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Elektra Boogaloo

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Posts posted by Elektra Boogaloo

  1. I lsitened to the Valerian episode on the Stitcher free trial and then some old HDTGM for six days and then deleted my account. So free!


    Also, Pee Cast Blast is indeed a terrible name for a show.


    I am adding the dinosaur sex books to the HDTGW list. You're welcome.


    As for the appeal of Todd: He is big and dumb and rich. He also solves problems by punching people. I think the appeal is obvious.

    • Like 4

  2. That’s awesome! He was also the only cast member to have meet J. R. R. Tolkien. I believe Tolkien had given him his blessing to be in any future adaptations.


    That man lived a life, huh?


    Well this is actually a sad bit of trivia. I mean, half-sad. Lee didn't want to do villain roles anymore so when Jackson called he thought he would be playing Gandalf who was like his hero. So apparently there was like a half an hour or so when he was confused, and Jackson had to break it to him or whatever. (If it were me, I would've just filmed all the Gandalf scenes twice because fuck it, he's Christopher Lee.) But Ian McKellen said he was perfectly lovely about it on set. When, as we have seen, he could have easily had McKellen killed and made to look like an accident.


    Per this movie - I’m curious, has anyone actually read any of these books? Because as they pointed out, this movie feels not very wearwolfy. I wondering how true to the book it is.


    I have not read the books and I'm usually the nerd who has read the books.


    Speaking of, this weekend I was toying with the idea of a How Did This Get Read bookclub, thanks to Paul's twitter. Here are the books I thought of:


    #1 (with a bullet) The one gymkata is based on

    #2 The One Cobra and Fair Game are based on

    #3 Disaster Artist

    #4 Twilight

    #5 Safe Haven

    #6 Stephen King's Lawnmower Man Short Story (I refuse to read Dreamcatcher, it's too long; I have things to do.)


    I forget what else.

    • Like 7

  3. I want to like this post more than once.


    I was kinda skating around the lesbian comment on the first page because I didn't want to start a full on fight with some obvious trolls about it but that also makes me very uncomfortable. It makes me want to mention that I'm bisexual literally as many times as possible now lol.


    It was just that there were new posters her solely to say they hate Tig and how she talks about being a lesbian. I don't think I saw that since the "Don't Stop the Music" episode so it was weird.


    But I don't want to come off defending Tig's performance as strongly as I will STILL defend Esposito's, because she had a few laughs at the end and that was it. I am sorry to the people who were hyped and paid. It was like they had one guest (so like the Boston shows?).


    The falling asleep isn't really new either. June has fallen asleep, Adam Scott did for Xander Cage, one of guests for Body Parts, I think? Maybe it is a measure of degree. But only the lesbians get new accounts to hate on them?


    Watch Tig win all the Howdys now.


    I'm going to get off my soapbox now. Let's get back to talking about how cool Christopher Lee is! Did you know he read LoTR every year? As a book nerd, respect

    • Like 6

  4. So it seems the forums tend to hate it when lesbians are on the podcast? Or they mention being a lesbian? This makes me uncomfortable.


    When listening, I did think it sucked that Tig couldn't comment much. But was I the only one who thought it was a bit? Like how on DLM she never knows the movies? Like maybe she did fall asleep and thought that would be funny but it didn't really work out?


    I'm sorry for everyone who was there but to everyone else: it's a free podcast.

    • Like 6

  5. I totally Juned this movie in the sense that I did not watch it at all. BUT I really want to talk about Christopher Lee.


    We know him as Dracula and the original Wicker Man, but Christopher Lee volunteered for special service during World War II. He did a lot of stuff, including working for the SOE the so called "Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warefare" (Description from book on them: "Fighting a secret war behind enemy lines and using the guerrilla tactics of sabotage, ambush, murder and subversion, agents killed when necessary and took prisoners when possible, in the belief that their methods would hasten the end of the war.")


    Anyway, my favorite move set anecdote EVER came from Peter Jackson. Video can be found HERE, basically Peter Jackson is telling Christopher Lee how to act when Wormtongue stabs him. And Lee asked him if he knew what sound a man makes when he's stabbed in the back? And Lee said, "Because I do."


    At which point I imagine everyone on set just slowly backing away.


    TL;DR Christopher Lee stabbed Nazis in the back.

    • Like 8

  6. Everyone in my twitter is talking about Paul today. (I work in book publishing. And Paul was tweeting about romance novels) Do you think it'd make me cool if I said one time I went alone to a live taping of Paul's podcast and joked with him about someone on the forums being a segregationist? :P


    ... damnit.

    • Like 5

  7. Wow. I am sorry I brought up Tims now. It's is trying to treat its workers like American workers! You should definitely protest that, Canada! You don't want to become America. We are a cautionary tale!


    I wish I knew another Canadian thing. ... Roots clothing? Get a sweatshirt, Paul.


    ETA: Oh look I have over 600 posts. That's 600 emails I put off reading. Thanks, guys.

    • Like 10

  8. What really confused me, is how the film portrays the Catholic Church (in a very religious town) as totally being cool with hiring psychics. I'm not at all religious, but even I knew that believing in anything other than God, is a big No No.


    A quick google search lead me to this POV:

    "To try to discover the future through palm reading, tarot cards, or some other form of fortunetelling, or to try to control the future through black magic, witchcraft, or sorcery violates the first commandment."


    I don't care what you believe in, but anything that violates the 1st thing you are expected to follow or preach... is some shit you shouldn't be messing with. Ha!




    source: http://catholicstrai...rs-and-witches/


    Yeah that is all devil stuff so it is weird that the Church is involved with this detective agency.


    The other Catholic correction I have is they kept calling her a "nun in training" and I believe the word for that is novice.


    Oh and here's another nun related c&o that I worry will blow a hole in "Nundercover." When I was at Catholic school they told us to call habited individuals we saw outside "sisters" (such as the teachers). I was told that only the cloistered women were to be called "nuns." So I am not sure you could go undercover if you were a nun, unless you never left the convent.


    I looked it up on Wikipedia and it says, "The 1917 Code of Canon Law reserved the term "nun" for religious women who took solemn vows or who, while being allowed in some places to take simple vows, belonged to institutes whose vows were normally solemn." And those words are English but they make no sense to me. Even after I looked up a "Solemn Vow" (a religious vow concerned with an action or abstaining from an action???).



    ETA: I am from NY so I don't want to be stereotypical and start a beef with Boston, but only one second opinion song? When I was at the Jazz Singer ep we had like six and all but the guy with the guitar was cut out. Get it together, Boston.

    • Like 7

  9. There are some intuitive ways to understand how the earth is round.


    1) As you head north or south, you'll notice that the length of days change. Well, if the earth was flat, that wouldn't happen. That's because your angle relative to the sun wouldn't change very much. That's true whether you assume the sun revolves around the earth or the earth revolves around the sun (spinning like a quarter?).


    2) If you are flying over the ocean you can actually see the curvature of the earth. If you're on the water, it's harder to see, but you'll notice that distant objects "disappear" over the horizon (i.e. there is no longer a direct line of sight between you and the distant object).

    Didn't real Mariners know the Earth wasn't flat for like always? Because you can't just see across the world on a clear day? And it's a myth that Columbus was the first to think it was round?


    Also, another reason to believe now--even if you think that Moon landing thing was a hoax: satellites work? Like we have GPS in all our phones, ergo NASA calculated correctly?


    I read an article a few weeks ago about a man who was going to shoot himself into orbit with a homemade rocket to prove the world was flat.

    https ://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2017/11/21/this-man-is-about-to-launch-himself-in-his-homemade-rocket-to-prove-the-earth-is-flat/


    I am afraid to look up what happened.



    Ooh, Lee Danger Hawken came in and out-nerded me on kryptonite. I am shamed.

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  10. Here comes the nerd to talk about kryptonite.


    Kryptonite was originally a radioactive substance from Krypton. So in theory he should react to it the way a human would react to being hit with large doses or radiation. (Super cancer?) It's not just any old piece of his planet.


    Then they made it more complicated and added different types of kryptonite. The most well-known is the green. (Aside, I first learned about this when Xander and Oz had a fight about it on Buffy because, nerd.) I think the red just makes him act... Odd. The gold kills plant life? There is a whole Wikipedia entry on this. Look it up if you care.


    I am told the post crisis kryptonite is different but I don't care really. My Superman is from the animated cartoons.


    Do yourself a favor and watch the two-part episode of Justice League called Wild Cards where Joker sets traps for the JL in Vegas and films it all like a reality TV show. Great work by Mark Hamill as the Joker.


    That has nothing to do with this podcast but it is a literal cartoon and it's better written than this movie.


    I wish Jason and Paul had said whether they prefer this or the Richard Pryor one.


    So great to hear from June! Glad she didnt have to watch the movie.

    • Like 6

  11. Should we start a thread for Valerian? Because I'm listening now with my free trial and I want to complain that Jason keeps saying Cara Delevingne is a good actress. I saw Suicide Squad. She is not. She's BEAUTIFUL. But she's been in like six movies? I don't think she's experienced enough. "Paper Towns" looked like shit too and I liked that book.

    • Like 3

  12. Well that's a bummer about VALERIAN. But you can sign up for a one week free trial when you download the app on IOS. I assume it will let you cancel before the week is up.


    I also have one month free from the NOW HEAR THIS festival if anyone wants it. I think that's over the internet not app though. I couldn't figure it out. PM me for code. First come, first served.

    • Like 2

  13. SAG nominations were released! The Big Sick got an Ensemble nom, Holly Hunter got a Supporting Actress nom, and Paul was included in the Ensemble nom of Veep!!!

    I saw the LA Times headline was that Hanks and Streep did NOT get nominated and I was like "maybe some people on the HDTGM boards are in SAG?" Haha. I didn't see that Paul was nominated though! YAY.


    ETA: From the Deadline list:


    VEEP (HBO)

    DAN BAKKEDAHL / Roger Furlong

    ANNA CHLUMSKY / Amy Brookheimer

    GARY COLE / Kent Davison

    MARGARET COLIN / Jane McCabe

    KEVIN DUNN / Ben Cafferty

    CLEA DUVALL / Marjorie Palmiotti


    TONY HALE / Gary Walsh

    JULIA LOUIS-DREYFUS / Selina Meyer

    SAM RICHARDSON / Richard Splett

    (continued on next page)

    PAUL SCHEER / Stevie

    REID SCOTT / Dan Egan

    TIMOTHY SIMONS / Jonah Ryan

    SARAH SUTHERLAND / Catherine Meyer

    MATT WALSH / Mike McLintock


    Continued on next page was my favorite on Veep. He's really good in everything.

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  14. I don't want to come across as though Tommy Wiseau is some misunderstood genius and The Room is a secret masterpiece or anything like that. It humanizes him very powerfully. It presents him (and I'm curious how accurate this is) as someone who really did bring out other people's desire to fulfill their own dreams. I spent a large part of the movie on the verge of tears because of how well Greg, Tommy and their struggles were portrayed. It makes me appreciate The Room and Tommy Wiseau in a different way than as total incompetence on screen.

    I definitely think there are things to appreciate about it. It's incredibly difficult to get a movie made, to learn to do it all yourself, to market it and everything. I work in books and it's a lot easier to self-publish a novel or memoir than to get a movie made, and sometimes having done it is the only reward you need. Plus it has brought a lot of joy to people, whether that was the intended outcome or not.


    And Sestero said in the podcast he was able to go all over the world to film festivals, and was getting royalties. So I don't think making it was FUN for the cast and crew, but at least they were able to get something from it as well? (Although I suppose people like the real Sandy--who were not given credit for their work--might be justifiably miffed.)


    That's not really the impression I got from Sestero in the book. I felt like by the time he finally took over with Mark, he was kind of exhausted by all the Tommy-ness of everything. And on top of that, he basically had to answer for Tommy to all the cast and crew, and there just really weren't any answers for it. And then there's the fact that it was clearly written while he was still bitter about both the movie and his relationship to Tommy.

    I meant I found it more likeable that in the movie Greg is very "yay you're doing your thing! Good for you!" and in the book he is not the original Mark and Tommy has to buy him a car to convince him to do it? Sure he was relentlessly pursued by Tommy and exhausted but... I don't know. I like how the movie character is a bit more of a dreamer. Like it's understandable in the book (which has a more mocking tone?) but I like what they did in the movie? Maybe I"m not being clear...

    • Like 2

  15. I just saw the Disaster Artist and it was $20 at this theater. I was annoyed but I hope Paul, June and Jason get some of that money. (Not just Franco.) I think I was the only nerd who stayed through the end credits because Paul said to in some interviews. That's the scene where Tommy Wiseau has the weird mustache.


    I think the movie made Sestero a bit more likeable. In the book he was very critical of Tommy and goes into "The Room" production being kind of already over it. (And I was like, "Dude, you can say no. No one is forcing you.") I liked him hoping the movie really would be good. Although in the book there is also a moment where they go see "The Talented Mr. Ripley" (because Greg's friends think Tommy is obsessed with Greg like Matt Damon in the movie) and after seeing it Tommy gets mad and decides to write his own movie. I would've liked that to be included. Maybe they couldn't get the rights?


    Sharon Stone was kind of wasted. But on the upside, Paul, Jason and June all had bigger parts than an Oscar Winner! Way to go, guys.


    The audience seemed to like it when Paul's character defends the Juliette Danielle character about not being able to treat women like that. Very 2018 feeling.


    FWIW, my trailers were Winchester (fucking weird), Shape of Water, Downsized (with the Mark Damon!), and a movie about a guy in foreign jail who becomes a fighter? I forget what that was called. Also "Game Night" and "Blockers." I hear June is in Blockers? I found the trailer disturbing.

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