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Elektra Boogaloo

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Everything posted by Elektra Boogaloo

  1. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 214.5 - Minisode 214.5

    Okay, first of all CENTER STAGE is amazing. Also, caller. https://www.google.com/shopping/product/12722181514459810289?q=cat+food+spoon&client=safari&hl=en-us&biw=768&bih=922&output=search&prmd=sinv&tbs=vw:l,ss:44&prds=ds:1,num:4,local:1,prmr:2,cs:1,rv:0-1 i hope that link works, it is a cat food spoon. Buy it. If she doesn’t use it, she is a jerk.
  2. Elektra Boogaloo

    Serenity (2019)

    Excited to hear it is the Austin movie.
  3. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 214.5 - Minisode 214.5

    Sorry to rush to post, July but I had to comment on CENTER STAGE. Not really weirded out with the cat food touching other dishes, so long as they have been washed. I think I am more disturbed by the image of it sitting in the sink and smelling? Thought getting a dedicated spoon might be a way the caller could suggest it in a nice fun (look it’s a spoon that looks like a kitty) way and not a “you are disgusting” way.
  4. BUBO! I legit loved THIS MOVIE as a child. I read the novelization and everything. I for real wanted a Bubo and seeing this gif makes me realize... the effects were GARBAGE. Did you know you can buy a Bubo online? I have seen them at Amazon. But, like, I want him to be my friend and talk to me.
  5. Elektra Boogaloo

    John Wick 3

    Anyone seen John Wick 3 yet? I have tickets for Sunday. And remember, don't touch Jason.
  6. But it certainly uses the Moses story and the Garden of Eden, which are part of the prequel books of Christianity, whether or not Jesus spoke of a literal hell in his part of the scripture.
  7. I used to read Edith Hamilton’s Mythology book as a kid, and while I mostly remember Callisto as the villainess on Xena, I feel like every lady Zeus “fell in love with” was then turned into horrible things by him or other gods. They would always blame it on Hera and even as a kid I was like, “he needs to stop fucking all these ladies because TERRIBLE things always happen, doesn’t he care???” like what happened to Herc’s mom? Lemme look it up. Oh look Zeus pretended to be her husband, so he raped her. And then she got turned to stone or something? https://www.greekmythology.com/Myths/Mortals/Alcmene/alcmene.html People who be.ieved this trash created the pillars of our society. Siiigh. Eta: Regarding, automatons, there was a robot owl in “Clash of the Titans” og version. I remember because I wanted one. Eta2: in response to Paul’s question about who is “my” Hercules. I think Lou Ferrigno looks more like the Hercules we see in art, but Ryan Gosling was a great Young Hercules. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0169516/
  8. I had to go look up the labors of Hercules because I was pretty sure the mythological origin of Ursa major and minor was different (it was--it involves a lady Zeus wants to bang and Hera turning her into a bear). Anyway, per wikipedai: 1. Slay the Nemean Lion. 2. Slay the nine-headed Lernaean Hydra. 3. Capture the Golden Hind of Artemis. 4. Capture the Erymanthian Boar. 5 Clean the Augean stables in a single day. (I guess he killed and captured so many animals now he's gotta clean up after them?) 6. Slay the Stymphalian Birds. 7. Capture the Cretan Bull. 8. Steal the Mares of Diomedes. 9. Obtain the girdle of Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons. 10. Obtain the cattle of the monster Geryon. 11. Steal the apples of the Hesperides. 12. Capture and bring back Cerberus.
  9. I haven’t listened yet bu I hope they redo Little Italy in Toronto.
  10. Elektra Boogaloo

    EPISODE 106 — Deep Blue Sea: LIVE!

    This is a bit old but I thought of you guys. Samuel L Jackson guesses his movies by reviews (with Brie Larson) IS "Deep Blue Sea" a thriller? I say no if SLJ says no.
  11. Elektra Boogaloo

    John Wick 3

    I love Lance Reddick. I thought he was great. I mean he's always great. But there was one scene of him fighting where his hands were shaking. There should be awards for amazing performances in ridiculous movies.
  12. Elektra Boogaloo

    John Wick 3

    I would like to know how Halle Berry trained her dogs to bite men in the dick. ...for a friend.
  13. Elektra Boogaloo

    John Wick 3

    It was good but a bit long.
  14. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 213 - Shanghai Surprise (w/ Jordan Rubin)

    I want “Turn off the birds” to be a t shirt.
  15. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 212.5 - Minisode 212.5

    I dislike Michael Bay. Don't give in to his demands, Paul! We do not negoiate with terrorists.
  16. I didn’t see the movie, is the religious book June asks about the Catechism?
  17. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 211.5 - Minisode 211.5

    This has nothing to do with anything in this episode, but I saw “Shazam” last night and in the convenience store robbery scene there is a F’real milkshake machine. I’d never seen one (I live in NYC and we have bodegas not gas station milkshakes) so I got excited because Nicole Byer talked about them in the Meg episode and I really wanted Shazam to get a milkshake.
  18. I did not watch this movie. I read the summary and was like nope. I am surprised, from listening to the episode, how little attention is given to the teenage girl. Not only do the parents not seem to care she is dead. But also, like, would a teenage girl WANT David Duchovny? Because I remember having crushes on boys and feeling like I couldn't control it. (Memorably I worked at a movie theater slinging popcorn and I had a crush on a co-worker who was tall and dumb and hot. It was so annoying and distracting. Eventually he dyed his hair that terrible blonde and it was such a relief because I didn't have to crush on him anymore.) It would be more interesting if the wife has an emotional connection to the husband but is physically attracted to Just-In or something. But maybe DD doesn't do projects that don't have every character wanting to fuck him? That is all I can figure. The Japanese version sounds much more interesting. ETA: I do agree with June that teenage girls aren't usually (some are) horny. For me, obviously, it was more crush related. Admiring guys and kissing and such. It is also weird that she'd be so confident in her sexuality to wear lingerie and such? I suppose that is the mom's influence but I would just be in crush-love with boys and NEVER speak to them. Obviously, this goes without saying but this would NEVER get made with the genders switched, as June proved.
  19. Elektra Boogaloo

    Captain Marvel *SPOILERS*

    I loved the first Captain America (and you seemed to as well) but "Thor" was actually better received--and made more money--than that one. What made me compare it to Thor and Cap is that there is a definite split. Like how Cap is small Steve and then big Steve, or how Thor is on Asgard and then Earth, "Captain Marvel" does have a disjointed feel. Though I understand why they didn't want to do a straight origin story because her origin story is effing complicated in the comics. They WAY simplified it. I think they also wanted to do something like Memento or with a more interesting structure. But it's difficult to advertise it as "Captain Marvel" when she is only Captain marvel for like 20 minutes. And they never actually call her that. There was a little kid next to me when I first saw it and he was SO confused. He kept saying "Why is Captain Marvel [doing X]..." and the dad couldn't answer. The proper response was probably "she's not Captain Marvel yet." But try explaining that to a kid. You know?
  20. Elektra Boogaloo

    Captain Marvel *SPOILERS*

    I think the best Marvel origin story movie is either Black Panther or Iron Man, but I think this one sits solidly alongside Thor (which I think it is most like) and Captain America. I'm relieved it did well enough that another will be made. Because every time a female-led movie flops, it takes a decade for another to be made. And I want to scream. Wonder Woman worked because it was good. Catwoman failed because it was bad. Why can't you figure this out! I did go see it twice in the theater just to spite men online who were trolling and trying to bring down the ratings. (I am pretty sure I saw fake reviews on Amazon just yesterday, so it wasn't just Rotten Tomatoes). Because that is how I am. I also already have a Carol Danvers "punch holes in the sky" bracelet so I need a place to wear it to. I also loved that Samuel L. Jackson got to do more than just shout and glare at people. He and Brie Larson have been in at least three movies together so they have great chemistry. (Watch Unicorn Store on Netflix.) Although I did get mad at some presenters who would say to Brie Larson "this i the first female-led Marvel movie." It's not. Elektra was. It's the first female led Marvel Studios movie. (Alternatively, the first female led MCU movie.) I am excited to see her in Endgame as well. Though I wonder how it works because Endgame was actually filmed BEFORE Captain Marvel. (Since they filmed the two Avengers movies together. I am sure they had the script because they would've at least been in pre-production when Endgame was filming. But, like, was the cat cast? Because I want to see Goose. I am very worried she got Snapped. Priorities, I has them.
  21. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 210.5 - Minisode 210.5

    I am relieved to have not won this week. I don’t want to go to war with the Dutch. I was corrected in the original thread, Dutch. Also, I can’t beat maps. Was anyone else SHOCKED by how VRBO is pronounced? That was the big takeaway from me.
  22. Fuck. But I Googled Dutch actors and it says Carice van Houten is Dutch. So we will stay on Game of Thrones and just switch it from Jaime Lannister to Melisandre. She can play Pam Helsing. RIp Aaliyah The writer of this clearly had not read the book. I also don’t understand the Archangel Gabriel thing and Kate going to Heaven. Because vampire lore is already steeped in religion, which is kind of a problem for modern audiences that aren’t all Roman Catholic. (I remember a vicious debate in Buffy fandom if a Star or David could repel a vampire like a cross.) So why would you make it MORE religious?
  23. Picture young Electra, who watched the 1990s X-Men cartoon see Hugh Jackman in his cage fighting scene in the live action X-Men. It was a big moment for me. Life changing. I went out and watched his other movies. There were like two Australian films he had been in. Then he was cast in this Ashley Judd rom-com and rhen Kate and Leopold which is strange. I even watched Swordfish. But when this movie came out... I couldn’t. I still can’t. Never seen it. Won’t see it. Will watch the cage fight from X-Men over and over again instead. (On YouTube is Bryan Singer gets no money for it.) As a book nerd, I recently reread Dracula. I can tell you that Van Helsing’s given name is neither Gabriel nor Pam. It is Abraham and he is Dutch. I sort of like the idea of what kind of monsters he hunted when he was younger, before the events of Dracula (where he is supposed to be old). But this deviates so much from the source material that it can’t even be followed. Maybe we need a reboot. I think Nikolaj Coster-Waldau could do it. He’s Dutch, right?
  24. Elektra Boogaloo

    NYC HDTGM Fans

    Where in Brooklyn are you located?
  25. Elektra Boogaloo

    Episode 209.5 - Minisode 209.5

    Paul says he sleeps on a Caspar so I'm going to say yes.