewis Tan or Eka Darville would have been great as Iron Fist and some joker replied: "Really what acting ability has Lewis Tan shown anywhere gives you an inkling he would have been good? His scene was the worst of the series"
  17. Great review, Elektra - as always
  18. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays - Week 18 - Gigi

    I want to say my mother's favorite movie is Gone With the Wind, at least, it was at some point. I'm not sure what my father's favorite movie is. Neither of them ever really watched movies with me growing up. The only movie I have any memory of watching with my father is Last Crusade - which I know he loved.
  19. Oh, lord! I was making fun of her "breathe-talking" yesterday and nearly passed out - lol. She doesn't speak like that in real life, why would she make that choice?
  20. As an IF (comics) fan, I think Jones comes off better in this than in his own show - but he's still far from perfect. Like, if you listen to his dialogue, you can tell he's supposed to be almost a comedic character, but he just can't pull it off. A good example is when Claire brings LC and IF together to talk. Coleen starts telling his story and it's the classic, "I can speak for myself, but but I end up repeating word-for-word what you just said" gag, but coming from Jones there's absolutely no humor or charm in it. It just comes out angsty and sounds like he's shutting his girlfriend up. But once you get him in Ninja Restaurant, he loosens up a bit. I also loved him and Luke together. There's a shot of them side-by-side when they were fighting that made me very happy. I'd love to see them in a Heroes for Hire show. All I want, since we're stuck with him, is for Jones to lighten the fuck up. Everyone else is great, though
  21. I did the same thing as,Tom (clicked the Spoiler). I'm also only 1 1/2 episodes in and haven't been too impressed. I found the first episode to be terribly done. So far, the second is a bit of an improvement. I'm glad to hear it gets better! ETA: Finn Jones is the worst! IF is problematic as it is, Jones doesn't help - at all!
  22. Would you call them "altogether ooky?" P.S The Defenders came out today... P.P.S. How are you today, Elektra?
  23. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays - Week 18 - Gigi

    I asked my father about his mother's fondness of Gigi, but no luck. "She must have liked it, I guess." The Mystery of Guga continues...
  24. Don't you mean the inside "poop?"