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Cameron H.

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Posts posted by Cameron H.

  1. Hey everyone!


    So this was hard. I have a ton of movies I'd like to do, but seeing as this is only our sophomore week I was struggling to find a movie that would be tonally different from Hedwig but not, like, a bummer (or slog) to get through.


    Eventually, though, I settled on Hairspray (2007) when I read that Dick Latessa died.




    Never seen it, but it looks fun to me.

  2. I hope they bring Cameron back and she just repeats "The penis is the least important part of sex" for an hour straight the same way Chirrut Imwe says

    "I am one with the Force; the Force is with me."



    (I spoiler-tagged that, but I don't really consider a spoiler. Just erring on the side of Rogue One caution)


    If they can't get her back, I would be happy to stand in as her proxy. In fact, let me just fix my signature...

    • Like 4


    Bottom Five

    1. Bats v Sups

    2. Suicide Squad

    3. I Dream Too Much

    4. The Forest

    5. X-Men Apocalypse


    As you know, I don't get out to see movies in the theater, like, ever, so it wasn't like I was going to see Suicide Squad until it was available to rent. The funny thing is, once it was available, it was still something like $5 bucks to rent, and I thought to myself, "You know what? I think I might just Redbox this one. I'm not sure if I want to spring more than a dollar on it..." And now it is available at Redbox, and I'm thinking, "I don't know...do I really want to see this?" I just know it's going to be terrible.

    • Like 1

  4. Well, it's that time of year again...


    What were your favorite movies of 2016?


    Top Ten


    1) The Lobster

    2) Zootopia

    3) Finding Dory

    4) Captain America: Civil War

    5) Star Trek Beyond

    6) Kung Fu Panda 3

    7) Ghostbusters

    8) Deadpool

    9) Jungle Book

    10) Keanu


    Bottom Five


    1) Tarzan

    2) X-Men Apocalypse

    3) Batman v. Superman

    4) Gods of Egypt

    5) 5th Wave


    Movies I Want to See, but Haven't Yet (...and Thus Will Probably Render the Aforementioned "Top Ten" List Completely Invalid)


    1) Green Room

    2) Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

    3) Moana

    4) Rogue One

    5) Doctor Strange

    6) La La Land

    7) Sing Street

    9) Kubo and the Two Strings

    • Like 2

  5. I'm getting all emotional just reading these. I can't explain the deep connection I feel for this movie, except just to say that I do. Interesting fact: the final song Midnight Radio was written for the movie because the final song in the play was either copyrighted or just didn't have the necessary punch to end the movie [not going to look it up], but I think it's my favorite song in the movie. I agree with you guys about finding her other half. She found that she had he Good Stuff all along.




    By the way, my favorite song...


    • Like 2


    Interesting. I thought at the end, she was both Hedwig and Hansel. Two halves become one, like the song Origin of Love. She wonders about her other half earlier in the movie. She thinks it's another person, but I think her other half was just a different part of her. You might even say Tommy Gnosis was also Hedwig, since he was a persona that she created.


    I'm sorry. I don't think I was clear. Yes, she is definitely one complete being. I just don't think--in response to Judas' question--that at the end, if you were to ask her, that she would say that she identifies as either male or female. If you asked she would probably say, "I'm Hedwig" or whatever name she comes up with for herself.


    I think at the end, when she tears off her "Hedwig" persona, it's her birthing herself into a new "Other."

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    Question to ponder: Is Hedwig truly a "her." I consider a trans woman to be female, but for Hansel it was merely a means to escape communist East Berlin. And at the end of the story, he is Hansel again.


    Without sounding too pretentious (too late), I think at the end of the movie she is neither a he or she, Hedwig or Hansel. She unabashedly accepts herself as the person she is and that's all that matters.

    • Like 3

  8. I think you guys will enjoy it!


    I'd say I had a rather interesting viewing experience since I ended up watching Hedwig in between viewings of The Lobster. And, oddly enough (or maybe not), I found them to be interesting companion pieces. Throughout the movie, Hedwig finds herself struggling with Love as a Platonic Ideal. Basically, if finding Love means to find the other half of yourself, what does this mean if you feel that you are incomplete or like an "Other?"


    "I must find my other half, but is it a he, or a she? What does this person look like? Identical to me? Or somehow complementary? Does my other half have what I don't? Did he get the looks? The luck? Were we really separated forcibly, or did he just run off with the good stuff? Or did I? Will this person embarrass me? What about sex? Is that how we put ourselves back together again? Or can two people...actually become one...again?


    I just that this was really interesting when contrasted with how the world in The Lobster is obsessed with finding only the complimentary aspects (no matter how insignificant) when pairing off couples and doesn't even consider complementary personalities.


    I don't know if any of that makes sense. I'm not sure if I'm explaining myself very well...I may just be tired :)

    • Like 2

  9. To celebrate the 30th anniversary of Little Shop of Horrors the staff at IMDB picked their favorite movie musicals! I hope it's not a ranked list because #5 throws me off.


    Can't be. Unless the person who compiled it is June, they wouldn't have ranked Grease 2 before Grease 1. Also, Brave is totally not a musical...unless movies that have one song that a character doesn't even sing are considered "Musicals" now. If so, that busts this thing wide open.

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  10. I was waiting on company to watch this with, but they bailed so I didn't get to watch it until this morning. I can definitely see how it would work as a "group-watch" thing. As it was, watching it at 4 AM this morning, I really did like it. The band scenes really brought back memories of my crappy punk band and playing to a crowd of, like, two disinterested people. :)


    It's still sort of marinating in my brain for the moment, so I'll probably have more to say later (also more time). I won't spoil it here since people are still trying to find time to watch it, but I loved that ending shot! It was goddamn perfect! Frankly, I'm kind of regretting renting it instead of just buying it. Oh, well...

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