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Cameron H.

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Posts posted by Cameron H.

  1. Well, since I still want people to play my game...


    Bold Claim (Or at least Bold Intention)


    Inner Circle's "Sweat (A La La La La Long)"


    Girl, I want to make you sweat, sweat til you can't sweat no more


    Whoa, whoa, whoa...


    First of all, you don't make those kind of claims unless you can back that shit up, and seriously Inner Circle, I sincerely doubt that you've got that kind of stamina. Secondly, and more importantly, if you can do that, I hope you're prepared to deal with your lover's severe dehydration. Are you going to be able to attend her needs when she's suffering from "dizziness," "palpitations," and "decreased urine output?" If you don't have some Gatorade by the bedside table to replenish some of her electrolytes, I'd say you're a goddamn monster!


    Take that early 90's reggae fusion band Inner Circle!



    • Like 3

  2. I don't know about the rest of you, but I really don't have much more to say about Escape from LA--except for maybe Snake's absolute inability to thank anyone who helps him. I mean, I imagine manners are the first thing to go at the end of the world, but just because you live in a dystopia doesn't mean you have to act like it.


    Anyway, since it's Wednesday and all, I thought we could play a little game. It's called BOLD CLAIMS. Basically, what I'm looking for are ridiculous pop culture brags. For example, the first line from the Bee Gees' song, "Stayin' Alive:"


    Well, you can tell by the by the way I use my walk

    I'm a woman's man: no time to talk


    Let's really look at this for a moment...


    You're walking down the street and you see Barry Gibb strutting past you. You politely nod and say, "Hey, Barry! How's it going?" And this motherfucker strides right by, and over his shoulder calls back at you, "No time for pleasantries, mate...You know, on account of all the fucking I have planned today."


    Barry Gibb is saying this to you. This man:




    Handsome? Sure. But so tied up in sex he can't say "Hello?" I don't think so.

    • Like 4

  3. So, fiddling around on letterboxd I came across these horrific reviews for this apparently terrible movie:




    Nick Swardson and TJ Miller go to hell. Dick jokes ensue.


    And then I went to YouTube to find the trailer for this thing, which I watched, here.



    And then, on autoplay, the new YouTube clip queued up, which was... the entire movie. What?



    Psst...Paul is in this.

    • Like 2


    I just joined letterboxd too. I have no idea what's going on but I'm just blindly clicking on things I've seen and it seems to be going well. My username is shaksper (for some reason I didn't use that when i started posting here) so feel free to add me. I've added Jammerlea but have no way of finding anyone else since I don't know your usernames and am too busy blindly clicking to look them up!



    And...now I'm following you!




    Soon, very soon indeed, the cup of my Letterboxd followers shall runneth over! And as I gather these souls friends, so too shall my power increase! People will one day look upon my Letterboxd account, take inventory of their dirty, dystopian lives, and despair. "This! This is where it began!" they shall whisper in the shadows. And me--always the benevolent ruler--shall look down upon you all with paternal indulgence and say, "Yes, my children. This is where it began...Now, have you watch Rockula as I have commanded."

    • Like 2

  5. On that topic, for those of you with letterboxd accounts... do you include movies you know you watched when you were younger, even if you don't remember them?


    I just started my account, but I'm kind of with Taylor Anne. Like I KNOW I've seen The Aristocats, but I couldn't tell you anything about it.


    That being said, you're all more than welcome to follow my boring, boring account in which I write zero reviews and attempt the DLM challenge for 2017--which I will most likely fail spectacularly.

    • Like 3

  6. Here's a story about me and my wife just because I know Fister LOVES those...


    The first day my wife and I spent together we hung out at my college apartment listening to music, and it was our shared love of The Who--and to a lesser extent Bon Jovi*--that really brought us together. Anyway, that night we stayed up all night playing song after song. She was the first person I'd ever met that appreciated The Who as much as I did.


    That being said, at the time, she didn't really know what Tommy was about. I explained it to her, and since then, she has simply been unable to listen to it. In fact, when I told her that this was Tom's pick she specifically said, "I refuse! I R-E-F-U-S-E!" She fucking spelled at me guys...


    I think it might be over.


    Thanks, Tom... :(


    *"You Give Love a Bad Name" was blaring on my car speakers the first time she was in my car.

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