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Elektra Boogaloo

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Posts posted by Elektra Boogaloo

  1. Never heard of Virtuosity, but it sounds like the opposite of Ghost in The Machine. I'm curious.


    ALSO a great tweet relating to the minisode and The_Triple_Lindy's theory, for those who have not seen: https://twitter.com/...795884872060928

    Wow. A hero walks among us.


    Excited about Virtuosity! I haven't seen it in a long time but I had a friend who was obsessed with Russell Crowe in that post-Gladiator period. And I was like, "dude this is legit nonsense."


    Think this will be a crossover with DENZEL WASHINGTON IS THE GREATEST ACTOR OF ALL TIME PERIOD? They seem to have stopped podcasting though.

    • Like 8

  2. I didn't even realize there was a reboot of the game. This seems pretty much shot-for-shot remake of a video game. That... doesn't seem like a good idea? It didn't even work with Watchmen, which is a revered comic book. (If out dated)


    Oh good attempted rape. I love attempted rape. Very excited to not watch this movie.

    • Like 3

  3. Is that really a bad movie? I haven't seen it since I was a kid, but I LOVED the soundtrack. "Coming To America" is still a fucking jam and a half.



    We're not there yet but--oh boy is it. The soundtrack is apparently very popular. But Neil Diamond starred in one movie for a reason. I would describe him as "wallpaper-esque."


    And I just realized this clip contains one of my fave moments, when the lights get brighter and everyone claps, Sir Laurence Olivier (playing Diamond's Jewish father?) looks around like "what are all these people doing here?"

    • Like 2

  4. Hi guys! Just back from the Now Hear This Festival performance. (I went to the Javits Center ON PURPOSE, something I promised myself I'd never do.) Sad I couldn't meet up with any of you, but I am a strong independent woman who can go to podcasts alone.


    I don't know when the ep will air (as you may have seen on Twitter it is the 1980 Neil Diamond remake of "The Jazz Singer" which was ROUGH to sit through). I made a sign and Paul pointed it out in the crowd, when June was announced, so when you hear that know it was me, purposefully being super nerdy to get on the podcast.


    Also they did a meet and greet afterward and I was very sleepy but I said hey to the gang from the forums. Paul said he had a lot of fun with Cameron H today (how are you today, Cameron?).

    • Like 9

  5. I dont' think I could work weddings, either as DJ or photographer or anything. People are too stressed out about a dumb party. I also think "Daughters" by John Mayer is over-used as a father-daughter dance song. And when my college roommate danced with her dad, she used that. So I looked over at my mom to be like "can you believe" and she was OPENLY WEEPING AT JOHN MAYER (she may have been drunk). And she said, "It's SO SAD!" I was like, "[Roommate] isn't DYING, mom."


    I have not watched. The nicest thing I read about it was that Medusa's hair didn't suck too much.

    I read that said "Lockjaw was fine."

    • Like 7

  6. I'm not sure how the podcast has managed to NOT cover the "Bring It On" sequels. I'm having a disagreement with my friend. I think the third is the best (it has Solange!) and she thinks the fourth is the best (because there is a rollercoaster). Clearly I am right.


    The sixth one came out this year and it's on Netflix now. I just watched it today. There's a hashtag in the title so obviously it's amazing.



  7. Having red eyes is consistent with her being some sort of hellish demon.

    I bet this is how Monster High came about...


    ETA: Oh! Speaking of other dolls!


    I wanted to address June's question about Barbie's age. I know the first Barbie was 17 and a fashion model. But that was when she was first introduced 50 years ago. Since then she'd be an Astronaut and I don't think anyone underage can go to space.


    Jason mentions Mailbu Stacy, which other posters pointed out is a Simpsons knock-off of Barbie. But Barbie does have a sister named "Stacie." The Barbie wiki says she is the "second oldest of Barbie's younger sisters."


    Also, June says the Bratz must be taller than Barbie if they are 10 inches, but Barbie is actually taller than them. She is (typically) 11 and a half inches.


    If you guys do "Jem and the Holograms," then I know *those* dolls were bigger than Barbie. I know this because I used to make my Jem dolls beat up the other girls' Barbie dolls at school.

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    Don't leave us hanging!

    The wiki left me hanging. It was all about which boyfriends she had and her various outfits. I didn't see mention of her father.


    I bet someone murdered him and there is a coverup.

    CONSPIRACY THEORY!!! He was murdered by the government cause he knew too much!!!




    The wiki says "Cloe doesn't have a dad." But in "Bratz Kids: Sleepover Adventure" (which maybe Paul can tell us about) there is a character called "Cloe's dad." http://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/movies/Bratz-Kidz-Sleep-Over-Adventure/Cloes-Dad/


    I'm really mad it's spelled Cloe not Chloe too.


    Maybe aliens abducted her h.

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