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Cameron H.

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Posts posted by Cameron H.

  1. Gosh, Cameron now who's the kiss ass?






    As always, Taylor Anne, you've shone the radiant light of truth upon my shortcomings as only a True Friend can. Over the years, I have come to respect (and expect) your forthright honesty delivered with a sly wit and good-natured humor. I just want to thank you for helping me be a better man and not letting me be devoured by my baser instincts.


    My heart is ever warmed by your kindness of heart and generosity of spirit.


    So, from me to you, the sincerest and humblest of Thanks.


    Thank you, Taylor Anne!


    May your days forever be filled with songs of joy


    Cameron H

    • Like 4

  2. Ignoring my dumb joke post above, I just wanted to say to Paul and the Gang* that this is beyond generous! I've been a Howl subscriber from the day that it was announced, mostly as a show of ongoing support for a podacst that I really do enjoy and for the people behind the scenes that don't get nearly enough credit for making it happen.


    And despite the fact that I have been, and will continue to be, a subscriber of Howl, I just wanted to extend my thanks to Paul, June, and Jason for everything they do for their fans. Sincerely--thank you! Sometimes, I really don't think we deserve your goodwill.


    Cameron H



    *Every time I write that I feel like they should be driving around the country solving mysteries with a giant talking dog or something.

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    I thought they meant the Paramount list, but maybe they mean this list that - so far as I can tell - they've only posted to their Facebook group:




    There are so many channels of communication going, it's damn near impossible for people to keep up, and it's really frustrating. If only they had an official forum of some kind where they could centralize communications rather than having to check Twitter, email, Facebook groups, or Facebook events for updates.


    Also, if this second show is at Ritz, this is right back to the Stateside problem. Actually, it's worse because Stateside seats 298 and Alamo Ritz seats 175 (for comparison, Paramount seats 1,275), so good fucking luck everyone.


    I think they put that mailing list up on Twitter as well. I signed up for it.



    I haven't received any emails.


    • Like 2

  4. Hey Cam, I just looked and there are still a few seats left.


    Thanks, Auden!


    Great News! My wife has given me permission to go!




    I am just trying to figure out the logistics as to whether or not I actually can. Since I would be going out by myself, I would have to coordinate with my mother-in-law to fly down that weekend and see if she would be willing to help out with the kids. So, I have to first make sure that works for her.


    My only other issue is with the seating, assuming there's even anything left by the time I do all of the above, all that appears to be left currently is a bunch of "partial view" or "nose bleed" seats. So while I would love to fly out there and meet you all (and watch the show of course) do I really want to pay for round trip tickets for both my mother-in-law and myself, plus accommodations in Austin, for not-so-great seats?


    But all this is moot if I can't get my MiL on board...We'll see! I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

    • Like 5


    Poor Cameron H, Music to go along with that picture as he takes the long walk home.



    and on that note, welcome to my world, because they are never coming to Edmonton, let alone Calgary.


    I'm not from Texas. I was hoping to maybe fly out there--kind of a birthday gift to myself. If I were ever able to make it to a show, I'd rather it be in Texas simply because so many of the forum folk live out that way. Oh well.. I hope you guys get the opportunity to do a live C&O! If anyone deserves to do so, it's you guys!

    • Like 1

  6. Later, the same thing happens when Elton John appears as The Pinball Wizard (wait WHAT? isn't TOMMY the pinball wizard? Or is whoever wears that toque with a ball on it the PW?)


    Tommy ascends to Pinball Wizard by beating Elton. I read recently, can't remember where, that the song Pinball Wizrd song was kind of a throw away song that Pete (Boo!) Townsend wrote at the last second begrudgingly. Kind of funny when you consider how much of the "story" hinges on it...


    Also, it's notable that director Ken Russell has an uncredited role as 'Cripple'. Ten bucks to the first person who finds Ken in the Tommy's Camp scene.


    Oh, might it have been the not-at-all-offensive portrayal of the guy in front?

    • Like 1

  7. Maybe I wasn't watching carefully enough but I figured that the 'strip club' was the old 'rite-of-passage' cliche of an older man taking a younger man to lose his virginity, but in this case he sent him in to the Acid Queen. I associated this with a brothel setting, but I was likely just not listening carefully. The impression I got was that this was a place that Frank felt comfortable, though, and he seemed like the kind of man who would have his home life and his brothel life in balance...


    That's pretty much exactly what's happening. Per the lyrics (minus the ones added for the sake of the movie)



    If your child ain't all he should be now

    This girl will put him right

    I'll show you what he could be now

    Just give me one night, one night


    I'm the gypsy, the acid queen

    Pay before we start

    I'm the gypsy, I'm guaranteed

    I'll tear your soul apart


    Give us a room and close the door

    Leave us for a while

    Your boy won't be a boy no more

    Young but not a child


    Gather your wits and hold on fast

    Your mind must learn to roam

    Just as the gypsy queen must do

    You're gonna hit the road


    My work is done now look at him

    He's never been more alive

    His head, it shakes, his fingers clutch

    Watch his body writhe


    If your child ain't all he should be now

    This girl will put him right

    I'll show you what he could be now

    Just give me one night, one night



    On another topic, what was the deal with Jack Nicholson's doctor. He tells them he's run all these tests and that, to all outward appearance Tommy seems to be fine, but as he's saying it he's eyebrow hitting on Tommy's mom. Like, what was that about? It never gets brought up again. There's no fallout. We never see her cheat on Frank or anything. And he basically disappears.


    Was that an actor choice or is there some greater significance that I'm missing?

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    Like we have Frank who is running a camp. Then after Tommy's grown up he now runs a strip club? Or was he just hanging out there. Tommy was working there, so if Frank doesn't work there is he there for Tommy? What happened to his camp? Is this what he does in the off months? In addition to all this I felt that Ann Margret's character felt guilty for causing her son's psychosomatic state, and Oliver Reed was resentful for him for this fact. I mean this makes sense as to why he seemingly doesn't care about Tommy's well being as he gets older. However, did Tommy's state lead to him giving up the camp or something? I just felt like there was a song or a brief bit of dialogue needed to cover this large leap in time and change in characters.


    I could be wrong, but doesn't the camp get converted into Tommy's Happy Hippie Commune for the Morrally Corrupt? Also, I don't think either of them work at the strip club--although I wouldn't be at all surprised to discover that Frank was a frequent visitor. I think Frank brings him there to get his senses fucked back into him. He's just a skeevy dude with skeevy solutions to his problems resulting from his skeevy actions.


    On another note, there was a shot of a sunrise in Highlander 2 and my mind immediately started singing, "Listening to you, I get the music..."


    Thanks for sharing this with us, Tom... ;)

    • Like 3

  9. I know we all hate Pete Townsend now, but I just wanted to post the trailer to Quadrophenia. Personally, I've always liked the songs on Quadrophenia more, and watching the trailer, it looks like the movie is more of a straight ahead Musical.




    I'm not saying that we should do it (I'm not saying we shouldn't do it either) I just thought the juxtaposition of the two was pretty interesting.

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    No at this point you can forget my picks I would like some time to pick a good one. but if anyone likes my suggestions please by all means. I don't want to be that guy who made you all watch phantom of the paradise or clambake. Kind of a bit bipolar on the subject. God I wish we could have a polling system..


    I would have no problem watching either of those.

    • Like 1

  11. Hey, you know who's not the worst?


    Cameron H.!


    I'm just posting this publicly to express my appreciation for Cameron and the excellent feedback he's given me on the new play I'm writing. I've also thanked him by email, but I feel like I want the community to be aware that his generosity and support isn't limited to the forum. Thanks, Cameron H.!




    My pleasure!

    • Like 1


    Question: how many of you non-Texas types know this song/band? I'm kind of curious because they were a HUGE deal here in the mid-to-late-90s. Most of the singles off of Rubberneck are still staples of rock stations in Texas (at least, they are in D/FW and Austin). They were big draws for Edgefest in D/FW and Buzzfest in Houston, but most of their touring was either as openers for 90s bands like RHCP and Bush. Or when they headlined, they usually played with other Texas bands like The Reverend Horton Heat.


    So, basically, I just wonder how big they were outside of Texas because they were a big fuckin' deal here.


    Not huge, but well-known down in Florida. I'm not sure if I could name another song though without looking it up (I won't)


    "Mungo City?" Is that a real song?

    • Like 2

  13. I'm definitely interested in participating, I am just afraid my lack of musical knowledge might interfere with my choices? Would the group be offended if I picked a classic that I just have never seen? Like a Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers musical or even something I love that is legitimately insane like Jesus Christ Superstar (that movie is fantastic)?


    That's fantastic! I'll write you in after Cam Bert.


    As far as choices goes, whatever you want. This is a judgement free zone. And while I can only speak for myself, I want to watch as many different things as possible whether they be good, bad, crazy, obscure, or whatever. Shoot, I almost picked Hope, Crosby, and Lamour's Road to Bali as my first pick, but mainly because I wanted to hear Cakebug Tranch's reaction to the Australian accents...

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