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Elektra Boogaloo

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Posts posted by Elektra Boogaloo

  1. I just listened to this one and I realized, when Paul asked if Peter Jackson was angry that John Rhys Davies did this movie after doing LOTR, that this could've been REVENGE for what Jackson put Rhys-Davies through in LOTR?!


    I remember having to turn off the audio commentary on FotR because of the talk of how Rhys-Davies had some kind of allergic reaction to the dwarf makeup that peeled his skin off. And everyone else seemed to have a great time but he like couldn't go outside and felt like a monster. I think there was something about him needing days between filming because he had to grow back the skin on his face.


    Yeah, I just looked it up and found a transcript.


    ELIJAH WOOD: Poor JOHN. I think it was after every day of makeup that he had, he had to have at least four days off to recover in terms of his face and what that would do.

    SEAN ASTIN: The prosthetics and the glue and the plastics and stuff was really eating into his skin and his face.

  2. I dunno. I kind of see what Deanna is saying about her expectations being too high for movies. Like movies here are $15, plus walking to the theater and if you want food it's a lot more. So if I'm going to get off my ass to see a movie, I want to be sure it's good. Deanna mentioned seeing STEVE JOBS with her dad and being let down. I can see how getting burned a couple times might make you think, "I'm gonna just stay home and watch TV." No money. NO effort. No expectations. I imagine in LA there is an extra annoyance of having to park.


    Also most of her writing/directing credits seem to be on TV shows and web series so maybe she gets extra out of it. Fun and work.

    • Like 5

  3. Speaking of the Salem Witches 17th Century Yearbook...




    "magick majorum new faces 1652"





    Can't make out some of the text on the captions here, but here's my current guesses, working clockwise from the top-left page near the fold:


    "Constance Harrison

    Hung for Demon [unintelligible] (potions?)"


    "Serena Alcott 1610-1652

    Burned at the stake - Salem, Mass.

    [unintelligible] Black Magic and Sorcery"


    "Modesty Miller

    Born 1636 - Unknown

    Questioned and released in

    regard to possession [unintelligible] (&?) use of

    articles of sorcery and witchcraft."


    "Sarah Burke



    "Hope Reed Died 1634

    [unintelligible] to being [unintelligible]"

    [the rest is unintelligible]"


    "Nathan Cole

    [unintelligible] hung [unintelligible]

    [more unintelligible text]"


    So, Modesty Miller is the Luis Guzman of the past. The, uh, photo depicted seems to be the actress who played her mother with a different hairdo. According to the caption, she was taken in for questioning and released, but Serena Alcott (Zelda Rubenstein) was burned at the goddamn stake. It looks like all of the other witches on the page were gruesomely killed during the as well, which leads me to a theory* -


    Luis was a SNITCH! She sold her coven down the river and fled, allowing her to come back later! Or maybe she was immortal and eventually married Dick Sargent?


    * This ties into another dumb theory I had watching the movie, which was that Serena was just manipulating Luis for her own ends and then planned to get her revenge on her...but alas, that was not to be and instead we get the "Luis gets what she wants sans consequences" ending at the prom.



    Modesty Miller is doing a 1600s version of the side-pony. Because the side-pony never goes out of fashion!

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  4. Zelda Rubinstein pulls out a book from 1652 to show that they knew each other in a past life. The book had what appeared to be black and white photographs of them and other witches... Photography wasn't invented until the 1800's.

    Someone else earlier referred to it as a "yearbook" and that made me laugh. Like Madame Serena and Luis Guzman were in class together during the Salem witch trails. We all know they've always had yearbooks, right? RIGHT? I wonder if Serena's "friends" all just wrote "have a good summer."



    Did you guys notice that even though Randa is "the most popular girl in school" that no one seems to like her? Like her friends turn on her once Luiz casts that spell and Brad is like, "Yeah I'm just dating her because she's the most popular girl at school. I'd totally dump her if there were another popular girl at school." That's something that I've noticed in a lot of teen movies that the popular (liked, admired, or enjoyed by many people or by a particular person or group) girl is never actually liked.


    I think it wouldve been hilarious if once Luiz became the most popular girl, everyone wanted to push her into pools or whatever. I totally nominate Hats for this role.


    Anyway I always find this kind of odd. I don't think it was the case at my school. I mean, I don't think we even had a MOST popular girl. Just a couple popular groups. And usually they were funny or talented and that was why people liked them. There was always a group of pretty girls who were bitches, who I'm sure dudes wanted to bang, but no one really wanted to be friends with them.

    • Like 4


    Oh! I guess so...


    I thought it was just gym class, otherwise, why the Hell was Louise in there? Just to lurk?


    Also, the gang brought up the taking off of shoes in the Murder House, but I'd also like to point out, a number of girls in that locker room during the "I Like Boys" sing along weren't wearing any kind of foot protection either. Enjoy your athlete's foot and planter warts, ladies!

    I also thought the "Hey cheerleaders" was a way of saying, "Hey, everyone but you creeper over there, Luis." She does like to lurk so I sort of wouldn't be surprised if she were just hanging out in the locker room, like she does on the football field. There are also shots of her watching them dance longingly that made me think she was interested in one of the girls. I think the director intended for it to be her longing to be one of them, since we know lesbians weren't invented back then.


    But later when she is popular, she is shown to be a cheerleader. And they don't wear those leotards at all. I mean the color is the same, but it's a whole different material. So maybe she was trying out for cheerleading? Or something?


    You're right about the whole thing being unsanitary. I think they were sharing towels at one point.

    • Like 1

  6. I think we over-discussed this movie in the minisode thread. Each thread is supposed to be about each episode. I don't blame people for not going to the minisode thread to see discussion about this episode.


    On the subject of favorite lines, I still cannot get over "I have the new cheer." Jason points out in the episode that the musical numbers are like music videos (sort of like "Jem and the Holograms"?) and there's no world where that is a good cheerleading routine. Where are they going to get lockers to dance on when they are on the football field?

    • Like 4

  7. You know what June's point about the "Condom, condom" scene probably originally having a musical number that was too similar to "

    " made me think about? The "High School Blues" thing is pretty similar to "Back to School" thematically. I just rewatched both. In "High School Blues", Luiz Guzman's locker appears to be different from all the other lockers in its row? At least the lock is in a different place.


    Also, omfg, when are we going to talk about Grease 2?



    • Like 1

  8. The guys in this movie are awful, it makes me wonder why all the girls like (pause, hairflip) boys at all. I mean the cousin is a flat out rapist and apparently NO ONE CARES that he's dead. That's bleak.


    When June said Brad needed to "be a gentleman" and drive Luiz Guzman home I was like, "Well, he's not." He just hit her with his car. Because he's a horndog that drives while making out. (I feel like "parking" was a staple of most teen movies. Brad's got a nice--for the 80s--car but you never see him park with anyone. He's like no lets go to an abandoned rape house.) He doesn't need to take her home, he needs to be slapped with a lawsuit. He is recklessly endangering people's lives.


    You guys, I have the new cheer: I Like Lawsuits.


    I very much enjoyed having two Junes in this episode. The discussion of bangs was beautiful.

    • Like 3

  9. And all the hair drying! Were they gonna rip the dryers out of the wall and bring them onto the football field?

    I mean, yes, obviously. They take the cheerleading effing seriously. When I was a cheerleader, we lugged entire locker rooms around all the time. Those lockers were heavy as shit but it's a SPORT, tayloranne.


    ETA: HDTGM should do some of the later Bring It Ons (Brings It On?) Like the Rollercoaster one? Genius.

    • Like 3

  10. I think it's pretty wild that Louise writes erotic friendfiction about Brad but then during the locker room scene she seems to look on disapprovingly as the other girls sing about liking boys. Either way, "I like boys" is a great song and that shot of the girls dancing under the hairdryers is genuinely a fun little well-choreographed dance.

    Not a great cheerleading routine though, for the field. They're going to have to bring all that shit. Though I agree they looked great. If they had just done it apropos of nothing not (I have a new cheer!) I would've actually liked it better. Does that make me strange?


    I have questions!

    1. Where does the nerd go when she makes him disappear? Is it a Phantom Zone scenerio? Or does she just send him home? If he's just home, doesn't he need his glasses? How high was he that this is NEVER ADRESSED AGAIN? He straight up disintegrated at the wheel of a car.


    2. Speaking of the wheel of the car, I dislike how this movie implies that Randa is the bitch when Brad nearly runs Louise over. Okay, yes she was distracting him. But he's the driver. Maybe she hasn't had the drivers ed class yet and doesn't know that's against the rules of the road. He should have pulled over. Not just meandered through the lanes hitting every every pedestrian in sight (I know Louise doesn't die but... I believe in my heart that people are dead. Somewhere.) I don't think Louise shold be dating this guy. He has a reckless disregard for human life. ... though she kind of does too. Okay they're perfect for one another!


    3. Where does Louise get all these clothes? You're probably thinking, "She's obviously a witch, Elektra." But there's that scene at the first dance (how many dances does this school have, exactly?) that is kind of played for laughs? That she looks ridiculous. Even though I couldn't really say it looked more ridiculous than the other outfits except her makeup was blue? Yet somehow she starts putting killer outfits together once she's popular? That's a skill she just picks up?


    4. And finally what the heck happens to Marcia Wallace, aka the real star of the movie? Did she teach Louise about clothes and awesome hats in that brief moment before she left? I want to know what's going on with her. I miss her and I worry.

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