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Elektra Boogaloo

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Posts posted by Elektra Boogaloo

  1. One more thought I had while relistening to this episode (I have no life, don't judge).


    In the original trailer you can see at about 12 seconds in, Uma Thurman's shoes.




    They are stiletto heels. I'd say at least five inches high. So perhaps that is why June thinks Uma is so much taller than Ralph. (Also he's probably exaggerating his height a little.)


    I only remembered it because when I looked up Diana Rigg's catsuits, she always had flats or kitten heels so I was like, "Why did Uma get the torture devices?"

    • Like 3

  2. 66c5z4.jpg



    june kills it everytime ...


    June is the greatest. You know she really hates a movie when she won't watch the clips. She also did it in Theodore Rex. Which other eps?


    could this movie have some tie to My Super Ex Girlfriend?

    There's another movie the podcast could cover. And it makes me so mad when it's used to say "female superhero movies don't work" because it's literally about a crazy woman. Why would women want to see that? (I know they sort of resolve it in the end but it's not like a character women would be inspired to be.)


    Also Eddie Izzard is in that too.


    Yeah, I should have clarified my initial statement because it kind of sounds like my problem with him was that he made movies I don't like (which isn't true). I'm just really creeped out by the fact that he's ALLEGEDLY a piece of shit, and it really bugs me to give him money.

    I had a whole internal debate about seeing DofP after I learned about all the ALLEGED stuff. After I did go, I thought it was a mistake. The movie wasn't good enough to get past my reservations so I vowed I wouldn't see Apocalypse in the theater which is why I can't participate in this discussion much.



    2. i'm guessing eddie izzard's part got cut alot when they were reducing this down to the 80 odd minutes cause his part was pretty much non-existant

    According to the IMDb trivia (if it is to be believed), this was Izzard's choice. He asked for his lines to be cut, apparently to be more menacing. But he probably READ THE SCRIPT and decided, "I"m not saying any of this shit."


    So he's the true hero of the movie in my opinion.

    • Like 4

  3. Ack. I've missed so much!


    Frequently, people make the mistake of thinking that "wherefore art thou Romeo" means "where are you Romeo," when it in fact means "why are you Romeo," as in "why is your name Romeo Montague," but this is not that kind of mistake.


    "Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this son of York" is a complete thought ("The winter of our discontent has now been changed into glorious summer by this guy") -- but if you lift "Now is the winter of our discontent" out of that, you have a different thought entirely ("It is, at present time, the winter of our discontent.")


    I'm splitting hairs -- the screenwriter either knew the context and was making a lyrical pun by removing the latter half, or didn't know the context and was being an idiot -- but without the second half of the sentence, the first part means what it means.

    I disagree, sort of? (God we're really splitting hairs here.) Richard goes on to say that he's pissed about being deformed and all so he's not actually happy. The "winter of our discontent" isn't really the winter of his discontent. It's the end of his family's. But I still believe that "winter" here means end even without the "glorious summer" otherwise the clause doesn't make sense. Unless you mean you're having a bad winter--but that's not what Connery is proposing. He's threatening other people for what is going to happen in the future. Plus, once you start referencing a line that has an existing meaning, and trying to make it mean another thing? Poor writing.


    At least we are united in our hatred of people who say "wherefore art thou, Romeo?"


    I'm sorry but Jubilee might be the lamest X-Man of all time, due to the fact that her power was basically magical jazz hands.


    I believe you are forgetting Maggot.


    Sorry, I'm with Taylor Anne on this one. Jubilee was cool. She wasn't the coolest and her powers weren't great but it was her personality that made it work. I think she the fact that she was a teen helped. It brought the X-Men back to it's roots--they had all grown a bit too much and much of the X-Men was based on teen angst of being different and your body changing.


    I think that is why she is more beloved that Dazzler, because Dazzler had similar light powers and she was an attempt to bring in female readers but she, like, had a job and was an adult.



    This is the best thing about Apocalypse. I am genuinely excited about what they'll do with the kids, and since most of the contracts on the older people (as in older than teens; none of these people are old by any means) are up, maybe we'll finally get into some new ground.


    I really wish it was someone other than Singer making the movies, though. I'm really conflicted about seeing anything he's worked on.

    I haven't seen Apocalypse yet but from what you guys are saying, I do think it sounds good they are going to focus on the younger heroes. Like I said above, the teens are important part of the X-Men.


    I also wish Singer weren't involved. I think he's run out of ideas. (X1 and X2 were good.) There are SO MANY X-Men. Yet most of the movies are all about Wolverine, Professor X, Magneto and Jean. I'd love to see more Kitty, Bishop, Rogue, and Storm. But I'd also REALLY love to see some of the mutants we haven't used already. Armor, Dust, Domino, Cecilia Reyes...


    Also on the Singer front: I've heard some really creepy stories about him from a friend of mine who worked for a talent agent. It's all hearsay of course--except for the actual charges filed against him just before DofP came out--but when I saw all the teens in the trailer for this one, it made me super uncomfortable.


    My brain goes to the, "I wonder what he had to do to get this part?" ALLEGEDLY.


    I'd love to see Squirrel Girl.

    Co signed!!


    A little off topic, which sounds funny since I'm about to talk about people relevant to the show, but if you haven't already, you should all listen to the "Anna Faris is Unqualified" episodes with Paul Scheer and Jason. I've been on the fence about checking out her podcast for awhile, but when I saw Paul had done it, I figured this would be a good time to check it out.


    Who knew Paul was such a talented impressionist?

    I loved Jason's episode. It sounded like the two of them didn't really have a lot of fun making the Dictator. Haven't heard Paul's yet but will have to listen.


    Anyway, long story short (too late!) the X-Men '92 cartoon rules and is the greatest X-Men adaptation thus far.




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  4. Sorry about your dog, Fister!




    I'm reluctantly willing to tolerate this behavior IF AND ONLY IF:


    1. They are crowned the official HDTGM Couple

    2. They have a baby whose (first or middle) name is a reference to the show

    3. They bring Pretzie Jr. to a future taping and have a "give me your baby" moment with Jason


    I think instead of a band, they should have a live podcast taping at the wedding. It won't be good for dancing but, like, who wants to do the conga anyway?
    • Like 5

  5. I have another question. In the trailer, there is a scene of Emma saying "how now brown cow" into another telephone booth. IMDb says this a cut scene when 2ma destroyed the weather facility.


    So at the end, when Emma says "how now brown cow" into de Wynter's phone does he think it's 2ma? And that's why he just let's them into his evil lair (terrible villanining, really shameful). But he can see that Steed is with her, right? Why not just call down crazy weather like he did earlier in the movie so he never has to face off with the good guys at all and can just continue with his dastardly plan unopposed. What the heck?


    OR did he think it was the real Uma and that somehow his mind control (which never really comes back) was going to come into play.


    Basically, why'd he basically invite the heroes in for tea? I know British people are polite but that seems excessive.


    Also!!! How did real!Emma know "how now brown cow" was the password when 2ma is straight up dead. Or mangled. Or whatever the robot equivalent of deadsville is.



    And I agree with June, I sort of did like the opening sequence when Steed was doing the obstacle course. I enjoy umbrella fighting. I don't know why it's a thing. But obviously it's a big part of KINGSMAN for Colin Firth's character. But the Marvel Howling Commando Pinky Pinkerton also only fights with an umbrella. Kingsman has the benefit of better effects and technology but I'd argue Pinky even does cooler fights (like in this cartoon beginning around 4:15 in) than Steed does in this movie. The stunt coordinators should be ashamed.


    According to Macnamee, Steed was never supposed to use a gun. So I was kind of bummed Ralph Fiennes did at one point. Emma is supposed to be the one who has a gun. Yet, I don't think she ever did? Except when 2ma shot Steed?


    ETA: Whoops. Two in a row. Clearly I have too many thoughts abut this movie. Sorry.

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    Goddamnit, Elektra! Spoiler tags!

    I know! I was like, should I spoil the end of this book? But like it came out in the 30s and Hitchcock made a movie of it. So if you don't know now...


    Also in THE PRESTIGE (both movie and book!): twin brothers.


    Though: sort of funny story. You know how you always have that one friend who doesn't do any of the reading yet aces all the tests and papers? My friend only read half of "Rebecca" and asked me to tell her what happened. When I started in on how Rebecca was a crazy sociopath and Maxim killed her. Then Mrs Danvers--the house keeper who is implied to have been in love with Rebecca--burns the goddamn house down?


    She was like, "Holy shit, I wish I'd read the book for once."


    So let this be a lesson:










    Yeah, 24 Hour Pizza Party, we're just raking in the dough over here. It's like the Wolf of Wall Street or... something else where they have money. I don't even know fake people with money.




    Guys! Guys! I just googled "Rebecca" and they say there was a British TV version starring Charles Dance (who was originally going to be Steed) as Maxim and Diana Rigg the original Emma Peel as Mrs. Danvers.




    Either this is some kind of sign or proof that there are actually only four actors in Britain and they just keep recycling them.

    • Like 6

  7. The reason it’s called The Avengers dates back to the start of the TV series. The original lead was police pathologist called David Keel, whose wife is murdered by gangsters, so he teams up with secret agent John Steed to avenge her death on the criminal world. Actor Ian Hendry left after the first season, so Patrick MacNee was promoted to lead and paired with a series of female partners for the rest of the series’ run, during which time the tone became both more light-hearted and fantastical, Steed being an expert in spycraft and aristocracy and his partner an expert in everything else – an equal division of labor in the series. It also began airing on CBS in 1967, but skipped to the Emma Peel episodes. Since only two episodes from the first season survive, it has never aired in the US. I could also ask, by the way, what is it the Marvel characters are avenging?


    Paul and company seemed to have trouble with the tone of the movie. It is set, like much of the series, in a fantasy version of England, where tea is drunk constantly, the 60s never ended and the world appears depopulated. I think this is a hangover from the original series, which could never afford many extras, so the movie is following its stylistic lead. Sir August does have a butler, who shows Emma in earlier in the film. Why would Sir August want to control the weather? Because the series was always full of monomaniacal masterminds obsessed with a single subject. He already sells customized weather delivered through a telephone line, but his plan is to control the world monopoly on weather – his smashing of the globe into the camera at the World Council of Ministers is surely a reference to Connery’s own love of golf.


    This ‘Avengersland’ extends to an assault course for agents being a country village – the falling plant pot is surely over the entry to the course – and the setting of 1999, which you can tell from the tax disc in the windshield of Steed’s car. The producer’s comments about wanting to live in a London that’s clean and free of billboards seems pretty fair to me, and I’ve lived here for nearly 20 years.


    The ‘if we still have an enemy’ line after the assault course was intended as a reference to the Cold War. Joel McNeely, who now composes the music for American Dad! and has produced two albums with Seth MacFarlane, was hired so late in production that the trailer still credits Michael Kamen as providing the score.


    The bear scene – yeah. It would make more sense for them to have been dressed as different types of cloud to conceal their identities, fitting in with the weather theme, but different colored teddy bears obviously makes for a more striking and memorable images, as the podcast audience seemed to agree. Eddie Izzard, incidentally, took his role solely to have the opportunity to work with Sean Connery, and decided to play his character mute as his dialogue was either unnecessary or just vague threats. His one word of dialogue was added in post to lift the rating above PG. The gesticulations made by the extra in the bear costume are I think just an aid to the audience to indicate who’s speaking and compensate for a lack of facial expressions.


    Father’s skills at doing things she can’t see derive from the single episode of the series in which she appears, where she’s shown to have powerful hearing. The decision to pair Emma with Steed appears to be simply because she’s so obviously the culprit that it couldn’t be her, so putting her on the case under supervision should connect to who the real villain is. Fortunately, it’s the only other suspect. Sir August’s obsession with Emma derives from both of them working on the weather project, and is an element left over from an earlier version of the script in which he was the brother of her dead husband. This also suggests a connection to Daphne du Maurier’s book Rebecca, which is also about a man called de Winter living in a huge mansion, dominated by a lost love and with a malevolent woman dressed in black in his household who already reminds him of her. Also the film is filled with references to Alice in Wonderland and Shakespeare that no-one mentioned.


    Did you have to call her ‘tumor’? In the script she’s called ‘Bad Emma’, and the reason Steed kisses the real Emma is connected to an earlier version of the scene where the fake Emma knocks him out in the maze – not with a punch, but with a kiss from poison lipstick. The chess game played by Steed and Emma in her home is the same as the one in Blade Runner, which connects to Sir August telling Steed, ‘Time to die’ at the end.


    The wasps don’t really fit with the weather motif, unless you decide they are an integral part of the English summer (they are), and the constant tea references derive from trying to make something that’s uber-English. I admit that the performances of Fiennes and Thurman are a problem, as they should have been a lot looser and more comfortable, instead of pushing English unflappability too far as they do. It’s a really fun movie, I think, and I’m looking forward to seeing it again, although I doubt I’ll be able to get through the boot scene without remembering Jason’s gross noises.


    I'm glad some people got joy out of this for all the money they put into it.


    I understand why the TV series was called "The Avengers". Even in the Emma Peel episodes it usually opens with a dead body on a chess board and the narrator says they avenge crimes. But there were no dead people in the movie? It doesn't fit the premise. (And, as a nerd, I will tell you the Marvel Avengers were named by Janet van Dyne--the Wasp--after they stopped a plot where Loki caused mayhem and made it look like the Hulk was to blame.)


    Can you clarify your point on "Rebecca"? I'm an English major and that was one of my fave books. I know Maxim de Winter had a dead wife and there was the famous housekeeper who loved her. But I wouldn't call her a "lost love." Spoilers for Rebecca the novel. His wife was a horrible person and he killed her. It's his new wife--only referred to as the Second Mrs. de Winter--who is the true love of his life and she is nothing like Rebecca.


    So are you suggesting Connery killed his first wife? Then why make a robot version of her? Or want to have a do-over with Mrs. Peel?

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  8. I have an idea for a Howdie category (not really an award but just something to talk about). It's the list of traits of a bad movie, which Paul is always referencing.



    - The Avengers

    - Lake Placid



    -- Xanadu

    -- Solarbabies

    -- Can't Stop the Music



    -- Masters of the Universe

    -- The Avengers

    -- TMNT2

    -- LOL

    -- Staying Alive

    -- Star Wars Holiday Special

    -- Steel



    -- Sharknado 2 & 3

    -- Deep Blue Sea



    -- Monkeyshines

    -- Top Dog

    -- Theodore Rex



    -- Lifeforce

    -- Maximum Overdrive

    -- Runaway



    -- All Cannon Pictures



    -- Theodore Rex

    -- The Avengers

    -- Toys


    (Corollary: Characters that are supposed to be robots but are not. --Steel)


    What else?

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  9. Ooh I'm interested in the idea of the director (in the Blake Harris interview) saying he wants to re-edit this film. Because I think there could be a version where it's Gentleman!Steed and smart, strong Mrs Peel fighting against the misogynistic Sean Connery. I posted that article about Patrick Macnee where he said Steed was always comfortable working with a strong female partner, unlike Connery's Bond.


    He'd have to remove the weird naked Ralph Fiennes scene, because that was very gross. And also him making her get him tea. There's also something interesting about Mother being good but Father being evil. I'm also sure there's more scenes of Connery being creepy they could use. Or maybe just a clip of his interviews.


    • Like 3

  10. It's time to play my favorite game while watching British movies!




    The Avengers: 3!


    Ralph Fiennes - Voldemort

    Jim Broadbent - Professor Slughorn

    Fiona Shaw - Aunt Petunia



    And Ralph Fiennes was hotter as the genocidal Voldemort than Steed.


    I also have a problem with the constant references to tea. They played the super cut. I know British people like their tea. But wasn't champagne the thing they always drank in the TV show? I think this is like a parody of what non-British people think of what living in England is like.


    Also! The macaroon thing. Mother always wants it. But when they show them eating the cookie---I don't think that's a macaroon? I'm familiar with the coconut macaroons. And also the French macaron. I googled and the cookie Broadbent ate looks like a "Turkish macaroon." But, like, Is that the most common type in Britain? I'd think with France being right there...?


    Other questions:

    -- Why does Uma wear black shorts with her red jumpsuit?

    -- Is Father blind?

    -- Why isn't Steed electrocuted at the end when Connery is? They are standing on a metal bridge. It'd conduct the electricity.

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  11. Okay another one of my questions...


    Was Mrs. Peel in this movie supposed to resemble Marvel's Black Widow? Her character in the comic books was already well established even though there was no thought of having her in a movie yet, but did they think that would get comic book nerds to spend the money to see this piece of crap? Just cause they thought they would get a taste of Natasha Romanoff?


    Cause shit Uma Thurman just looks like such a knock-off Black Widow and I can't stand it.


    Someone on a website referred to this as the Black Widow and Jarvis Avengers. I'm still upset about it.


    Emma Peel's jumpsuits on the show weren't all leather. I really didn't like Uma Thurman's version. I thought it looked very fetish. I mean, a leather jumpsuit is always going to be sexual. But Diana Rigg was kind of mod and cool. You'd never look at Uma Thurman and think, "Totally normal outfit."






    And my fave, the Kate Bishop!Hawkeye cosplay:



    • Like 4

  12. So excited. I have insomnia and haven't slept a wink tonight. Happened to check my iPad and there's a HDTGM episode at 4am! So now I can definitely beat Cameron H to this punch (suck it!):


    Something no one mentioned (obviously you guys aren't English major nerds like me. Failures.)


    When revealing his evil plan, Sean Connery says, "Now is the winter of your discontent" to threaten world leaders. "Winter of your discontent" is a pun on de Wynter's name but it is more notably a reference to the opening of Shakespeare's Richard the III, where the main character says, "now is the winter of our discontent / made glorious summer by this son of York."


    Connery is supposed to be extorting money from these people. But that phrase actually means that the period of discontent is coming to an end. (The winter is now turning into summer thanks to my bro, Edward.) So as the prelude to an evil plan, this is a terrible reference to make. He's basically saying things are looking up for them!


    Connery is clearly not a Shakespearean actor.


    Also: Emma Peel's double is totally (like Whoopie in Theodore Rex) a ROBOT. I thought this through the whole movie and then I read the IMDb trivia and they said that was the original plan. Glad Paul brought this up.


    Secret robots, new sign of a bad movie.


    IMDb also said Diana Rigg was asked to make a cameo (I think as Alice?) and she said no. Lady Olenna is wise.


    More thoughts when I'm not sleep deprived.

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  13. I love Mel Brooks. I'm surprised to hear you can call Brooksfilms and talk to him. Maybe I will randomly call a couple times and see if I can get him to chat.


    He's so happy about everything. You'd think being interviewed about a movie which almost lost him so much money would be embarrassing or sad for him. He's like, "No, let me tell you how I mortgaged my car and didn't tell my wife!" (PS RIP Anne.)


    This kind of made me want Mel to be a guest on HDTGM. I know it'd be tough but there's got to be some other movie he'd have great stories about. Or maybe he could make fun of a Carl Reiner flick. I hear they eat dinner together and watch Jeopardy every night.

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  14. You can totally send your notes whenever! I ain't got no rules bout that!


    I think ABC set this season up for failure because in my opinion it was soooo goooood but the way they paced the episodes by airing so many back to back just kinda left the finale feeling really anti-climatic. Was a real shame because Madame Masque is one of my fave villains and seeing Dottie truly terrified of her was just the icing on the cake.

    Dottie was great! So was Madam Masque (I was actually kind of sad the way she ended up. It was like, "Women cant have power after all.")


    Oh and Ken Marino--friend of the show, commenter on Lindsay Lohan's cooch--was great as Manfredi. I would've liked to get to see him turn into Blackwing.


    There should be more HDTGM guests in the MCU. Adam Pally was in Iron Man 3. Ken on Agent Carter. Huebel was on Agents of SHIELD but I don't watch that show anymore.

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    I'm literally gonna wear it when I meet her in a couple of weeks and try desperately to contain myself from yelling at her, "DO YOU RECOGNIZE THIS COLOR CAUSE IT'S THE SAME ONE YOU WEAR!"


    I just bought an Estee Lauder color that I'm literally obsessed with too but I'm too lazy to get up and look at the exact name but it's a liquid lipstick in the most beautiful red (very very similar to the red velvet so you can see where my tastes lie lol).

    OMG. Tell her I love her. I really wanted a season 3 of Agent Carter that introduced itty bitty Sharon so they could kick ass together. (I love important lady relationships more than romances.) I'm so sad it got cancelled even though season two was meh.


    ... I already looked to see if Besame has a light pink color like June was wearing but it does not. So sob.


    Oh this talk of fandom stuff reminds me that I have to send you my nerd notes on tumblr for the Avengers. Or should I wait until after it's aired?


    Someone online called it "the Avengers with just Black Widow and Jarvis" and I was like "HOW DARE YOU, Jarvis and Black Widow are way more interesting than these two."

    • Like 2

  16. I'm also in a dark lip color period. Well mostly because I wear a lot of dark colors and the dark lips just really tie the whole package together. But there are periods where I wear a nice pink or purple that's not crazy dark (really just Plumful from MAC) so yes I seconded your question cause that color is perf.

    It amuses me to think of Paul asking June this question. I wear Besame Red Velvet (it's Peggy Carter's lipstick--yeah I'm a nerd, so what?) and Bite in Rhubarb for lighter days.


    How Did This Get Makeup is brought to you by Elektra and Taylor Anne!


    It's the very first scene in the movie, and it's dreadful (starts about 50ish seconds in).



    This is terrible make it stop!

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  17. Paul, this is more of an ask June but maybe you can pass it along. June did a series of interviews for "Grace and Frankie" while in NYC. (Example.) What color and brand of lipstick is she wearing? I want to buy it. She looks gorgeous.

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  18. Kill Bill Vol 2 was the movie that made me realize how bad an actress she really is. That black and white scene where she's driving and gives that awful monologue was when I basically asked myself the same question you just posed.

    I don't remember this scene. Maybe I repressed it. Mostly I remember the fighting parts.


    Seriously like every interview I see I keep noticing different things that just make me go "JUNE YOU BEAUTIFUL OPALESCENT TREE SHARK"


    Like how amazing that lip color is on her. Just perfect.

    I know! I was thinking about her lip color as watching it. I'm in a dark red lip color period but I was like, "Maybe I should find out what brand she uses and get that? Because it's gorg." I wonder if that is an appropriate ask Paul.

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  19. Dammit, you caught on to me.

    Okay about this. Has anyone seen a movie where Uma Thurman was really good? I mean, I've seen movies that she was in that were good (Kill Bill). But now I don't remember if she was good or if the movie was just good around her, you know?


    I"m a human spank. -- June Diane Raphael.


    I love her so much. So proud of be the June of this group. I guess I need to get Spanx now.

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    Too late! I'm already making designs to steal that observation from you and take all the credit for myself!





    I'm only 9 minutes in, and I'm already annoyed. I have a thing for dialogue, and I get annoyed with bad dialogue. So far the dialogue between Steed and Peel is nothing but witty banter. I don't mind it peppered here and there, but a whole conversation of it makes me irrationally angry.


    That's the problem, isn't it? They never have any genuine moments. It's all quip. And Steed seems condescending a lot, while Peel is all eyebrows. (I swear Uma Thurman's eyebrows are in the middle of her forehead for 90% of the movie and it looks weird. Like she's constantly getting something shoved in inappropriate places. It's unfortunate because she's gorgeous. But the only time she ever seems comfortable and genuine is when the eyebrows are down at their normal location. So those are the only times she is able to convey any sense of feeling.)

    • Like 2



    Can I just say, in reference to quotes, when Connery says "now is the winter of YOUR discontent" I think Shakespeare and Richard III should've risen up from their (parking lot) graves and kicked him in the nuts.


    Also, that means it's the end of your discontent so it doesn't even make sense when threatening people with an evil plan. Maybe I should save this for the ep thread.

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  22. I haven't listened to the mini yet, but I am watching The Avengers right now...


    Sean Connery just said, "You know, one should never fear..." *eyes Uma Thurman up and down* "...being wet," and my soul vomited in its mouth a little.




    Your soul threw up? You didn't actually throw up? Because I gagged for real.


    Also, I just read this old article about Patrick Macnee (who played Steed in the show) because I was looking up stuff about the show. And he talked about how one of the actresses was like, "Wow, Connery wouldn't let me get away with that." Implying that Macnee was much kinder to his female costars than Connery was to the Bond girls. Which isn't difficult to believe since Sean Connery thinks it's okay to beat women. But whatevs.




    Just listening now.

    I often listen to the show in the bath, while having a bath. And have been known to fall asleep in the bath too. Though not while listening to the show happily enough. Baths are awesome, weary limbs get rested not like showers where you just get wet.

    If a bath is a torrid summer affair in Paris with Scarlett Johansen, then a shower is a quick knee trembler up that alley beside the bookies with that old slapper who brags about sucking off Lemmy after a gig at the Ulster Hall in 1981 and is now resistant to penicillin.

    I have listened to the show in the bath. And in response to Paul's question about sleeping in the bath, I've never fell asleep while bathing. But when my family went on vacations, I would sleep in the bathtub of hotel rooms because my father snored so badly and I needed a shut door between us. So people do sleep in bath tubs. Though if you were a full-grown person it might be uncomfortable.


    Thanks for the info on the show.

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  23. I have a lot of jumbled, annoyed thoughts about "The Avengers" so I'm glad it's next. Perhaps I will get my nerd notes into some coherence by next week. It does feel VERY long. Like even rewatching so clips I'm like, "Is this over yet? I have seen Ralph Fiennes be more attractive without a nose."


    Did anyone out there watch the Avengers TV series? It was before my time. I have seen pictures and clips, of course. I always thought Diana Rigg's Emma Peel was sexy. But also that she was very cute and more light-hearted than this? Like Uma Thurman seems like she's in pain a lot. There is zero fun happening. Is it just because her heels are much higher than Diana Rigg's? Or is the characterization markedly different?





    This episode contained more information about frog penises than I care to have. Congrats, Amy!

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