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Elektra Boogaloo

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Everything posted by Elektra Boogaloo

  1. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 155 - Airborne: LIVE!

    They mentioned my movie!
  2. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 154.5 - Minisode 154.5

    Mostly I use Instagram to find out who the guests at the live shows are going to be. I KNOW THE FUTURE.
  3. Elektra Boogaloo

    Power Rangers (2017)

    It premiered when I was in middle school so thanks for making me feel old. Kimberly was a gymnast. That's why she was my fave, because I wanted to be a gymnast. Although I was under the impression that just having the coins *did* give them some strength or power for the unmorphed fights with the putty patrol, because everyone else in the world seems totally unable to deal with them. Though they were certainly not strong enough to break a sink or scale a cliff. I'm iffy on the Breakfast Club scenario. On the one hand, it did seem odd that these kids were all friends originally. But on the other hand, they were supposed to have been chosen because they were friends and could already work together. Not just stumbled into it. I guess it's the stumbling into it I have a problem with. What are Zordon and Alpha doing? Sitting around, playing checkers? I am also not a fan of Jason and Kim kissing in the trailer. Everyone knows that Kim and Tommy belong together forever with hearts drawn around their names.
  4. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 154 - Highlander II: The Quickening LIVE!

    I was really hoping those signs were gonna say "We made you! We made you!"
  5. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 154 - Highlander II: The Quickening LIVE!

    You guys keep using all these dumb words.
  6. Elektra Boogaloo

    50 Shades of Grey (2015)

    I've been seeing ads for the sequel to this and... I don't understand? Didn't the first film bomb? Also apparently it is written by EL James's husband so I bet the dialogue will be GREAT. Maybe I should start a thread for that one.
  7. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 154 - Highlander II: The Quickening LIVE!

    When June said she didn't understand this movie and didn't care to, I agree. I would kind of rather spend another hour googling where the butt starts and images of naked dolls. I'm probably going to scroll past any legit corrections and omissions for this movie, I kind of don't care.
  8. Elektra Boogaloo

    Paywall Special Announcement

    It sounds like Paul needs to come to group therapy with me about his anxiety. It's okay, Paul. The internet will freak out over ANYTHING. Remember when Jason got his MA geography wrong? But also thanks for giving me more episodes. I was sad when "where does the butt start?" disappeared.
  9. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    Ok. I'll allow it.
  10. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    First of all, I am American and Raffi was the shit when I was a kid. Pinocchio scared the crap out of me as a kid. This is why. I was traumatized. Everyone talks about how sad "Bambi" is and I was like "That was nothing! These little boys were turned into donkeys and kidnapped! It was human trafficking" And there was also the thing with the whale? It was very upsetting, in the words of June. How young are these children? I'm concerned too many like Michelangelo when he's clearly unhinged. If they are very young I might let it slide, because they might just think he's funny.
  11. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    I used to hate Cyclops (because all he ever did was yell "Jean!" in the animated show) but I've come to feel really bad for him. He was more fun with Emma Frost. And I was mad that he died in X3 and no one gave a shit. I shipped them on the show. But it got old in the comics, especially since you had to put up with their terrible fake Southern/Cajun dialogue. It was pretty painful to read. Though Gambit was cool in Liu's X-23 run. So I guess it depends on who is writing him. I would've liked to have seen him show up in the movie as an X-kid who tried to kiss Anna Paquin's Rogue because he's not quite right in the head. I don't think he works as super serious.
  12. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    You guys are hurting his feelings.
  13. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    That's difficult. It used to be Wolverine but I"m kind of sick of him now. They definitely over-use him in the comics and the movies. I got into X-23 for awhile (during the Kyle/Yost and then Liu runs) but I don't think some writers get her. I think a consistent fave in comics/film/TV is Beast.
  14. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    I still don't know what the deal with Raphael being the leader in the first movie was. I felt bad for Leo. Donatello with hit you with a stick. Then make snarky comments on the HDTGM forums.
  15. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    But you're going to pronounce it Cambert in honor of Christopher Lambert and his weird hairline just for this week, right? Also, I was always a Donatello fan when I was a kid. I'm not sure if this was because I really liked him or because my two sisters had already called dibs on Leonardo and Raphael. (And Michelangelo was clearly unhinged.) But "Secrets of the Ooze" made me a bit embarrassed of this fact. I swear he was less annoying in the cartoon. I don't know. I'm kind of partial to the US X-Men theme and its cheesiness. The Japanese theme is kind of trying too hard, in my opinion. Do-do do do do. Do do.
  16. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    His Howdy sense is tingling?
  17. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    That's what I thought. But now I'm second guessing because that was Paul's first instinct, and he usually pronounces things wrong. Goddamnit, Cam Bert, where are you? How to you pronounce your name?!
  18. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    When Paul said that June hated this movie I got excited for next week. I hope she makes him not play clips. That is one of my favorite random June-isms.
  19. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    ... how are you, Internet Paul?
  20. Elektra Boogaloo

    Jem and The Holograms (2015)

    She might not remember if she had! Haha. I would only enjoy an episode on this movie if someone on the panel WAS familiar with the cartoon. If it were a "Mortal Kombat" situation where none of them knew the source material that would hurt my feelings. Eh. I agree that it's no "Gooby" but when it was being made I recall people pointing out that "Jem" was the #1 most-watched cartoon of it's day, ahead of its fellow Hasbro creation, Transformers. And that property has had four movies that were all of a much bigger budget. Some of that has to do with the fact that cars are still around whereas music videos are not. But there is also no small amount of sexism and Hollywood dismissal of "girl" stories.
  21. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    Thought: How many socket lockets do we need to sell to remove the paywall? We can all go door-to-door like weirdo Girl Scouts. Ding Dong, Howdy Scouts calling.
  22. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    I agree he doesn't have his own movies. But I question the lack of Gilmore Girls.
  23. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    So it was "just a phase"? Next thing you'll be saying bisexuals aren't real! Thank you for REVEALING THE FACTS. ETA: Ugh that image is too large. Sorry.
  24. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    I can't believe you said that, forum Paul. The triceratops is not hurting anyone. It is an herbivore! It's also known to be the gayest of the dinosaurs so, like, I think this is homophobia. They aren't hurting anybody! Just put up a sign: NO GOLFING GIANT PREHISTORIC DINOSAUR. That's what you need. A sign guy!
  25. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    Paul, I am so glad you are on the case of this VERY contentious issue. And by that I obviously mean that we shouldn't allow Hollywood filmmakers to hunt noble dinosaurs for sport. Especially after inflicting Kingdom of the Crystal Skull on us. I mean, come on.