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Cameron H.

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Posts posted by Cameron H.

  1. And here's the playlist http://tinyurl.com/h7yn3wk

    I'll add as people post.


    Well, crap! If you you're doing a "Makes Me Happy" Playlist it has to have one of my favorite songs of all time--much to the embarrassment of some people that I am very close to. I'm posting the Live version because I want to give you all a visual of how I dance to any and all types of music--which is also a major source of embarrassment.




    When they pull out the Rubberbands at the end...Holy Shit!


    Positivity: It's like an Apple Lightning adapter--it'll get you all charged up.

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  2. Guys, like please understand. I'm not mad about the change at all and if I could afford to subscribe to support even just HDTGM I would. But I'm at a point in my life where my insurances have gone up and my work is screwing me over with some of the worst hours I've had in the nearly 10 years I've worked with the company. So until my hours improve or I can snag a new job, that $5/mo actually makes a difference as someone on the low income level.


    This may sound dumb (and a little like charity) but why not crowd fund that shit? I'd be happy to kick in a few bucks here and there.


    Positivity: It's a movement.


    • Like 1

  3. Reddit would find nasty things to say about a puppy and a kitten becoming best friends


    Ugh! Gross! I can't think of anything more...Unnatural!!! Send those cuck felines back to Catagonia, or wherever the Hell they're from! My God believes in single species friendships only...unless of course the friendship is between a man and his talking donkey. Which is, of course, the only exception to that rule...


    Make Husbandry Great Again!

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  4. I mean, yeah, but it was still kind of illegal then. You know how many floppy disks I had with games that had the "Piracy is a crime" intro? I think Apogee had them in front of every single game they produced. The difference is that it's more easily traceable if they want to enforce it now.



    I agree. I don't even use the Widow Howl-App because it was really shitty when it first came out (froze frequently, didn't allow downloading for offline listening, couldn't make playlists), so I still use my other app that's much better. But they've been getting my $5 every month, and it really doesn't bother me because I know it helps support something I really love.


    And not to sound like a shill for Howl, but they have quite a lot of content on it. I mean, Superego? C'mon!




    My biggest problem is I listen to so much stuff that I can't keep with what I subscribe to as it is.




    First World prob•lem




    1. What I just described.

    • Like 3

  5. never paying for podcasts, ever!


    Really? I mean, I get it, but I don't mind paying the equivalent of a Starbucks coffee once a month to support Earwolf. I don't even use Howl ( although I'll probably dust it off now...), but I want to make sure the people behind the microphones (I.e. engineers, administrators, support, etc.) are getting paid. Not only do I support Howl, I also support the Maximum Fun network.


    I mean, considering the amount of time I spend listening to podcasts, I feel it's the very least I can do. Some weeks I spend more time with Paul, Jason, and June and other podcasters than my own family. And even if all I listened to on Earwolf was HDTGM (which currently is the case) I figure it's no different than if they charged me $1.25 per episode/week which, when I consider the amount of money I spend on worthless bullshit, is a seriously small price to pay. And if you listen to more shows, that price per week goes down even more. Sure it's not free, but neither is rent, power, insurance, etc.

    • Like 7


    Initially it was going to be just a play about a dude and his facial hair. It shifted a bit as it turned into more of a narrative. Now it's mostly about a dude dealing with the ramifications of what happens when your entire identity is wrapped up in your beard and you compulsively eat the hairs from it.


    Investors line up to the right...




    Waiting For Gilette will now be stolen, immediately.



    Wow! That sounds miles ahead of the last (and only) play I tried to write, Of Lizards and Lavatories. It was a exploration of two Beta Male, college seniors (Simon and Cyril, if I recall) negotiating the surrealist Hellscape that is the college bar scene as graduation (and life) looms on the horizon. It was once described by no one as "Deep as fuck."

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    The premise is so ridiculous that were it to be filmed, it would feature Nic Cage and go straight to HDTGM.


    Well, okay, I like it. And I will gladly send you a copy when it's finished!


    Is it like Waiting for Godot just with a dude and his facial hair? Is it called Waiting for Gilette? I paid for this whole chair, but goddamn if I'm not just using the edge of it...


    Oh, and PLEASE send it to me!

    • Like 2

  8. Pizza Pizza! Good lord! Look, promise me, that when you next come to Toronto, you'll call me and we can recalibrate your memories of what Canada tastes like. We can do much, much better...!


    Will do...although I'm dubious.


    (as is calling it a cottage, not a cabin...)


    You're right...I'm nothing but a dumb fraud.






    Completely coincidentally, I just finished writing a play that centres very heavily on a Toronto man and his relationship with his beard. Really, I did.




    I want to see this play.


    • Like 2

  9. Harvey's? Really? That's not one you hear people hankering over very often. Usually it's Tim Horton's or Ketchup-flavoured chips. It's just, like... Harvey's? I won't try to convince you otherwise, but I'd maybe suggest next time you're up here you avoid it, just so you can live in that euphoria of believing it's good. Memory is a funny thing.


    I'm never that far up as Lake of Bays - what on earth took you up there? Appreciate the tip, though!


    Ha! What can I say, my tastes are extremely pedestrian. I'm sure the next thing you'll tell me is that Pizza, Pizza's no good either...


    As for Lake of Bays, my whole family is from Canada, and my grandparents had a cabin up in Baysville. One of my goals in life is to make my fortune writing terse, declarative short stories about rugged men doing rugged things (if my protagonists' dicks don't work due to a past war wound, so much the better!), grow a beard, move up there, and become a legend. We'll see though. I'm shit at growing a beard.

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  10. Oof, I'm oh-for-two when it comes to Musical Mondays so far - just haven't got around to watching either of the films nominated, even though I'm a big fan of this concept. Bump me way down the list of nominators for my sins. I totally meant to watch 'Hedwig' - I have it sitting right there - but just never got there, and saw 'Hairspray' years ago. I suck. I remember clearly when 'Hairspray' was made, because it was all shot here in Toronto: that awful school they use for Tracy's school is a real place - Lord Lansdowne School down near College and Spadina, just off the U of T campus: http://schoolweb.tds...owne/Home.aspx. It really looks like that. Other than that, I got nothin'. Sorry guys. Now that holidays are over, I'll try to get back into the swing of things here!


    No worries, man! It's all in good fun anyway. Watch them when you can. So far, I've been pleasantly surprised with both of them.


    Do me a favor though...go get some Harvey's for me. And if you're ever heading out to Lake of Bays area, make sure you stop by Weber's. I miss me some Canadia--especially it's food apparently... :)

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  11. I wasn't here a year and a half ago, so obviously I missed that announcement lol


    I totally understand, but yeah, too poor to afford the service. Good luck to earwolf though!


    Well, it probably would have been better if this had happened closer to its launch or if a head's up reminder had been sent out, but...what're you gonna do? It's out of their hands.


    ETA: I'm seeing a lot of people pissed off about this. Some guy on Reddit was like, "I listen to every episode and this is the first I've heard about it." My advice: stop fast forwarding through the commercials as the Howl App is mentioned on literally every episode. If you had a baby the day this was announced, you'd have a freaking toddler by now!


    I get people's aggravation, especially if you can't afford the app, but damn--it's not exactly out of the blue...

    • Like 3

  12. Personally, I enjoyed Simply Irresistible and Mannequin 2. I also feel like variety is the spice of life. The only time I had a problem (I guess, you'd call it that) is when they did, what felt like, a spat of Cannon Films and Cannon-Esque films, and my issue was less with the episodes and more with REALLY shitty movie fatigue.


    Otherwise, I like everything:)

    • Like 1

  13. Oh, thought of something else. At the end, you know how Velma gets caught on camera while admitting she fixed the polls? Edna and Wilbur are behind the tv camera, but I found it hilarious that the same cameraman whom Velma yelled at earlier for not shooting Amber enough was holding a bag of Hardy Har Hut goods, including the whoopee cushions with Tracy's face on them, slightly inflated. Did Wilbur and Edna bride the cameraman with the joke shop goodies? But then the next time we see Wilbur, he's the one holding the bag of whoopee cushions. Did the cameraman suddenly change his mind that he didn't need all those whoopee cushions?








    Oh shit, son! I didn't know we were bringing out C&O skills into this motherfucker...I'll have to up my game, but so far...




    Another scene I loved was when Tracy convinced Edna to get out of the house and as they're walking around they stop to look in a window and Edna sees something beautiful and states, "Oh! They're so glamorous!" And when the camera turns around you see two pregnant women drinking martinis and smoking.

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