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Cameron H.

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Posts posted by Cameron H.

  1. How is this going to work? Is one of us going to start a new topic for the movie under discussion? And are we starting this coming Monday?


    I think we should just do it on this thread simply because--while this is open to any forum poster/HDTGM listener who wishes to participate--it's kind of our own thing. I'm not sure if either Earwolf or HDTGM would be too happy if we kind of hijacked their forums to talk about movies they have no intention of ever covering. I think we should keep it limited to this thread, and when we do a new movie, whoever's pick it is, should just post a picture of the movie poster or something. That way, should anyone need it, there's a visual bookmark for them to reference. Does that sound good or does anyone have a better suggestion?


    And, yes, we start on Monday. FWIW--you can purchase it for only 6.99 right now on Amazon Prime and rent it for the standard 2.99, which was cheaper than iTunes. I also think it's free on the Starz if you get the add-on subscription on Amazon or do their 7 day free trial.

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  2. I'm a bit late to the party but I'm definitely in.


    If we're doing good movie musicals, then I'm throwing in Phantom of the Opera (I don't care what people say 13 yr old me was obsessed) and if we're doing bad musicals then Repo! The Genetic Opera which I'm shocked hasn't been on HDTGM yet.


    We're doing both good and bad :)

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  3. Okay guys. Here's the rotation I've worked up so far:



    Cameron H


    Taylor Anne Photo

    Cakebug Tranch


    I just went in order of who said they were in first. Since this week is shorter than usual, let's just go with a movie that's very well-known and easily accessible: Hedwig and the Angry Inch!


    Judas Priestly recommended it, and even though I watched it very recently, I feel like it's a good one to start with because it's fucking fantastic. Is this cool with everyone?


    Sounds great! I've been wanting to see that one!

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  4. I was watching West Side Story this morning, and during "Gee, Officer Krupke" I noticed these lyrics:


    My father is a bastard,

    My ma's an SOB,

    My grandpa's always plastered,

    My grandma's selling tea...


    When I heard that, I couldn't help but be reminded of another young man from the mean streets of New York who was also very concerned about "tea."






    Do you think Pretzie used to be a Jet?




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    Criminy, I just made the choice/mistake/decision to visit the HDGTM reddit thread on Grease 2 and there is a long discussion - in GREAT detail, like, yesterday - about Cameron Esposito's Village People episode. Looks like people are still mad about it.





    And, no, I pretty much avoid Reddit.

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    I feel like this one would be fertile ground for Week in Feminism. Looking back at it now, it can be seen as a woman who falls in love with her captor [stockholm Syndrome, if you will], or is this a case of being OVERLY sensitive about children's entertainment? At what point do we say, "This is a children's story, and needn't be held to the same standard as more nuanced entertainment meant to be enjoyed by adults."?


    My biggest problem with that movie is the whole damn castle gets cursed for ten years because an eleven year old is an asshole.

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  7. Yes they do. I wanted so much to like it, but it's overall a mess. And Cameron, I totally see where you're coming from as a fellow English (or at least Drama) major - the Shakespeare stuff is good - but the song and dance is entirely out of place.



    Fuck that! I loved that part too! However, I was the only one of my friends who did. But that's fine. I'm a goddamn rebel.


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  8. Ha ha, looking forward to subjecting you all to Kenneth Branagh's inexplicable Love's Labour's Lost! That came out when I was writing my undergrad thesis on Branagh, and even to a Branagh-phile like I was back then, this was befuddling. And sing-y.


    I own and LOVE LLL! (Former English Major)


    I do like Strictly Ballroom.

    But I love Moulin Rouge! and R+J more.



    Typical Aussie...;)

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  9. TOTALLY in.


    A couple of things: are we selecting musical movies that are good, or HDTGM-worthy? Second, are we selecting movies we are fond of already (and that we all know already), that we want others to talk about, or are we supposed to break new ground? Like, will I be booed off the board if I suggest Moulin Rouge!?


    I'd say anything goes. I plan on suggesting really good movies, movies I haven't seen, and dumb ones, I only asked if we want to avoid ones that may be discussed on the show to avoid talking about the same movies over and over, but I don't even know if that really matters. If we get to it first, fuck 'em :)


    I'll watch Moulin Rouge--or Strictly Ballroom, for that matter. Although, SB isn't exactly a Musical, I suppose.


    I'll definitely discuss if I've seen it, but my participation will be as-time-permits, and I don't really need to be in charge of picking movies or anything.Though Hedwig and the Angry Inch is one of my favorite movies....


    Why don't we just put that down as your pick, and if you come up with another one we'll go from there? I don't want anyone to feel any pressure at all.

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    I was kind of thinking La La Land soon (because that's one of the things that really has me all excited about musicals), but I definitely don't want to exclude people that don't get to movies often. I think that's going to be an exception more than a rule. But since it's just hitting wide release this week, maybe we could do it in January to give others time to go see it (and also because Rogue One comes out this week and I don't expect everyone is gonna double feature it like I am).


    But I am thinking maybe we would pick the first movie this week and start the discussion next Monday, since that will be a minisode week. I'm going to give people time to respond to the thread and everything. Then I'll come up with the rotation, and we'll announce the first movie tomorrow. Does that sound cool?


    ETA: Just saw Cameron's post. If we decide to wait until it's available to rent, it's likely to be several months, so should we go that route, you and I can PM about it until we're sick of it, Taylor Anne :P/>


    No, no. I don't want to be a party pooper. Unless a ton of people suddenly join up and say otherwise, the person's pick is their pick. If everyone else is good with movies in the theater, I'm good. I'm sure I'll be just as entertained by the discussion, I'll just chime in when and where I can. :)

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  11. Are we starting this immediately? Because I'm hella excited for La La Land to go wide release and that's a musical.


    The only problem I have with that is some people (i.e. Me) can't really get to the theater all that often. I would prefer if we could wait until it's at least available to rent, but that's just me.


    But those people, again mainly me, may just have to sit out those weeks. No big deal.

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    My main criteria is that the characters sing songs. That's about it. I'd like to see a variety of musicals, so I don't want it to be too restrictive. For example, I just watched The History of Future Folk. It probably only has 3-4 songs in it, but it's an entertaining movie that - in my mind - is still a musical, even if it doesn't go into full blown singing and dancing numbers.


    But I want this to be a game that's fun for everyone, so if there are questionable suggestions, I think we can all talk about them.





    What about potential HDTGM movies? Should we avoid them? I'm thinking like Sgt Peppers or Rockula type stuff...

  13. I'm in!

    Do you have any criteria in mind for movies that qualify as a musical?


    I don't think it matters since it's just for fun. And with everyone putting in recommendations, I think we'll end up getting a little bit of everything--which is what I would prefer anyway. Does anyone disagree with that? Should there be a strict definition of "Musical?"


    Was there something you were thinking in particular, Tom?

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  14. By the way, I just learned only a few days ago that his son is Sean Astin! Also, hope you can recommend some non-US musical movies in 2017.


    Is there a way that we can turn this into a forum thing or is that intruding too much on your real life, Fister? I was thinking "Musical Mondays" or something? Like I said, I have a bunch purchased, but there are a lot more that I'd like to revisit. Like maybe every week (or on HDTGM off weeks) one of us recommends a Musical and then we trade off in a Round Robin sort of way. We could maybe even see if we can get a separate thread pinned to the front page. I also think we should start right away.


    Dare I say it? This could become some kind of "tradition..."



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  15. So I couldn't remember if Phantom Menace came out in 99 or 2000 so I went to look it up and I found out that Jason was right all along


    Because even though Phantom Menace did premiere in May of 1999 it was already re-released into theaters again on December 3rd, 1999 (my birthday in case anyone was dying to know). So Jason could have gone to see Phantom Menace on his birthday (which is December 18th), but why the hell would he have waited so long to see it!?


    Oh fuck...Happy Birthday, Taylor Anne! Sorry so late :)



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  16. I'm debating either watching it today or letting it sit until 2017, which my film nerd friends and I have already decided is going to be the Year of the Musical because we're going to try to watch as many musicals as possible.




    Hell yeah! You guys sound like some badass motherfuckers!



    Can I please join you? I bought a bunch when iTunes had a sale and so far all I've watched is Singin' in the Rain...


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    I bet Kenickie could've taken them all by himself.


    I agree, but that does beg the inevitable question, doesn't it?


    Dance-Gang Rumble!!!! Who wins?


    T-Birds (Ver.1) vs. T-Birds (Ver.2) vs. Jets vs. Sharks vs. Dudes in Michael Jackson's "Beat It" video


    I know who I have my money on...





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