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Everything posted by greazey_bob

  1. mogwai magpie mopquest hogtie
  2. Music is my first love, I only felon to comedy. Arson and pipe-fitting were a close alpha and omega. Ya herb?
  3. I've had bear heart. I've had lion heart. Then I had Elkhart, Indiana. And she was a furious lay.
  4. Swiper no skyping the dial-up's dead
  5. greazey_bob

    EPISODE 351 — CBB: The Movie

    thank you Scott. thank you Hayes and Buglord. thanks Bang and Holly and Cody too. guard bliss use all
  6. Two light bulbs walk into a barley field, the static connectivity makes them fingertips tingly. Just like good orgy pie
  7. It's similar to paper rock scissors, but it's called chocolate cheese jelly beans, and this isn't a game anymore
  8. Setup setup silver rainbows, purple stuff, Leonard Nimoy, Wittels it down, punch it up, get that to me asap!
  9. If I wooed the rural, imagine that. I'd skeeball my funds. Stack by Finn's unfurled. If I wooed the rural
  10. That's nuts, said the tree frog to his squirrely neighbor. And so is that. That though is the circuit breaker. & so it was
  11. greazey_bob

    Disco Bob you late

    Disco Bob you late
  12. Tom flees when you're herding phlegm
  13. greazey_bob

    EPISODE 231 — Slow Dance Party

    solid AoGG chunk by June. u been servd
  14. That's one ugly mug shot. Sad looking line-up. Fingerprints? I hardly know the man. How about a coffee?
  15. Bedpans of my ass destruction. The horror, the odd discoloring, the peaceful easy feeling, running down my trouser
  16. Sister Carl died doing what she loved: Steamy warm toasted spicy hot yogurt. Intravenous
  17. I am sixteen going on seventeen. I am all like, whatever and who really cares?
  18. Whined me up, watch me dance, stick a thousand needles in my thirty-second chance. Triple infinity no take backs
  19. I'm Nora the glaff ass hemp seed type of goy
  20. Transcendental movements, direct meditation, bowel messaging. TMs, DMs, BMs, I don't give a crap anymore!
  21. This next song is called Howard Cosell's a mafia hit man.
  22. Have you heard Omar from the Wire's new bit on sentient airline peanuts? Too bad, I hear it's killer. Warm towel?
  23. Today's through line is blue wine. Never a red, green or white in my brew stein. The stuff moonbeams are afraid of
  24. Military prison wedding industrial complexes are in this Spring. Try it with a nice scarf or some 'a' them fuzzy boots.