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Cameron H.

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Posts posted by Cameron H.

  1. Paul, I am so glad you are on the case of this VERY contentious issue. And by that I obviously mean that we shouldn't allow Hollywood filmmakers to hunt noble dinosaurs for sport.


    Especially after inflicting Kingdom of the Crystal Skull on us. I mean, come on.




    You guys are both WRONG! This is about population control. If we don't thin their numbers from time to time it would be an ecological disaster. Have you seen any dinosaurs lately? No? Well you can thank Mr. Spielberg for that. Also, Crystal Skull is a sweet movie and they should totally do another one--but without Indy. And it should be called Mutt Jones and the Fleece of Fortune. Also, Brendan Fraser should be in it.

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  2. Are the Taylor Ann shots a joke, because that seems super rude? Also, it's exactly what some of y'all have been doing with the whole "THEY SHED BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS FOR THIS PODCAST AND YOU WON'T GIVE THEM $5?!?!?!" so....


    My wife calls Taylor Anne my Internet wife. Taylor Anne, Fister, and I have been friends for years. We're just kidding. Trust me, she'll get me back when she can.


    I will always have Taylor Anne's back.

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    i just pity poor paul ... hope he didnt have to get up from his sick floor bed to deal with all this.




    i love june even more for posting this ...



    LOL--Poor Paul! Me and my two boys had it a couple of weeks ago. Fortunately, it passes pretty fast. Get well soon, Paul! You're the absolute bee's knees...


    and like you i still need to watch Escape from LA. i tried last night but thanks to the mini i ended up listening to feel good music till well after midnight. and i went off on another tangent today. john carpenter music ... am i going to be disappointed if i hope there is something like the assault on precinct 13 theme is escape from LA? .. probably right?


    God! That's another thing I'm annoyed at. I really tried my best to deflect the negativity yesterday, and I thought we had gotten through it. Ugh! If only...


    Here's another feel good song since it's starting to seem less and less likely that I'm going to watch this stupid movie:




    (Note: The song is only feel good if you don't think of a certain animal getting swallowed by a certain swamp...)

    • Like 5

  4. Now that the paywall debate is over, can we talk about what a kiss-ass taylor anne is?




    Paul: Hey, guys. Please talk about the movie, okay? I really don't want to deal with this bullshit. If you want to bitch, I guess go here...


    Taylor Anne: OMG! Mr Scheer! Mr Scheer! I usually don't get so flustered, but it's you! Y'know? You! I probably sound so stupid...Do I? You know what--don't answer that. It's just, like, Oh My God. I love you. I'm mean, I don't "Love" you...but I really like you a lot, it kind of seems like...real. I don't know. Like...we could just spoon on the couch and watch crappy movies together... nothing weird or anything. Totally platonic. And we could do some quality cuddling...'quaddling?' Argh...I'm such a flake. I guess, you do that to me. A bit. Anyway...I just want you to know, I think you're really, really, really great...and handsome.



    I love you Taylor Anne :)


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    Cameron, had you seen Escape From New York prior to this viewing? I've seen it a number of times but had never seen L.A. until a few months ago when I watched the first half hour, got tired and went to sleep, and it got taken off of Netflix before I got to finish it. From what I saw though, as Paul points out, it does appear to be the EXACT same movie; even down to the recorded speech by the kidnappers.


    No, I hadn't. So I watched New York Wednesday and tried to watch LA the next day. So, it was like watching the same movie twice in a row. And with everything still fresh in my mind I was just like, "They didn't even try to change the dialog? WTF?"


    I mean, I guess when I heard it was the "same movie" I thought it might be like an Evil Dead/ Evil Dead 2 situation. It was not.

    • Like 2

  6. There just seems to be so many people who are outraged that this is happening and people who are outraged at the outrage and then I'm over here like hey everyone has different opinions on the matter lol.


    To be fair, I'm less outraged than annoyed ;)


    It's like, I'm hearing all the same arguments that were made forever ago, some of which I even made myself at the time. I'm also annoyed that people keep acting like this is out of the blue when Earwolf gave people ample time to prepare. And I'm further annoyed that people feel the need to gripe at the Paul & Co when they a) probably had no say in the matter b ) might even agree, and c) probably don't care one way or the other. I think their fans are more precious of their back catalog than they will ever be.


    I'm just annoyed we are still even talking about this.


    I guess my problem is I've had the benefit of having come to terms with this so very, very long ago


    Let's all hug and discuss Escape from L.A. now!




    Unfortunately, I still haven't watched the movie so this is all I've got :) But I'll gladly shut up about it now.

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  7. My problem with this particular paywall is the same I always have. If I'm paying for Netflix,Amazon, HBO Go/Now,Showtime, Hulu, etc, am I going to want to add another sum for podcasts that used to be free? It's one thng to add it for something like the CBB livetours, or exclusive content, but to charge me to listen to the same thing I previously had access to seems excessive. And if the Howl app is anything like the woefully buggy See-So app, then I'm not really enthused about adding another expense.


    Here's my issue with this argument, though. As people have said (as I just said), these episodes are still available--for free--online. This isn't a question of, "I don't want to pay for something I used to get for free" the real issue is, "They are no longer for free in a place that's quite as convenient for me (...and I may now have to use my Data to stream it)."


    If you don't want Howl, don't get it. There are other ways of getting these episodes if you really want them.

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    I've definitely crankily complained about Howl before on Earwolf forums, so I won't pretend to be a white knight. But to me it is sad to see people so mad about the paywall. My reasons why if anyone cares:


    A) It IS cheap. You may not personally agree that it is cheap, but why in the arts are producers expected to let the consumer decide on their own whim what a fair price is for their work? Earwolf takes money to run, the hosts are barely paid and they're not exactly price gouging here to try to make some level of profit. Throwing them 5.00 a month that you can dip in and out of as you wish is a pretty low-cost way to support the company.


    B ) You can still listen to the newest episodes, and many others. So you may not be able to tell a friend to go listen to an episode from 3 years ago--is that really such a huge inconvenience? If you can't get them into the show via ANY of the episodes from the last 6 months, you can't actually get them into the show. I get that it's not OPTIMAL, but is it really that significant, or is just a point that can be latched onto?


    C)The surprise factor. Yeah, it kind of sucks there wasn't more warning this was about to actually happen. All of the deadlines and timelines with Howl have been blown; it's been a mess. But you were warned this was coming if you were listening to the Howl ads and announcements. And if you don't listen to the ads, how were they going to tell you? I had a ton of episodes saved months ago. If you don't, again I get that it's not ideal, but also maybe cut Earwolf a tiny bit of slack for giving you free stuff for years. They don't owe you much, if anything, and you probably owe them a little understanding.





    D) PS HDTGM probably has a lot of clout within Earwolf, so they probably will be able to dismantle the paywall system, and then Earwolf loses a major way to make any money. Hosts of less popular shows who don't have the income of these hosts may lose out. Seems sad to me.



    I'm agree with you on all points, including also bitching about this...back in 2015.


    A couple of quick FAQ's:


    "Cameron, I'm, like, a really giving person--a true altruist. I want to spread the Earwolf Gospel, but how can I do it if I can't share my very favoritist episodes."


    As many people have pointed out, a lot of these episodes can be found on You Tube. A place where you can make a play list that you can easily ask people to check out. (But, shhhh...don't tell Earwolf. I don't think they realize this "You Tube" exists....)


    "Well, I guess that is an option...I mean, I just want to support the company I love."


    Sure you do.


    "No, really."


    I get it.


    "It's just, why do they need more money? It's always been free before. And there are ads so it's not like they're not making money..."


    You're absolutely right. Success is a finite thing, and once one reaches a certain point, there's absolutely no point in trying to be even more successful. That's just being a greedy son of a bitch.


    "What I would have done is..."


    Let me just stop you there. It's not your call. It's done.


    "But if they actually wanted to make more money they should have..."


    Of course! Because they put ZERO thought into what would work for them. Maybe they know how to run their own company? Unless you own your own podcasting network, then I really don't think you know all the figures they're looking at. And even if you DO own a podcast network, their situation might be different from yours so any advice you have is probably completely invalid.


    "But...my butt hurts"


    I'm sorry. Need some ointment?


    "Nah. I think I'll just bitch at the hosts and be a pain in the ass."


    Great idea! Because we all know how fun and productive it is to be bitched at by customers when our boss makes an unpopular decision! I bet Paul and the gang are having a great time listening to all these complaints.


    "I just don't like it!"


    I don't particularly like it either, but I'm a fucking adult who understands that life isn't always fun or fair. Now let's direct our ire where it belongs..at this stupid movie that I have no desire to watch.

    • Like 6

  9. They announced that Howl was going to put archives behind a pay wall at some point in the future on Comedy Bang Bang in August 2015. All the Howl ads have mentioned it for over a year. I'm not sure how much more notice they could have given.


    Are you trying to tell me that a year and a half head's up and weekly reminders were adequate?!? That's bullshit! What they should have done is arrived at each and everyone's door with a full Power Point presentation and a batch of gourmet chocolate cookies explaining how this move benefits both the listener and the company.


    People shouldn't be punished for procrastinating and being bad listeners, Fister. That's ridiculous!

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  10. Guys, I made a HUUUUGE mistake.


    As much as I try to live my life by Paul's holy gospel, I flaunted his benevolent wisdom and went ahead and watched Escape from New York first. Goddamn it. I really hope no one else did this. By the time I finally got around to watching this movie it was nigh unwatchable. It was like watching a Xerox of a Xerox that had been smeared with garbage juice and the expressed fluid from a mangy skunk's anal glands. It actually would have probably been better to watch them in reverse order. And it was just so fucking boring listening to recycled dialog that I just kept nodding off. I'm going to try to watch it again later today, but I might have to take a pass on this one...

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    Yea, thanks fellow Cameron. I would differently be interested in that. As a former high school musical theater dweeb it is something right up my alley. Was the last film Hairspray and are we talking original or remake? Edited because I was thinking of Cry-Baby


    2007 version.


    Basically, we announce a new movie the Monday after a full HDTGM episode, and then discuss it the Monday after a muni--a plan that I'm sure will be flawless considering HDTGM is always so consistent with their releases :)


    No rules on quality of film (I.e. It doesn't have to be HDTGM worthy, but can be if you want it to).


    They can be animated, as long as we're not doing, like, fifty Disney movies in a row.


    The biggest rule is that the characters must sing. If there's any question about whether a movie qualifies or not, we'll discuss it as a group after it's announced.


    Movies are chosen on a rotating basis.


    It's all for fun, so there's no pressure. Participate as much as time and life allows. :) We are currently only two movies into this.


    It's 3 am where I am so I'm going to sleep now as I recognize that I am writing like a robot.. Let me know if you have any other questions.

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  12. Fister, I could not like that comment more.


    In-N-Out is traaaash compared to Whataburger.


    When I went to visit my cousin and his wife in SF last year we went to In-N-Out and just complained about how it wasn't Whataburger the whole time lol.


    Wow. You sound delightful...





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    I didn't see the other thread for some reason. I thought you were going to announce it in the other thread and then make a new one when we got to discussion.


    Basically, I'm an idiot and was like, "Well, I guess no one else wants to play anymore."






    I was wondering why you weren't saying anything! And now that I'm Letterboxd stalking you, I was like, "I guess that motherfucker isn't even going to watch my pick. Asshole."




    House is clean. Everything is bon!

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    *ahem* Someone dropped the ball on suggesting our last movie, though...........................................


    I did? Hairspray was this week and Tom announces his next Monday. Where did we fuck up?


    Wait a minute...is this why you haven't been commenting this week?


    (Sorry everyone who doesn't care. A little house cleaning)

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  15. Hey everybody!


    It's been awhile, but I won't bore you all with the details. I just want to wish everybody a belated holiday greetings and I hope it was a good one. While I'm at it why not throw in a big welcome to the new year.


    Secondly as a person who suffers from depression, I just want to send a big internet hug to Elektra.


    Cam Bert and Elektra, are you guys interested in joining us for Musical Mondays? It's open to everyone, of course, but knowing the two of you as well as I do, I thought it might be something you'd be into. If so, let us know so we can add you to the rotation :)

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