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Cameron H.

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Posts posted by Cameron H.


    Also, one thing I noticed is the total tease when Mariah cheers her friends up after they've been fired by waving a credit card in their faces and you think it's going into a shopping montage but there's just one jump cut and boom, done.



    Yeah, I was surprised they didn't bring that up. It stuck out to me as well, because it starts out as a real mopey, navel gazing scene. They just got fired, and she says-in all sincerity-"You two are like sisters to me. I don't want anything to change that." Her friends say, "Neither do I." Roach bag says something inconsequential, and then Gliiter is like, "Let's go shopping!"... so I can rub my success in your stupid faces! Cut to them in matching gold outfits. End scene.


    I swear to God, I would say this movie was manic depressive except for that is about as high as it ever got. Mostly it was Marianas Trench, sea level.


    On an unrelated note--My ears needed a cigarette after listening to the director's commentary. It felt like he was recording it in a candlelit room slathered in massage oil.

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  2. My biggest issue with this movie is that there was no conflict! You need some kind of conflict so that when your character does succeed beyond expectations, the audience can sit back and say, "Wow, Glitter sure did Andy Dufresne the hell out of that river of crap. Good on you! Enjoy Zihuatanejo, you earned that shit!"


    Instead, she just gets kind of shuffled along with everyone telling her, "You're the best!" and apparently she is..?


    Adam brought up a good point when he asked something like, "Does she even want to be a singer?" and I would argue that she is apathetic at best. Dice asks her, "What is the biggest thing you ever dreamed for?" and she answers "I don't know." What do you mean, "you don't know?" That is ludicrous! I refuse to believe that anyone asked that question point blank, couldn't answer with something (e.g. I want to be a singer/writer/lawyer/shark wrestler). Fuck, she could have said "To find the mother who abandoned me." It might have been kind of a downer, but it would have at least convinced me she wasn't just a sentient robot powered by Auto-Tune.


    After she writes her song about her mother and then hears Benet's equally sappy song at the awards show, he comes up to her wanting to do a song together. The movie tries to set him up as a real artist. She then goes into the studio with him and he starts playing this ballad on the piano, and I thought to myself, "Oh! This is the conflict. She doesn't want to be a bubblegum pop star, she wants to be a serious artist." Cut to the finished song...nope. It is the same pseudo-eighties wanna-do-it-all-night type bullshit she has been doing for the rest of the movie.


    On a serious note, I hope June and Jason are both doing well and everything is going better for them. As great as the guests were, they were still sorely missed. :)

    • Like 6

  3. Speaking of Underworld, has anyone else seen I, Frankenstein? Holy cow! I was watching it and was thinking, "Damn, this is just like Underworld." Turns out, same writer. Talk about one note....he basically plagiarized himself.


    It's even got Bill Nighy in it playing pretty much the same character.


    God it was terrible....

  4. I think all of these suggestions are very worthy of being HDTGM-ed.


    As for me, and I know this probably won't be a popular suggestion as it is not a "true" horror movie, but I would love to hear them discuss The Monster Squad. This is one of those movies I loved as a kid, only to realize as an adult that it was pretty terrible. If you are a person who has never seen this movie, do yourself a favor and check it out. Think less-charming Goonies vs. Universal monsters. It includes all the wonderful eighties movie hallmarks such as: casual racism (one person dies, so of course he's black) and horny pre-teens (the so-called "cool" kid is hilarious).


    If not this, then I would also throw my hat in for the remake of The Haunting with Liam Neeson. So, so dumb...

  5. wow that link still works!! amazing.. Now you know it's a really good movie, If it hasn't been taken. down yet


    Keep thinking that "LOL" is this week. So I guess it's about time I watch this.


    Yeah, I finished it this weekend. Oh boy...we got another Crossroads type movie here where the cover doesn't really match the content. It is like these singers think, "Gee, I've never acted before and have really don't have a barometer of how talented I am at that....You know what? Let's do one of those big, old mopey dramas everyone is dying to see!"


    What a freakin' (boring) drag, but the ending is pretty spectacular.


    Oh, and I hope everyone likes Grandmaster Flash's "The Message" (especially when played incessantly at 3 second intervals) because yeah, you're getting that.

  6. All these names are confusing! Are Jeremy and Kyle "Shit Dicks" 2 and 3? I can't see any of the characters learning anything or feeling one way or the other at the end of the film, because everyone in the movie is an absolute twat/raw chicken.


    I think Jeremy is Shit Dick Prime....


    But to answer Quarky, I never really got the vibe they would get together. He was more or less a cypher and didn't really have a role in the movie. In fact, the one bit of acting I would buy is that they were "just friends." He just sort of shows up when it's convenient, like "Hey, now there's this guy. He was in Kyle XY. They're friends, that's all you need to know."

  7. I am looking forward to hearing everyone's take on the French version. I find it mind-boggling that Lisa Azuelos wrote and directed both versions.


    So you can't even blame Hollywood for fucking up the source material. This was her vision.

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    The only thing I don't really understand about this movie was why she was keeping a diary on paper. every kid knows in the known world that adults don't know how to use computers and if you want to keep something safe and out of parents eyes. keep it in cyberspace.


    in the end, This movie really made me feel old.


    That's funny, I had the same thought last night, because, y'know, what else would I be thinking about? I mean, I get it: Mom discovers teen daughter's diary. That's conflict people!


    On the other hand, it is just really lazy storytelling. I think one of the movies main themes the movie was trying to make is how wrapped up society has become on technology (which the main character is for the most part), but when it comes time to write her deepest secrets she writes it pen to paper on a diary with no lock! They could have achieved the same thing by having the Shitty Mom trying to get some document on the computer and needing Nasal McBoogers' help finding it, and whoops!, she accidentally stumbles on her daughter's online diary which she forgot to log out of because she was wrapped up with some Shit Dick drama. If anything, this movie is encouraging people to bury their faces even deeper into their various devices. That paper bullshit will just get you burned, yo!

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    What I wished I could do with this is do a movie mock up, using review lines from this thread. Like:


    "I want to punch everybody in the Dick!" - Smigg


    So, everyone should come up with their one line review quote, just to keep this good shit going.


    "It's finger lickin' good!"--CameronH

  10. There are 31 5-Star reviews on Netflix UK, out of 57. So 54% of the people who watched it thought it was an incredible movie, that's not including those who marked it 4 stars either.



    I think that means that you are totally justified punching every other person you meet on the street. Statistically, there's a better than 1-2 chance they probably like LOL and therefore must be stopped.


    That's how statistics work, right?


    I think there should just be a reading of this forum. We're on fucking fire guys. I been referencing this movie in the my regular life a lot lately, and I'm fucking FURIOUS about it.


    Agreed. There's some really funny stuff on this thread. I'm just afraid that by the time the podcast actually drops we are all going to be tapped out on comments for the movie. When it is released someone should just post the link for this thread on the episode's comment section with a "You're welcome." :)

  12. I have watched "Glitter" ( Can't wait to hear the episode ) now I'm going to watch "LOL" wish me luck...


    I just said a quiet prayer for you. I promise, you will not be the same. Colors, once bright, are now muted and dull...

  13. Here was my (first) issue with this movie, I could not hear a word either of them were saying! It is the first instance I can recall where turning up the volume was actually detrimental to my understanding of the words coming out of their mouths. Everything they said simply bounced off my eardrums and was vomited back out. It was like watching a ninety minute conversation between a lawn mower and a dog whistle.


    To make matters worse, I had to purchase the DVD (sorry, no BluRay--although I suspect if there was my eyes would have melted like the Nazis at the end of Raiders from all the spangle-y clothes) and there weren't even subtitles.


    So...I guess I will have to watch it again.

    • Like 2

  14. I know you guys have to have sponsors (and we appreciate them for making the podcasts possible), and you have to do the reads in the scheduled slots, but it feels like somebody should have done a rearrange on this one. Somehow, going straight from a discussion about media-fed statistical misconceptions (including a reference to how seeing lottery winners on TV makes people ignore how unlikely it is to win the lottery) to a read for a sports gambling site (including references to past winners who turned small bets into huge winnings). Just saying the placement of that ad could have been a bit less dissonant... unless that's what you were going for.



    Agreed. I had a genuine chuckle at that one. I was hoping it was on purpose...


    I was more distracted by Miley's voice, specifically during all the awful voiceover audio. I know she's got a nasal sounding voice at baseline, but this was next level nasal. It was like the one day that was all recorded just so happened to be the same day she came down with an awful cold. Apparently that $11 million budget didn't include any money for sudafed.



    Oh, gosh yes! I kept thinking, "Please, just blow your damn nose!"


    -The movie is called LOL because her name is Lola, but people call her Lol. NO ONE CALLS HER LOL DURING THE ENTIRE MOVIE.



    Thank you! This bugged the ever living shit out of me! I was about to post on it, but I was sure someone had to have brought it up. That stupid opening monologue ends with her saying this and I just about split my brain from my eyes rolling back in my head.


    Then--nothing! I had stupid subtitles on for this one, and although I am sure my mind wandered or broke a few times during my viewing, I saw only one time where they called her LOL instead of Lola. She says only her friends call her this though...so maybe she doesn't have any friends...


    Here's how I imagined it went down:


    "Hey guys, I got this great idea and you're gonna write it for me, now listen up. There's this French flick, it's about a bunch of shitty kids and their shitty parents, there is a scene where a girl fingers a raw chicken. The main character is called Lola. We call the movie LOL, get it?"


    "Like 'Laugh out Loud?'"




    "So...it's like a comedy."


    "Not at all."


    "But her friend's call her that?"


    "Sure. Whatever. It's just something the kids say. It's cool. Like ZOMG."


    "I'd rather write ZOMG...."


    "You'll write what I tell you to write!"

  17. Who wins if there's ever a situation where EVERYONE is the scrappy underdog? In this movie though, did we see any of the Shit Dicks' competition? Bill and Ted beat fuckin' PRIMUS. To play Devil's Advocate for a second here (meaning I'm going to shout/whisper/shout/whisper everything), MAYBE the Shit Dicks were like the BEST team in a TERRIBLE DIVISION. We DON'T and will likely NEVER KNOW for sure. HOO-AH!


    The scrappiest, of course! Wasn't there was a three-fingered hobo on the bill who just played air guitar on his bindle for thirty minutes interspersed with vulgar and racist rants directed at the audience?


    btw-I totally cast Al Pacino as the judge in my scenario above. Not sure if you picked that up or it was just serendipity :)

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  18. Bill and Ted handled it with much more class, subtlety, and realism though. This movie was bordering on science fiction.


    My thought too! What Battle of the Bands lasts for...I'm gonna say...months(?)


    And they win with the most banal shit I have ever heard! While they are still on stage! Nice deliberation there judges. Sure you don't want to mull it over for ten minutes first? "No, no--I gotta get the hell OUT of here! Just give it to Shit Dick and let's go!"


    I would have loved it if Jack Black and the School of Rock kids came onstage after them, like this movie was occurring concurrently, and rocked the shit out of that place.

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  19. Before the Beatles George Martin was producer for the Goon Show with Spike Milligan, Peter Sellers and Harry Secombe which Monty Python credit as their inspiration, I personally don't think silly is a negative thing.



    It is also important to mention that producing comedy was just a job he did. This is not to say it was outside his wheelhouse or interests, but to say "He produced comedy albums and therefore injected the Beatles music with silliness" is sort of ridiculous. Not to mention a specious argument.


    George Martin went to the Guildhall School for Music, I am sure he didn't do this in the hope that he would one day be producing comedy albums. It was The Beatles who were fans of those comedy shows. It was their inherent silliness that drew them to him when they discovered his background. If anything he was a producer who helped their talent shine brighter.


    If you don't like The Beatles, that's fine, I know a few people who feel the same way, but be honest about it. Instead of cheap arguments and cursory research, just admit: "You know what? The Beatles just don't do it for me" and pick another topic.


    Also, to call them a "kids band" just because kids respond to their music is lame. Is music exclusionary now? Oh, kids like it so it must be bad? That's such a strange thought. I know kids who hate Creed, does that make them awesome? 'Cos I refuse to live in a world where that is the case.


    Otherwise, as always, great podcast!


    Oh! and The Saint is the shit. I can't believe they are having trouble getting a copy. I have had mine for years and I am so glad I do.

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  20. If you don't find your quote on The Wicker Man it may be I Know Who Killed Me. My memory is being shifty as shit right now and where I remember being when I heard that line is not where I was when I was listening to the Wicker Man podcast. However, IKWKM is the next episode after WM so I think I am close.


    Let me know when/if you find it.

  21. You can watch the entire thing on Youtube. It's not very good, but 90s nostalgia is finally a thing, so you might enjoy it for that.



    Thanks for the link Joe!


    Yeah, I remember watching this on TV at the height of my enthusiasm for the X-books--and at an age where you pretty much like every movie you see--and my poor little mind working so hard to try justify and enjoy it. I also remember it being the first movie I was aware of whitewashing. It was a real "loss of innocence" experience for me.

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    for example, does anyone know what the episode it is where Jason says "I yelped. I yelped Thai food restaurants, because I was hungry."?


    That's funny, I was re-listening to a bunch of episodes yesterday and caught that "yelp" joke for the first time. Based on the few I listened to, I am pretty sure that is from The Wicker Man. I may be wrong though....


    Good Luck! :)
