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Cameron H.

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Posts posted by Cameron H.

  1. can we please do Clambake at some point in time?

    best worst elvis movie. Told to me by a REAL! las Vargas Elvis impersonator who was dating my sister at some point in time or another, His name was gary and that is a long story to tell. In memory of my sister please! the one that got away. she was runaway bride. I'm not joking here.! I love my sister, wish she was here with me right now, you would think that was the worst of times for-sure. but you would be wrong!. she found a

    ! and that dentist caused her to lose her life with his carelessness and wilful neglect. sad part is that is so true.



    Fuck it! can we please do Little Shop of Horrors!


    Hey man, if you want to make requests you've got to put a ring on it....




    After Tom we have Taylor's pick. Cakebug is after that. If you want, you can join in the rotation after that...we'll watch anything you want to recommend. This isn't HDTGM where all you have are pipe dreams that they'll eventually get to one of "your" movies. We get shit done around here. Everyone leaves satisfied!

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    Pretty tough for me to argue with anything you've said here - all logical, all well reasoned. At the time of watching I had no real issue with the ending even if it felt like the greatest of leaps to go from 'moderately successful gig where we burned our bridges at the school' to 'let's emigrate without a clue'. I liked the youthful hope, the naivety that an idea like that could actually work. As someone who emigrated as a young adult without much thought about what that would mean I can identify with it, absolutely. I also appreciate that the filmmaker isn't making this into some kind of 'true love prevails' story, and suggesting that it'll all turn out well in the end. I really did love the movie - taking a minute to think it over again today my memory has been that of all of the brilliant strengths of the film - the relationship between Conor and Eamon, the band recruitment, even the salvation of Barry and the self-immolating takedown of the Christian Brother - the root to the whole thing was 'i want to impress that girl.' Raphina says late in the film that the older boyfriend only told her all this stuff about modelling and took her into town on their way to London in order to get her into bed, but surely that's part of the reason Conor starts the band in the first place too? Looks before he leaps in terms of saying he has a band, lies to her incessantly, then makes it all work?


    I'm arguing here against a film I loved: maybe I should stop before I start trying to pick holes in it. I think i need a second viewing, to wash 'Tommy' out of my brain.


    Oh! I agree. Conner isn't exactly an innocent. Everyone has an ulterior motive--not that that's a totally bad thing.


    I also agree that you should totally watch it again to purge Tommy from your brain. And get the soundtrack...like me.

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  3. So, aside from keeping up with HDTGM movies and Musical Mondays, because I'm crazy, every Sunday night my family is also going through Disney's Animated Filmography in as close to chronological order as their "Vault" will allow. Tonight we watched Pinocchio.


    Ho-Lee Shit!


    Do you guys realize that there is a whole herd of little boys that are turned into donkeys, and subsequently carted off to the Salt Mines and other terrible places, and the movie never resolves this!!!

    • Like 7

  4. The romantic gesture of the crossing, of them running away together, was the inevitable crowd-pleasing ending, but aside from inspiring Brendan, it only set up an almost certainly terrible future for them both. I know this is missing the point of the happy-sad ending, but the more I think about it the more it bugs me.


    This is one of the reasons I like this movie so much though. The truth of the matter is that she isn't really a model and all he has under his belt is one live performance and a couple of demo tapes--which I don't believe are as polished as the movie would have us believe. We only see them being awesome, because they feel like they are awesome (e.g. "Drive it Like You Stole It" scene). His brother even tells him about one of the music videos something like, "No, it's not great, but it's something you can build off from." And that is, to me, what this movie is about. There isn't a promise of a better life in London for either our heroes or any of the people on the ferry, just the hope of a better life.


    I think this is illustrated in a beautiful visual metaphor in the last few shots. As they race across the water the water gets rough, the rain begins to pour. Their laughter fads. The crossing will not be easy--if they can make it at all. Suddenly, the ferry appears, nearly crashing into them. However, this near disaster becomes a beacon of hope they can follow it all the way to England.


    She leads him on a bit, keeps seeing the other fella, is given little agency aside from being beautiful, and then the grand romantic gesture for this kid who's devoted his entire musical career to the idea of her is to show up for the last minute of the last song and run off in a boat. Hm.


    I'm afraid I have to disagree with you here as well. In terms of "agency" I think she has just as much as anyone in the movie. Just because she doesn't always make the best decisions doesn't mean that they aren't her own. More so than any other character in the movie, her future looks pretty bleak. Sure, she leads Conner on, but I feel like she was using the other guy she was seeing just as much as he was using her. Had Conner presented a better prospect, she would have jumped ship in a heartbeat. At this point in the movie, there isn't a romance at all. She doesn't love either of them, although she kind of "likes" Conner. However, she know that liking him isn't going to get her out of her current situation. It's when her pragmatism starts to falter (specifically when she jumps into the water despite not knowing how to swim for the sake of, I believe she says, "our art") that the romance tentatively begins. Something in Conner makes her want to believe in a better future, but the cynicism that has calcified within over the past seventeen years of endless bullshit won't allow her, at that moment, to abandon what appears to be a legitimate way out. To me, as opposed to two people falling into each other's arms, their relationship is just as complex as any real relationship and reinforces that love (whether true or not) isn't without its hurdles and without its imperfections.

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    Eh I didn't feel a connection between the actors like at all, or at least on her side. Like I believed that he was very much infatuated with her, but I didn't feel anything from her and that just kinda made me sad. So the whole time they're showing them together I just didn't buy it. And it's a huge chunk of the movie. I noticed I started checking out every time they were on screen together just waiting for the more interesting parts to happen again.


    Like, I get that, but I feel like that was kind of the point. She was his muse, and usually, a muse is someone unattainable, and that's because real life can too often shatter the perception of perfection. He even brings it up at some point when he's explaining one of his lyrics. He says something like, "Before you get to know someone, they can be anything. Getting to know them them ruins that illusion because you realize that they are just people with their own problems."


    I like her journey as someone who is closed off, but eventually allows him in as being quite genuine. I also appreciate how he grows from "she's perfect," to "ugh-she's not perfect," to "she's not perfect, but I love her anyway." The way I read it, the movie essentially saying that to have a muse is pretty selfish because it confines the person of your affection into an unreasonable mold.

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  6. Here's what I loved


    I loved the band, I loved the relationship he had with his brother, I loved seeing the sister take a totally different approach to getting the fuck out of that situation, I loved seeing how being Irish Catholic fucked them up so bad


    Here's what ruined a lot of that for me


    That fuckin' romance. Did not care for it at all.


    What was wrong with the romance?

  7. Well my dad used to sing "Stand by Me" to me a lot but I really don't have many memories of that so idk if it counts.


    No, the answer I was looking for was "Possum Kingdom." I mean, I'm sure I heard hundreds of songs before "Karma Chameleon," that's just the first song I have any memory of knowing. I was basically just wondering, why this specific song? What was it that made my tiny brain say, "This memory is a keeper?"

    • Like 3

  8. ETA: Why are you jealous of a movie??


    It's the kind of thing I wish I had written. It's just so full of joy without being saccharine or schmaltzy.


    It meant a lot to me as a father with two boys (the "happy-sad" ending totally made me cry), as a teenager who was more interested in reading and writing than football, and as a kid who started a band with other like-minded individuals. I'm also a sucker for, "The World-Be-Damned, I'm doing this," underdog stories.


    I thought Sing Street was just okay


    I abjure thee, Lucifer!



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  9. So, after watching the movie Tommy yesterday morning I felt the need to cleanse my palate a bit and listen to the actual album while I was doing the dishes. My wife walked just as "Pinball Wizard" was starting and said with a smile, "That's the first song I ever remember hearing!"


    I thought that was an interesting little bit of trivia. I'm not sure if it really gives any insight into a one's personality or not, but I thought I'd ask the question: what is the first song you remember hearing? This has nothing to do with whether or not you like the song, just when you think back, what was first song that made an impact?


    Mine was...


    • Like 3

  10. In keeping with my Duty Before Self characters, my favorite X-Person was always Cyclops. He was always so... sad to me, but always trying to be the Good Guy. Like, he just wanted to be a combination of Captain America and Professor X, but he could never be either. All he wanted was to achieve the dream of Charles Xavier, of achieving peace between humans and mutants, but his only tool to achieve that peace of fucking LASER VISION?!?! Not helpful. No weather control, no mental powers, just laser vision; the tool of a soldier. He's destined for failure but never let that stop him.


    And then Wolverine, for a whole host of reasons. I love both of those Best Frenemies.



    I just can't forgive the amount of times Cyclops misses his target considering all he has to do is look at it.


    He has also suffered a ton of Editorially mandated character assassination. However, over the past year or so, I've been reading basically everything from Giant Sized on, and before the whole Madelyne Pryor stuff, he was pretty rad.


    Oh, and if i were able to extend my pick beyond X-men to all X characters, I think my number one might be Madrox (written by Peter David, of course)



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  11. I managed 25 minutes on my first sitting and then my wife breezed through and told me what was coming up for Tommy and his uncle and if I was interested in watching the rest she'd watch something else downstairs. So, I paused rather than abandon her and I'll return to it later. It's pretty... um... something... so far?


    Oliver Reed singing. Oh boy. I'll watch the rest soon, promise!


    You two should have went ahead and watched Hedwig :)

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    I can't remember a time in my life when I've been able to have this sort of conversation about TMNT. I am taking it while I can.



    See also: Years as a child giving up on TMNT fans because the neighborhood boys would always force me to pretend to be April and I wanted to be a turtle. It cuts deep.




    Awww...you can be Donatello if you want. :). You can all be Donatello!


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  13. Sorry Cameron, I just can't see the point of Leo. He's such a buzzkill.


    *splutter, splutter*


    *righteous indignation*


    Can't see the point--?!?


    Can you see the point of having a compassionate leader who is self-disciplined and cool under pressure? A masterful tactician and strategist? Donatello might be able to build shit like he's the Professor on Gilligan's Island, but Leonardo is the one who knows how to deploy that shit. He's effective. He's a teenager who's had responsibility thrust upon him far too early in life. You know what that gives him? Depth of character. What does Donatello have beyond a limp stick and a computer?


    So, yeah. I guess, I'm sorry. I'm sorry he's a "wet blanket." That while Raph is being "rude," Mikey is being "a party dude," and Donatello "does" his machines, Leo is in the dojo, every day, working out. Because when it comes down to it, and The Shredder comes a-callin', he's going to be the one who's going to keep the other three chuckledicks alive.


    Also, my beautiful wife says that Donatello makes her "nauseous."




    And my seven year old likes Raph because he's a jerk. (Raph, not Cormac)


    My son's favorite is Raph as well. I think it's because kids are assholes.

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