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Cameron H.

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Posts posted by Cameron H.

  1. AVTAK: One of the worst Bonds...but the absolute BEST Bond theme song.


    A View to a Kill by Duran Duran is such a JAM.


    Close second Bond theme song? The Living Daylights


    80s forevs :)


    I love "The Living Daylights!" To anyone who thinks a-ha's only song is "Take on Me" you should really check out their greatest hits. "The Sun Only Shines on TV" is another great song!



    I thought it was Christopher Walken basically telling her to fuck him. I could be wrong I've watch A View to a Kill in the last like 6 months or so but I haven't seen in recently.


    Kind of...


    What happens is at the horse auction Bond runs in to May Day and says a normal Bond-ish line. Something like, "I look forward to your personal attention later." Flirty, but kind of innocuous. That night, he goes off with Sir Godfrey and they basically fuck up. Zorin and May Day suspect St. John-Smyth (Bond) of snooping so they race to his room to catch him in the act. She opens the door and he already in bed. He looks up at her and says something to the effect of, "Ah, I have been waiting for some of that personal attention..." I don't remember the exact lines, but I think there is definitely some eyebrow work. Zorin, out of Bond's view and not wanting to blow THEIR cover, nods to her and she gets into bed with him. She has absolutely no say in the matter.


    I mean, I don't mind Bond getting him some action, that's what he is all about, but usually they set it up that the girl wants to be with him too. And I'm not saying this was Bond's plan from the get-go, but he probably knows Zorin is right outside the door, so he is doing it all as a big "fuck you," like "I'm going to fuck your girlfriend now, because I know you don't want to reveal yourself, so you HAVE to let me do this." He could have just as easily said when she enters his room, "I'm sorry, is something the matter?" and that would have been that.


    Bottom line: May Day is given absolutely zero agency. It is like the writers/producers thought, "Hey, this broad can lift dudes over her head. That's a strong, female character, right?"

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  3. I remember watching this as a young kid and there was the implied sex scene between Roger Moore and Grace Jones. Even as a seven-year-old, I shook my head at that. There is no amount of quantum mechanics that would produce a universe where someone with a body like Grace Jones to have sex with someone with a body like Roger Moore. This took me right out of the movie...and I was just a kid. The technobabble goobledly-goop on Transformers was more believable.


    Oh, it's not just implied. He basically manipulates the situation so she HAS to have sex with him even though she doesn't want to. I believe there is a word for that...


    The more I think about this movie, the more I fucking hate it.

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  4. I think Paul was overselling that 'badness' of View to a Kill - maybe to justify doing it on the podcast.


    His mocking of the trailer was weird - it was just like every other action movie trailer from the '80s.


    It seems like this is just an excuse to crossover with James Bonding, which is fine.


    But View to a Kill is a middle of the road Bond movie - there are at least five (Moonraker, Tomorrow Never Dies, Die Another Day, The World is not Enough and Quantum of Solace) that are WAY worse in my opinion.


    I have to agree to an extant, I don't think A View to a Kill is that bad, I'm biased because I love Bond movies even the shitty ones, and I have a maybe masochistic affection for the Roger Moore era, but there are so many other Roger Moore Bond's that are bad but also more fun to watch, like Live and Let Die is this crazy racist attempt at a blaxploitation movie that ends with Yaphet Koto being inflated like balloon and Bond in Harlem acting like he just landed on Mars. or Man With the Golden Gun which has Roger Moore fight Herve Villacheze then lock him in a suitcase and both have a recurring racist country sheriff character, J W Pepper. or Octopussy were the climax involves Bond dressing up like a clown and infultrating circus to disarm a hidden nuke, also it has a woman it it named Octopussy!


    I agree with both of you, and although I have not listened to James Bonding (I've subscribed, but haven't gotten to it yet), it looks like (with the exception of Moonraker and Octopussy) they have done all of these already. I imagine that's why they weren't picked. For my money, I would have picked either Live and Let Die or Moonraker, both are bad, but watchable.


    Watching A View to a Kill this time felt like a chore. It was just so long! Don't get me wrong, I don't mind watching a long film, but I feel if you are going to make a long film every minute needs to feel justified. This movie could have used a healthy dose of editing.



    I don't know about Paul, but I do know I am uncomfortably attracted to May Day. I am kind of a weirdo.


    I am in total agreement with you about May Day. We shall be weirdos together.


    But to your earlier point regarding QoS, I think my biggest problem with it was how little of an impact it made on me. No, it's not the worst Bond film (that's definitely Die Another Die) it's just that it is so unremarkable, which to me is even more egregious.

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  6. Paul has def seen Bond movies. He was on James bonding to talk about a different bond movie. I think he meant this is the first for the podcast.



    I think he meant this was the first Bond movie he had seen in his life, and as such, held a special place in his heart for nostalgic purposes.



    If you are interested in seeing the Bond movies, you definitely do not have to watch them in order up until the three Daniel Craig movie. Aside from a few recurring characters like M and Q, the events of the previous film rarely impact the next film.


    Bond seemingly meets Blofeld for the first time on a few different occasions, for example. In fact, I would recommend not trying to hold the movies to any kind of continuity because the movies constantly violate stuff that came before.


    I concur with this. There are very few instances where an event from one film is referenced in another film. The only real exception I can think is On Her Majesty's Secret Service and the one (I can't remember which, but it was a Roger Moore one) where he is at (spoiler omitted)'s grave. Bottom line, you can watch them in any order, then you can join the debate of which actor is the best. (HINT: It is Timothy Dalton)



    I hate the new ones, I don't like Daniel Craig as James bond. I wish they would of gone back to the 1950's cold war era. have the old cars with the new tricks and do things they could never have done with the original movies. to me that's james bond's real time frame. not the 2000 decade.


    I want to see this fucking movie! I liked Casino Royale okay, but QoS and Skyfall were garbage. Bond is a product of another time, and I don't feel he fits well in the 21st century. In fact, one of my biggest issues with Skyfall was the misogyny in it. Misogyny is a big part of his character, but it was also the way things were back then. In Skyfall, it was like they were trying to have their cake and eat it too. After years of trying to give women an equal footing in the franchise, they struck it all down by replacing Judi Dench with Ralph Fiennes and saying Moneypenny is a secretary because she couldn't hack it in the field.* If it was all back in the 50's/60's it would make sense, but not now.


    *And the fact that Skyfall insinuates that the reason she is always flirting with him is because they have already had sex, thus implying he has some magical dick she can't wait to have again. I always took their flirting to be playfully platonic. I HATE Skyfall!

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  7. Yeah a fresh start might be nice now that Blaine has some DMing reps in, but still, this is fantastic news!


    I just finished binge listening to all the past episodes of NP and I am happy to say I am finally up to date. Well, "happy" isn't exactly the right word as now I will have to wait week-to-week with everyone else, which kind of blows.


    Anyway, I have to agree with Snake, Shampoodler, and SteFoster. I think Blaine is a great DM, but I feel like, on the whole, the show has been in kind of a holding pattern since Sark left. It hasn't really been a "campaign" so much as a series of encounters, and while these encounters can be (and often are) hilarious, I am not really seeing a goal or purpose. There's not (as much as I hate to use the term) a "big bad." I also feel like, because of the indefinite-ness of everybody being out and the "store sock-ness" of Gerry and Sarah's characters, that (aside for maybe Hug) they are not really as invested in their characters.


    I think Dan and Steve are fantastic additions to the cast and feel they have earned the right to roll characters of their own instead of piloting hand-me downs; characters that reflect their own personalities. I say, unless Blaine has an overall story he is building towards, start fresh. At the very least retire (or respectfully murder) Winter and Lyra (sp?) and give Dan and Steve full control.

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    and.... his name is spelled Matt Dillon. I thought most HDTGM fans were movie buffs, so this caught me off guard. Maybe the crowd is the opposite, people who don't like movies and therefore like to watch only the bad ones


    I think it was an honest mistake. I mean, I wouldn't correlate a person misspelling Matt Dillon's name with not being a "movie buff." I don't expect people to consult imdb before every post.


    Besides, it was Matt Dillon. A celebrity to be sure, but not exactly someone with the same name recognition as say, Stephan Spielburg.

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  9. @freeagent


    I appreciate it! Yeah, my wife is the one with the talent and she is so loaded down with with "day job" stuff, I doubt it will get done at this point. Maybe, but doubtful. Adding Adam was the intent though, along with whatever other guests we could squeeze in there. Unfortunately, as Jarrycanada pointed out, the figures in the background are so small it would be difficult to make them out. Although I still think it would be cool in a Sgt Pepper sort of way...


    I like what she did though, Jason really looks like he is ready to beat some ass!


    I've heard this story a million times from so many people, comedians on podcasts, regular people at parties, everywhere and it's always second hand. Maybe by coincidence your friend's not full of shit but I'm positive this is the first urban legend of the texting era


    On page 2 of this very thread...




    Must turd, you may be on to something....

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  11. There really isn't anything to talk about with Lost World though, as it's just a rehash of the first one, but they remembered to bring guns. The T-Rex rampage through San Diego was what I'd hoped more of the movie would be. Not really caring much about about Jurassic Park in the first place, I remembered liking JP3 at the time because it was more action-packed and pretty short, but I'll be damned if I can remember more than 3 scenes from it.


    Funny, I would have said they would have more to say about The Lost World, because it is really just a collection of scenes, that may be visually interesting, but ultimately make no sense. It expects you to just buy all the logic leaps (a T-Rex slipping out of its hold, dismembering people in tiny rooms, and then somehow locking itself back up), convenient storytelling ( "Oh you're a gymnast? Can't see how that will ever come back up in a totally lame way..." ), and idiotic character decisions (Bring a hurt baby T-Rex back to our HQ on the edge of a cliff? What could possibly go wrong?).


    I remember watching it when I was younger and liking it the best of all three, but now I think it holds up the worst.

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    Die Another Day really is so bad that it is mind blowing and I think it would be a better movie to do on this particular show. Can't stress that enough. Bond para-surfs. Invisible car. Ice Palace. Halle Berry is very, very bad in this movie and it's only a couple of years before she did Catwoman!



    Starting with Casino Royale, I have a tradition where I re-watch Die Another Die before every new Bond movie. This way, comparitively, I am less disappointed. Although with Skyfall (and definitely Quantum) it was really close.



    Announced today - XANADU (I guess they dumped the sequel theme?)


    Yeah, that's weird. There are so many bad sequels out there to choose from. I would have suggested, with Jurassic World coming up, either The Lost World or Jurassic Park 3. Both are absolutely dreadful.

  14. Are you serious? A View to a Kill awesome - my second favorite Bond film!


    Why not Tomorrow Never Dies or Die Another Day?


    Hey, I don't disagree. As long as the don't touch anything with Timothy Dalton or George Lazenby, I'm cool.


    I think mostly it will be because of stuff like this (as pulled from imdb):


    "Roger Moore said that he decided to end his run as James Bond when he realized that Tanya Roberts's mother was younger than he was."

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  15. Have the movies for these shows been announced yet? I feel like for previous shows they've been announced a lot earlier so I don't know if I missed an episode or something.


    I believe the 10PM is View to a Kill. The 8PM is still unannounced.


    My Jonathan Brandis pick for this podcast would be "Lady Bugs", the highly uncomfortable comedy where Rodney Dangerfield pervs out to 14-year-old girls while Brandis in drag becomes the star player for the girls' soccer team. I think that Jason would die of dehydration before this one was finished.


    I would also like to put forth, The Neverending Story II:The Next Chapter. I remember that came out when I was at an age when I thought pretty much ever movie was awesome and even I wanted to walk out of it.

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  17. As much as I love Rifftrax/MST3K, I am not sure if their type of humor would mesh all that well with HDTGM. Paul, June, and Jason all come from an improv background whereas the MST3K guys seem very precise and methodical in their humor. Although, that being said, I would love to be proven wrong.


    Currently, I would love for Brian Posehn to return with Gerry Duggan to discuss X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Based on their history with Deadpool (and Paul's own for that matter), I would be interested to hear their take on this piece of garbage.

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  18. Wow those questions were cringe worthy. People trying to spazz out with snarky quips instead of letting the funny people do the talking. Come on guys, don't be that person.

    Not to be a Negative Nancy, but: worst audience questions ever. Fantastic episode otherwise.

    Yeah, those questions were utter garbage. Classic "I don't actually have a question but I want to get on the show" stuff.


    In all fairness to those that asked the questions, they did just watch LOL, so I think they can be cut some slack. I know my mind was addled for days afterward...

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  19. A few more things:


    First of all, from now on my go to answer when confronted with something I don't understand is going to be, "It's Millennials, bro. It's Millennials..."


    Secondly, Scotch and Coke is indeed a drink and was reportedly the drink of choice for the Beatles when they first hit America. Her grandmother is probably in that age bracket, so maybe it was at the apex of its popularity during the early sixties.


    Finally, Battle of the Bands is also a thing. I was in one myself many years ago. We came in 11th out of 18 bands, so a solid C- for us. We did get high marks for stage presence though, which is like being told we had "a great personality." What it was not though was the multiple month, bracketed tournament portrayed in the movie. Maybe 6 hours or so all told.

  20. I'd also like to think that he did some prop work of his own and busted out an object that could best be described as "clearly not a human penis".


    Bravo! I had a legit "LOL" at this!


    Also, not really my story to tell, but I didn't want it to get lost in the shuffle. I was just scrolling through the alternate LOL thread and I would be remiss if I didn't give a shout out to our own Maximiliano who did the due diligence and also watched the French version. Max gave us a full run down of it, but I had forgot this little nugget of information. Apparently, at the end of the French version it says, "Based on a true story...lol"


    I'll let you all chew on that for the rest of the day.


    Thanks Maximiliano! You truly are a hero like no other!

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