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Cameron H.

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Posts posted by Cameron H.


    I'm guessing she'll be 'Major' Danvers in Infinity War and get her Promotion to Captain after Steve dies or something... Can't have 2 captains. (Though don't really know if Steve even goes by Cap anymore after Civil.)


    That sounds very likely. I just know that they said that the MCU would be very different after these movies. And I think, if you look at the books they are putting out, you can get an idea of where they want to position themselves--kind of testing the waters. For example, in the comics, Captain Marvel has been (deservedly) getting a major push lately, so I wouldn't be surprised if their intention is to introduce her as the new leader. I think the ultimate goal is to introduce a more diverse and inclusive roster in the future. In the comics, we also now have an Asian Hulk (whose mother was introduced in Age of Ultron), a black Captain America and Iron Woman, a female Thor, and a Muslim Ms. Marvel. I would not be the least bit surprised, especially since we're talking years before we're even talking about a post-Infinity War Avengers movie--and therefore giving people an established precedence for this kind of casting--if we aren't going to see a lot of that being incorporated into the MCU. And I honestly hope that's the plan. The Avengers shouldn't be a bunch of super powered white guys with just a couple of token female and minority characters.


    I can even see the X films moving more in this direction with the very likely inclusion of X-23 in the next Wolverine movie--basically setting her up to assume Jackman's mantle. Although, I really hope--considering the diminishing returns in profit and quality in regard to the X Films--they pull a Sony and merge with Marvel Studios. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if we're starting to see the seeds of that already when you consider the "SHIELD Hellicarrier" Easter egg in Deadpool--the most successful X Film in a while with characters that seem to adhere closer to the Marvel Studios model (i.e. True to source material costumes and an accented, better developed Colossus). I would bet that they're really going to be watching how Wolverine 3 does. If it does really well, they'll probably stay the course; but if it disappoints, I would not be at all surprised if the Avengers movie right after the two coming up isn't titled A vs X. Of course, this is all speculation...


    ETA: Oh, and the Russos stated recently that when Steve drops the shield at the end of Civil War that was him dropping the mantle of "Captain America" and that he would be called something different in Infinity War. So that does leave room for just one Captain :)

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    Oof this reminds me of the scene in Star Wars Episode 3 when Emperor Palpatine has a quick transformation into his 4-6 form. I don't know if they explained Xavier's baldness in the comics, but if they had just given McAvoy a wig with a bald top, I think we could have done the math.


    I agree! It's like, "Here are the answers to the questions you've never even cared enough to ask about." I was laughing at this movie as it apparently posited that Apocalypse's secondary mutation was "hair stylist." Seriously, isn't it cooler if Storm just always had white hair? I've never felt the need to wonder why that might be.

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    Oh this was a false report! There just not naming it "part 1" & "part 2." So it'll still be the same story line split into two movies but they'll just title the second movie something different.


    Infinity Crusade?


    My guess is the first movie will end with most of the characters "dying" except for Captain Marvel. In the second movie she will recruit the New Avengers (maybe even in her solo film) who will somehow resurrect some of the dead characters (maybe through Thor or Dr. Strange) and defeat Thanos. At this point, those Old Avengers still alive will be respectfully retired (and gracefully finish their contracts) to make room for the new group.


    At least, this is what I hope will happen :)/>

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    See, I preferred the dramatic stakes in Last stand because they're actually much closer to this. For the entire mutant race to be confronted with the possibility of a "cure" and whether or not it's a good thing or whether they should have the right to choose that "out". Cause not all powers are as inconspicuous as, say, Storm or whatever. The idea that the powers were a curse to some mutants and that they might want the cure was a perfectly valid plot point that would lead to that sort of confrontation with the added fear that humans would force it on them. Based on that alone i think it had the best plot of the bunch, though X2 was the most well crafted cinematically.


    Yeah...I realized I just proposed the plot for Last Stand after I wrote it. I agree (obviously) that it's a good concept, I'd just like to see it executed competently.

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  5. I am co-signing everything everyone has already said. As far as this movie's concerned, and I feel like the problem with the X-Men franchise overall, is that the first movie really worked--at least for its time--and when Fox looked back on it's success they thought to themselves, "What made this successful?" and came up with Professor X, Magneto, Mystique, and Wolverine. And since then, we have just been force fed the same story over and over, even if the characters don't experience any real growth or if it doesn't make any sense. It's just let's have these four talk in circles for two hours and then have some really disappointing action at the end.


    Seriously, they have a HUGE catalog of great stories and characters to choose from, but yet I need six movies of Magneto trying to figure out if he's going to be a good guy or bad guy. Truly, if I have to hear Prof X and Magneto call each other "old friend" as they discuss their ideological differences over a chess board one more time, I swear I'm going to rip my eyes out.


    Also, the casting has been, overall, pretty bad. I just could not take Sansa Stark. Especially this scene:


    Prof X is being beaten by Turns Things Into Sand-guy, er, I mean, Apocalypse in a dual on the astral plain. Jean is doing nothing. Well, maybe she has a finger pressed to her forehead, but I'm not sure... Then:


    Prof X: Help.


    Jean: [stares blankly]


    Prof X: Help...me...


    Jean: [stares blankly]


    Prof X: Help me...Jean.


    Jean: [stares blankly]


    Prof X: Jean...use your power.


    Jean: [dawning realization]


    Then, instead of doing some cool and interesting, like have her join Prof X on the astral plain in a suit of armor with a kick-ass sword--something they've done many times in the comics and would have been visually cool and exciting--they have her walk slowly and weirdly out onto thin air (even though her powers wouldn't necessarily require her to put herself in such a vulnerable and exposed position), scream, and turn into a unmoving fire bird. Apocalypse dies.


    What I would have liked to see in this movie is to keep Professor X at home. He gives them their mission and some guidance, but otherwise, that's it. Forget 10 minute origins that can be easily explained in a couple lines of dialog. Omit token cameos of Wolverine which only prove that you have no faith in your franchise if he's not in it. Have Apocalypse gather his horseman--and then instead of monologging for an hour plus--also amass an army of disenfranchised mutants. I mean, he's trying to make a world culled of the week and comprised only the strongest, right? Isn't that something that might appeal to someone like, I don't know, Nightcrawler--a mutant with awesome power but is looked down upon because he can't pass for human? That's your movie. The drama is in the characters trying to decide if they want to join with this kind of Trump-esque figure full of promises of how he is that answer to all of your problems by deflecting the blame on others, or, you know, be cool and fight for what's right.


    Also, I know Psylocke wore that getup in the eighties and nineties, but not only does it look both ridiculous and terrible in real life, the comics themselves have long discarded that outfit for something more appropriate. It's like you're telling me that all the other characters' costumes are up for grabs, but the now defunct Psylocke garb is fucking gospel.


    And, to touch on another topic that's been brought up, Last Stand was total garbage, and in a different way, just as bad. Not only was the Last Stand horrible for all the reasons Dan brought up, but I will never forgive it for one of the dumbest moments I've ever seen on screen. At the end of the movie, the X-Men line up to face off with Magneto and Wolverine tells Kitty (because her power is to phase through stuff) to go phase through the prison cell and rescue the mutant whose power (we all know) is to nullify other mutants powers...In other words, the absolute dumbest plan imaginable. Oops. Looks like you're stuck in here with me! *sad trombone* Who could have possibly foreseen that as being a fairly significant problem?It's like they never even heard of mission briefings...

    • Like 5

  6. I know we try to keep this thread out of the "shitty shallowness" arena, but I just wanted to throw this out to the group:


    Josh Lucas--Hot or Not?




    I just asked my wife and she said "No, he's too 'red-necky.'" I told her I didn't see that. I feel like he has all the parts of an attractive man, but for some reason, those parts just don't work together...Kind of like a sexy Frankenstein's monster.




    Also, based on his current age, he must have been either in his late twenties when he filmed this or very early thirties. Has there ever been a time when he didn't look to be a healthy mid-forties?

    • Like 3

  7. Between the last episode and the minisode I checked out: Desperately Seeking Susan, Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice, Exit Wounds, Racing with the Moon, The Saint, Guardians of the Galaxy and To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar.


    Oh, man. I was eye balling The Saint so hard. I unabashedly love that movie! I probably would have gotten to it too, had the second half of Doctor Who Season 9 not been added to Amazon Prime--which was also fantastic

    especially because it saw the end of Clara. "Heaven Sent" was heart wrenching and beautiful.


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  8. Damn dude y'all seriously knocked out a ton!


    I actually didn't see as many as I usually do, but I did catch up on a couple of shows and started writing more than I have in the last few months. Plus editing photos because I got a couple of more weddings shot during this time.


    So basically I got a lot more done than I thought just not movie wise...


    But! I saw these movies since the last episode aired - Don't Breathe, Immoral Tales, Hell or High Water, Tremors, Matilda, and Sky


    Well, when you're trying to get a new life to follow a logical Circadian rhythm, you find you have a lot of time to watch shitty movies. I also forgot to add, we watched X-Men Apocalypse as well. I only remembered as I saw ElieB just created a thread for it, and I have to agree with her, it was absolutely terrible--nigh unwatchable. My God was it boring. Literally, nothing happens in it. Apocalypse talks a big game for two hours and then does nothing. Such wasted potential. Even though I've never been a huge fan of the Singer-verse, I honestly wasn't prepared for how terrible this movie was. To put it another way: as much as I hated BvS, I hated this movie far more. At least I could make fun of BvS, this was just dumb.


    We really need to get Singer away from these.

    • Like 2

  9. Welp--my paternity leave ended today as well

    although my first act when I arrived to work today was to put in my two weeks notice :)/>



    Actually, it was quite serendipitous that HDTGM's paternity/maternity leave occurred concurrent to my own! Like Paul, we filled a lot of our time watching a lot of movies--particularly crappy movies--although a couple of great ones snuck in there too. I was wondering what everyone else was watching during the hiatus. We're you all keeping yourselves HDTGM fit on a steady diet of dreck, or did you actually watch *gasp* quality stuff?


    For me, in basically the order I viewed them, I watched:


    The Huntsman, Snow White and the Huntsman, John Carter, Jack the Giant Slayer, Lake Placid, Amazing Spider-man 2, Wrath of the Titans, The Day After Tomorrow, Hercules, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Ghost Rider, Congo, Timeline, I, Frankenstein, Hot Fuzz, Prince of Persia, Fantastic Four (2005), Cars 2, Captain America: Civil War, Dreamcatcher, War Games, Fantastic Four (2015), Clash of the Titans, X-Men, Bulletproof Monk, Footloose, Short Circuit, Flashdance, RIPD, Tusk, Girls Just Want to Have Fun, Grease Live!, Road House, Singin' in the Rain, Coneheads, Grease 2, Hook, Stealth


    I also attempted to watch Milk Money and Noah but didn't get very far. My biggest surprise was that I enjoyed Fantastic Four (2015) a lot more than I did initially. Not saying it's great, but it played a lot better removed from all the drama surrounding it.


    What did you all watch?


    Yay! We're back. I have to say I'm really surprised that the Howdies don't begin next week. That is what I thought was going to happen. I don't believe I've heard of "Stealth" at all. Possibly because I generally avoid Jessica Biel.


    I can't believe how forgettable this movie is! I KNOW I've seen it before, but even as I watched it I was still second guessing myself.


    Wow I had no idea it was Wentworth Miller who did the voice of the plane.


    He'll always be David from Dinotopia to me!



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  10. I've been catching up on podcasts that I've missed out on over the past few weeks and finally got to listen to this episode. It was fantastic! For anyone interested, I heartily recommend both Ron's Hamilton biography (there's just so much interesting stuff that couldn't possibly make it in to the show) and Hamilton: the Revolution. I'm so glad they asked Ron if there was anything they was anything he wished had been a part of the show. As I was listening, that was the question that kept popping up in my head and I'm glad they asked it. Great interview!

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  11. Can't say I've heard too much new music recently...I bought Iggy Pop's newest the other day, but haven't really had a chance to listen to it yet.


    No. According to my asshole baby, it's The Carpenter's Greatest Hits all day, every day--and then only if I'm singing along. So this:




    However, even though I do a pretty good approximation of Karen Carpenter's voice, my wife has described being forced to listen to it non-stop while she pumps her breasts as a "living Hell." Go figure...


    Otherwise, I'm on top of the world. :)/>

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  12. My top 5 movies of 2016 list would just be called "5 movies that I have seen from 2016 that aren't Sharknado 4"


    Kind of sounds like I'm in the same boat...


    Of what I have seen, I can't really say I'm passionate about any of it. I guess my list would be something like:


    1) Zootopia

    2) Captain America

    3) Deadpool

    4) Jungle Book


    I guess I could include either Gods of Egypt or Batman v Superman as number five but...




    ETA: I just remembered, maybe a page ago I said I saw The Huntsman. So I guess that's my number five--a movie so forgettable that it completely slipped my mind that I just saw it last week...

    • Like 3

  13. Wait is that for real?


    No. Paul wrote a tweet questioning why Young Frankenstein isn't available on any digital platform but Young Einstein is. I had to research that as well, because that would have been crazy...


    That being said, they should totally do Young Einstein.

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    Agreed! "Hunter H" sounds like the name of a new badass model of killer robots in, let's say, the Robocop Universe. So now, before you change Hunter's diapers, you case say, "dead or alive, you're coming with me" as you lift him into your arms. :)


    I love this! And I will definitely be saying this from now on!


    Also, to update Maternity/Paternity Bad Movie watching list, we have now seen Battleship and I, Frankenstein. If you guys have any good/bad movies you think we should watch to pass the time, please let me know. I won't be heading back to work until the 12th, so we've got tons of time! I will also give you guys proper credit: "Hunter, we will now be watching Taylor Anne Photo's pick, The Day After Tomorrow...enjoy!"

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    Mazel tov, Cameron! Have you and your wife decided what Hunter's first bad movie will be?



    Funny you should bring that up...watching bad movies is basically all we've been doing for the past couple of days. So to answer your question...





    We've also watched Snow White and the Huntsman, John Carter, Jack the Giant Slayer, Lake Placid, Amazing Spider-man 2, and Wrath of the Titans.





    Thank you, and everyone, for the kind wishes! We all appreciate it!

    • Like 8

  16. Hey everyone!


    I probably owe everyone a bunch of "likes" and whatnot. I just wanted to say, in personal news, my son, Hunter was born on Friday! My wife was absolutely amazing and delivered without the aid of epidural. It was, the fucking most awesome thing I've ever witnessed. Of course, while she was all:




    I was all:




    And if I ever hear a person refer to women as the "weaker sex" ever again, I will have no choice but to punch that person square in the pee-hole. Internet, you have been warned...

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    Welcome Back Cam Bert! I feel that something like what you wrote also happened to me... I missed a bunch of episodes... Since ep132 I've only caught 2 "The Avengers: Live!" and now "Gods Of Egypt" I have to use this HDTGM break to catch up and watch the movies, listen to all episodes I've missed and read the forum


    Again, so good to hear you are back! As for me I'm re-watching "Gods of Egypt" for a more detailed analysis ;) I can't promise a long post but I wanted to dive into the madness once again lol


    Glad to hear you're hopefully back on a regular basis as well and that your situation has also improved! When you guys disappear for so long, it really fucks up my equilibrium. You can't do that to me guys...

    • Like 4

  18. To single out a single thing this movie got wrong or did wrong is impossible. There are so many things that don't add up or make any sense. However, to me the biggest thing that drove me nuts was the sense of scale in this movie. It was all over the place from scene to scene. To Elektra's bracelet being bracelet sized in mortal hands when it should be more necklace or belt sized, to the giant stadium which seemingly held a million people at a time in which the entire population of the Egyptian empire would have been two million, there are sizing and scale issues with everything. However the most batshit insane one is Set's obelisk.


    Now it's a big obelisk and that's fine. I didn't really have a problem with it until the bit with Bon Jovi, Jamie Lannister and Egyptian Frank Gehry were riding the elevator. Frank Gehry starts to monologue and he claims that the obelisk "stands exactly 2,220 kilometers tall." Now I know metric can be confusing for some Americans, so let me break it down. 2,220 kilometers is just shy of 1,380 miles. That's roughly the distance from the Earwolf studios to the Houston's Astrodome. The Earth's exosphere, the outer most layer of our atmosphere, starts at about 700 kilometers above sea level. Now granted, it takes about 10, 000 kilometers before you're in outer space but this tower went a fifth of the way there! There is no way that mortal slaves could build a tower that high because they'd start suffering from altitude sickness 2.5 kilometers up. So even a 2.22 kilometer obelisk would have been pushing it. Not to mention the fallout from its collapse would have killed everybody at that size.


    Also given what we're shown the rope used to make the elevator go up and down would have to be roughly 9,000 kilometers long which is about LA to Paris. Not the mention the emergency ladder they put in as well.




    That's what I'm talking about!

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  19. Holy Fuck! I just saw Cam Bert liked one of my posts!




    You've been missed, my friend! Looking forward to hearing some of your insights into all of this nonsense, :)


    ETA: And we posted at the same time! I, for one, noticed your absence. I was actually about to reach out to you and make sure everything was okay. Glad to hear that whatever kept you away seems to have stabilized for now.

    • Like 7

  20. Not really similar to Hamilton at all, but I would recommend the 10th anniversary recording of Les Mis. It started my love for musicals


    Wow! Thanks, Bartlet! I appreciate it! If you or anyone else have suggestions, they certainly don't have to be like Hamilton. If someone tells me it's good, I'll definitely check it out. Thanks for pointing me for the right direction for the preferred version as well. :)

  21. Cameron H, I love people who are just discovering their love for musicals and could literally talk to you about this forever and suggest musicals forever (I mean if you want that, message me, lol) but I feel like I NEED to tell you, if you liked the history aspect of Hamilton you should definitely listen to Assassins by Stephen Sondheim. It's my favorite musical, and also a favorite of Rachel Bloom, Daniel O'Brien and PFT.


    Okay, plug over. I love this show too much. I had to hold back tears when Kristin walked in the office.



    Thanks, Shannon! I just bought Assassins and look forward to listening to it later today! I didn't read the plot, but the synopsis sounds amazing.


    I would kindly take any and all recommendations you might have. There's just so much to choose from, I don't really know where to start. I mean, there are Musicals I've already seen or heard of, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they're any good, y'know?


    To give you some idea of where I'm at, since first being infected with an acute case of Hamiltoma, I have bought the cast recordings for In the Heights (Which I could talk about all day! "Blackout" still does it to me every time.), Wicked, The Book of Mormon, 21 Chump Street, and 1776. I have also bought West Side Story, The Wiz, Oliver!, Fiddler on the Roof, Cabaret, and Singin' in the Rain on Amazon Prime.


    I know that there are gems out there that I'm missing out on; so please, if you have any more suggestions, please let me know!


    ETA: I don't even know what I'd do if I ever met Kristin Chenoweth...I mean, besides trip over my tongue and look like an idiot. She's amazing!

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