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Darbler Cheesegarbler

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Everything posted by Darbler Cheesegarbler

  1. Darbler Cheesegarbler

    Episode 96 — Green Grover

  2. Darbler Cheesegarbler

    Episode 328 — Beatle Heaven

    Really solid musical performances, all-around great episode. I had never heard of American Football but I give all CBB musical guests the benefit of the doubt and I always listen all the way through. The Both and now American Football were fantastic recent performances, definitely C+ material. I also get a kick out of knowing that at least one of the band members is a big fan of the show, and if he may be reading these words, good job bud! I'm happy to see you having so much success and it must be great to have such a following. You were far less "emo" than some of the whiny bullshit out there these days and really enjoyable to listen to live. I enjoyed it all, as a first-time listener, but Summer's End, especially the fact that one of the Steve's was just tapping on shit, was fantastic. If nobody uploads these tracks to YouTube or iTunes in the next few days, I'll upload it to YouTube myself. To people complaining about musical guests, it's really easy to skip ahead or skip an episode completely. Sometimes I feel an intense urge to say something negative about a guest, but about 99% of the time I'm able to hold it back. It's still really worth it to follow the old adage "if you don't have something nice to say, say nothing". That's not to discourage dissenting opinions, but I'm just saying these forums tend to be a really positive, constructive place. Saying the equivalent of "I don't like the musical guest" adds nothing and is really just kinda vain, because frankly, who cares if you don't like a band? I'm just happy that I actually had another new episode this week, I was ripping through some of my own personal best-ofs recently because I didn't have enough new material. If you're feeling similar, a few episodes I went back to recently were The Thrilling CBB Adventure Hour, Shed Busting, the old one with Aziz and Brendon Small and, because I hadn't listened to it yet, I checked out Orson Welles' first appearance. BTW, is "American Football" what you guys call soccer? Up here in Canada we just call it soccer. And honestly, you could upload these live tracks to iTunes for sure. They are fantastic.
  3. Darbler Cheesegarbler

    Episode 284 — A Thrilling CBB Adventure Hour

    One of my favorite episodes, but that's unfair because Croach is one of my favorite characters from one of my favorite shows (in any format). I loved how Marc managed to play Sparks while still being Marc, reacting to Croach in pretty much the exact same ways. I loved the body switch too, and how Marc and Mark both had no idea exactly what PFT meant by it. Also, so much white privilege. I will continue leaving small sacrifices to my Cthulhu lamp and praying for Frank and Sadie to appear in an episode of Comedy Bang Bang... That would make my heart explode.
  4. Darbler Cheesegarbler

    Episode 326 — 2014 Holiday Spectacular

    I'd watch Batman vs Birdman with Michael Keaton in both roles. My favorite part of the whole episode. From the moment Neil (I already forget the character's name) mentions rule #7, right to the start of rule #8, is that pure joy you're talking about. It's like Adomian and everyone else in the room is silently pushing the joy through the microphone. I actually laughed harder than him at the Capricorn line.
  5. Darbler Cheesegarbler

    Episode BO2014.3 — Best of 2014 Pt 3

    Andy asking "can a podcast be cancelled?" is one of my favorite moments from the whole year.
  6. There's no denying that, judging by her description, she looks like she's from a transhuman metrofuture. Maybe she's travelling back in time, slipping between dimensions, to save the Earwolf podcastverse as we know it. Her appearances have all been really enjoyable, so maybe without her, in an alternate timeline, Earwolf slipped into mediocrity and lost listeners by the thousands until it shut down. Traci Reardon is the hero we deserve, and I can't help feeling that JW Stillwater is involved somehow. He first appeared when Reardon was live on stage with Scott.
  7. If you're listening to this drunk and you're hearing doubles, you're getting more bang bang for your buck.
  8. Fuck yes, to everything. Honestly, this thread just made me enjoy the podcast even more. Thank you.
  9. Darbler Cheesegarbler

    Episode BO2014.2 — Best of 2014 Pt 2

    Merry Christmas everybody! This is a great way to spend the rest of my morning, so thank you Scotty and Pauly and the whole Earwolf family for this gift.
  10. Darbler Cheesegarbler

    Episode BO2014.1 — Best of 2014 Pt 1

    Just started and... Did Scott just it'sbeenawhile the words "little girl"? I'm sure this is going to be a wild ride.
  11. Darbler Cheesegarbler

    The CBB Guest Network - redux

    Fixed that for you. This is awesome, Puppetman!
  12. Darbler Cheesegarbler

    Cakeboss: The Game

    Hello friends! I know I'm already cluttering up the General Earwolf forum with my annoying bullshit, but instead of censoring myself I've decided to really lean into it, be myself, and see how other people receive my personal impulses. This morning I want to share with you a 3D character I created over the weekend based on Mario 64 and Paul F. Tompkinses's' Cakeboss. I really want to make a 3D platformer where you play as Cakeboss in a Mario 64-like environment, and my animating and programming skills have finally caught up with my ambitions. I'm posting this here because nothing would make this game better than getting input from fans of CBB and PFT on how to make this something really special, and something that does justice to the podcast and has plenty of easter eggs for us fans. Please leave any suggestions you can think of on how to make this an amazing game, please let me know what you think of the 3D model, and please don't tell anyone that I'm making this game because chances are it's probably illegal to use these likenesses. Although, if it's done in parody, can't I pretty much do anything? Also, I doubt this will ever happen, but in my heart's soul, my deepest of deeps, I hope that someone from Earwolf, or even Mr. Tompkins himself, will comment on this and help guide where this game is going.
  13. Darbler Cheesegarbler

    Cakeboss: The Game

    I have the perfect models for a bug, scarab, scorpion, wolf and R2D2, now I just need to paint them and adjust certain parts to make them look more cakey. Instead of biting off more cake than I can chew, I think I'll just try to make a single 3D level with many things to interact with to explain the backstory and cakelore, and a bunch of enemies to kick or jump on. Basically just something that a dozen or two Earwolf forumers might end up playing, full of CBB references, and maybe actually a short, fun 3D platformer. Thank you everyone for your suggestions, they're perfect and they're really getting my brain's workjuice flowing. EDIT almost exactly 1 month later (January 21st) because I don't want to bump the thread: It's actually coming together a little bit, and I think I've incorporated almost all of the ideas from this thread. Jacob's soundbite idea for his different expressions was perfect and had to be done, so I hope Scotty Auks doesn't mind me borrowing a few 1-2 second clips. As it stands, I have him saying "cake boss" in 9 different ways and a few other clips ready to be used for certain moments. Greggy's timer idea is used for the quests you are given, so each quest has a specific time so you have to rush to complete it or fail. Right now I have the timers set to 10 minutes so that the time never runs out for me as I test stuff, so I'll make it lower but it won't be ridiculous or annoying, you'll always have enough time to complete the quest without speedrunning it. I have a funny clip of PFT complaining about the process of always having to make the cakes quickly, so I'm hoping to use that whenever he's given a new quest. Because I'm not going too crazy with the idea and making a bunch of levels, I decided to use Must Turd's idea anyways and make Sentient R2D2 Cake a miniboss while The Pie Minister is the final boss. Shannon's idea has become integral to the whole game, because people love collectibles and now there are hidden Cakebug collectibles throughout the game that, in a way, give you the second sight and allow you to metaphysically explore the cakelore with many facts from Cakeboss's CBB appearances. I already have one in the playable version, and all that really happens is you get a glowing effect on the screen and a window pops up that gives you a fact about Cakeboss. Once I have a version that is playable enough to be shared, I'll post it here.
  14. Darbler Cheesegarbler

    Episode 95 — LIVE from UCB-Sunset

    Amazing live episode of Roana and Beverly! Except it hurt my heart whenever Jack said "Roana." Sound quality is great too!
  15. Darbler Cheesegarbler

    Episode 230 — incestry.com

    I first read the title as "Incestry.com" which is a completely different website.
  16. Not commenting on this episode is actually part of my restraining order.
  17. Darbler Cheesegarbler

    Episode 69 — Neil deGrasse Tyson, host of StarTalk Radio

    I love Star Talk! Every episode with Eugene Mirman is podcast gold and I highly recommend them; hilarious and they cover some amazing topics. This was a great episode of Wolf Den.
  18. Darbler Cheesegarbler

    No Really, How Did These Get Made?

    This isn't a bad movie recommendation, but I think this is the best place for this thread. What are some movies that had really low budgets or seem to come from complete obscurity, but ended up being amazing and beloved? What are movies that created some great special effects using unconventional methods? Movies where it would be really interesting to find out how it got made, leaning more into episodes like Bad Ass or Punisher: War Zone, where having people from the actual movie could work sometimes. I love it when they rip stuff apart, but some of my favorite moments come from the real behind-the-scenes stuff. Thank you to anyone who responds with some ideas!
  19. Darbler Cheesegarbler

    Episode 326 — 2014 Holiday Spectacular

    "Titular 'til I die." This episode is the greatest gift of all. I'm only about nine minutes in so I have my fingers crossed that Adomian will be Hitchens and Gourley will be Giger. I will update this post accordingly... EDIT: not Hitchens nor Giger, but damn I couldn't be happier with the results. At least they both still played ghosts. I hope so hard that they'll find a way to do Ho-Ho on the TV show-show next Christmas, and after seeing Fourvel on the couch it definitely seems possible.
  20. Darbler Cheesegarbler

    Episode 99 — A View To a Kill: LIVE

    I loved the LOL all-star panel, but damn it's nice to have June and Jason back. Matt & Matt were amazing too!
  21. Darbler Cheesegarbler

    Cakeboss: The Game

    Thank you both for your responses! I have to wonder if it would be illegal for me to steal a soundbite of PFT saying "Cakeboss!" to use as his default exclamation, like when he takes a third jump or something. I really want to, but I also don't want to be a dirty thief. Maybe some friends from the Earwolf community could provide their own "Cakeboss!" soundbite and I could use that, and then we'd be narrowly avoiding theft. Then again I don't plan to make any money from this, so I guess it doesn't really matter, right? Jacob, I know it's cheesy and stupid, but it really warms my heart and makes me smile that you commented on this. I didn't know if anyone would respond at all, and this is a great surprise. Shannon, I'm thrilled that you responded to this and that sounds like the beginnings of a great game mechanic! If you look closely at my avatar, you'll see a cake bug on Buddy's shoulder, so you can tell I love the idea of adding collectible cake bugs throughout the 3D game. Fictional Character Heaven is also a bottomless well of game ideas, so good call on including that in the virtual cakeverse. There also must be a place for scarabs and wolves, they seem like pretty standard enemies. I'd also like to include Chewbacca... At this point, I don't care if it's canon or not. There could be a whole level based on the inky blackness manifested from the undead mind of HR Giger.
  22. Darbler Cheesegarbler

    Episode 325 — Musical Organs

    Whoa! That hilarious dude from Hamlet 2 and Pitch Perfect is a first-timer on this episode! Commenting before I dig in, now... Time to dig in. I'll be back to give a detailed review, but I feel like this will probably end up being a C+ (as long as Cody doesn't fuck everything up).
  23. Darbler Cheesegarbler

    I wonder if we will hear...

    Me and my friend burst out laughing at "English" and again at her line about dying in a pool. We completely lost it during the whole "counsel me" bit, and replayed the whole interview after that because we were missing parts from laughing. Her idea of sexy eyes is absolute insanity, and this was one of the funniest non-podcast guests on the CBB show, if we're basing that on laughs-per-minute. One of the best parts is that you could tell she was making everyone crack up.
  24. Darbler Cheesegarbler


    I recently bought a developer's kit for the Oculus Rift (still in transit), and I honestly can't wait to use it for situations just like the one we described. Having a VR camera system set up in the studio at Earwolf could be a seriously lucrative (and easy to implement) idea. I can already imagine how amazing it would be to be able to look around the room and feel like I'm right there for the recordings of all of my favorite podcasts, especially because I have a strong feeling that Scott and many of the other hosts and guests would feel the need to acknowledge and even interact with the camera/me. Also my sincere thanks to Zsinjeh for posting about elevr.com... I was on the fence about buying an Oculus Rift, and so close to being pushed to buy one, but your link is what finally made my decision. That and the fact that I know a bunch of studios are working on VR content, so at this point it's really worth it. And I agree with Bever... I'd be right there with you, on the highest tier I could afford, if videos from Earwolf became a Kickstarter.
  25. Darbler Cheesegarbler

    Episode 98.5 — Minisode 98.5

    This wouldn't have been my first choice for a Bond movie either, but I still think it's a great choice. It's one of my favorite serieses's' but I think we can all agree that in terms of HDTGM insanity, the series is an embarrassment of riches. I think Paul, June and Jason will eventually do multiple Bond movies because there's just so much to do, and I think in most of them there are at least some redeeming qualities so they are great for conversation. Jason will also always have plenty of opportunities to talk about his dick and how he would use it to interact with various actresses/characters, and I hope June will talk about how attractive she finds James Bond, or in this case, Roger Moore. In fact, can I just submit some kind of official question here? Here's a question: How does Jason feel Tanya Roberts stacks up to other Bond girls in terms of acting ability and sexuality, and how does June feel about Roger Moore and the other Bond actors given the same criteria? And of course, I need to know how attracted Paul is to May Day and if he would choose her as his #2 henchperson if he were a bond villain.