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Elektra Boogaloo

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Posts posted by Elektra Boogaloo

  1. I have to say, having read Stephen King's "On Writing" (fun fact: he only references this film in a part about what to do if you've written something that is a "stinker") and knowing about his struggles with substance abuse nearly killed him and destroyed his family... kind of took some of the fun out of mocking this movie for me.


    They should air this movie as one of those "this is your brain on drugs" PSAs.


    Here's a fun detail from the Daily Mail:


    His dependency had reached such a pitiful stage five years later that he had resorted to buying antiseptic mouthwash for its alcohol content - as his editor Chuck Verrill saw during the making of the film Maximum Overdrive, King's directorial debut.


    'He was gargling Listerine and popping pills,' recalled Verrill. 'He was still a nice guy and coherent, but he did seem to be strung out.'


    King later said he was 'coked out of my mind' during the making of the film,


    How much Listerine do you have to drink to get a buzz?


    Anyway, my favorite part of this episode was June's gigglefit. I heart June! :wub:

    • Like 6

  2. ... if BatsVsSupes isn't as big as it needs to be, that goes up in smoke and it won't matter that "Wonder Woman" was going to have more women on its crew than any other film ever, which has exactly zero to do with whether the movie would have been any good or not.

    If Batman V. Superman sucks (should I say "when"?), I suggest they make Wonder Woman more about Gal Gadot driving her invisible plane real fast, and tricking guys into touching her star-spangled butt to get their fingerprints?


    ... see how I tried to bring that back around to Fast and Furious?

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  3. Hey! You actually read the article! :) I agree with what you said about Noah. The way he handled the affair was great. That thing would've blown over quicker had Patton Oswalt not come to his "defence".

    Yes, I rather liked how Noah responded admitting he was dumb. I think, now that everything is saved forever on the internet, we need to get better at apologizing for jokes that don't work. Rather than being defensive. Another "controversy" referenced in this thread was Renner and Evans calling Black Widow a "slut." And I KNOW they were trying to make a joke that landed flat. But when the apologies came around I thought that what Evans' people released was better than Renner's. Because it's not so much that you made a joke that wasn't funny/fuck up (everyone fucks up); it's that you don't want to model that behavior for others.


    Anyway, I've missed most of this thread but I will pile on my own love of Matt Fraction's HAWKEYE run. Also love Aja's art. I think it was cool how they leaned into Hawkeye being the human and fallible one. I rather wish they would do that with some of the movies, instead of insisting bigger is better. Because the whole thing with Kevin Feige restructuring Marvel so he didn't have to report to Ike Perlmutter anymore (which was pretty recent), they mentioned that this was what Feige blamed for Edgar Wright leaving "Ant-Man" and Joss Whedon's contentious time with "AoU". While I wish Wright had not left "Ant-man," I don't think giving Joss Whedon more money would've fixed AoU.

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  4. Paul and Rob Huebel are on the Nerdist podcast today promoting Crash Test. There's some talk of Furious 7 and Maximum Overdrive (spoilers for the next full ep?). But the most important thing I learned is that June has special nicknames for people in her phone. Paul is "Special Bunny."


    Pitch for Fast 8:



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  5. So I am going to call it now! In the next installment, we will see a fully healed Owen Shaw breaking his brother Deckard out from prison and the two will team-up to take on Toretto and his "family"


    I would also have to say, the next installment should be called Family Furious due to all the references to family and having the Toretto's fight the Shaw's. This will become similar to the Hatfield's and McCoy's!


    How about this? Like the audience member suggested, Helen Mirren plays Mama Shaw. Because she's awesome. (Have you guys seen "Red"?) She breaks one of her boys out of prison, then straight up yells at the other one to cure his coma. Believable. Helen Mirren can do anything.


    Then Hobbs hires Dom et al to whatever vague law enforcement agency he works for, and they have to track down the Shaws. Ultimately, the Shaw family goes toe-to-toe with Dom's family.


    Having Helen Mirren would also solve the problem of no female character with agency. So basically, I think I just fixed everything, right??



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  6. 1. I also loved how June doesn't know which of the Fast movies she saw. Honestly, June, it doesn't matter. (Speaking of June, I got an email about NYCC Super Week today and in the ad for HDTGM there were photos of Paul and Jason but not June. I OBJECT!)


    2. The gang wonders if you can really lift a car. Yes, people can lift cars. There are stories of hysterical strength where women lift cars off their kids--so even useless lady characters could do it! I've never seen someone hold it aloft for very long. I guess that's Vin Diesel showing how much cooler he is than mothers. I found this article about how to lift a car from Muscle and Fitness. Apparently you need leg strength http://www.muscleand...ge/how-lift-car This is my favorite part:

    If you can half-squat 500 pounds or more, then you can totally lift a Honda Civic. You’ll impress the hell out of your friends, and for once in your life, someone might confuse you with the Hulk.


    3. Speaking of confusing you with Avengers. The actress who portrays Elena is Elsa Pataky who is Chris Hemsworth's wife. So if June looks like her then Paul is basically Thor, right?

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  7. I'm bumping this suggestion because I absolutely need to hear June's take on this film.


    Yes. This. Seconding.


    Also, I swear I read an interview with June (or was it on a podcast) where she mentioned she watched Grease and Grease 2 over and over during her childhood. So I think that would add extra! And, guessing from the Doug Loves Movies, where Jason talked about how unfamiliar he is with movie musicals would make it even better.


    Link: https://www.youtube....bed/JANdCwEs1pY


    (Had trouble embeding code...)

  8. I remember seeing this in the theater (I would've been like 12) and I remember being disappointed. And there is this trivia gem on IMDb, that I think we need Blake Harris to investigate it.


    Matthew Modine several years later went on record to explain some of the reasons why the film's costs spiraled so much and became such an expensive flop. He cited one example where cases and cases of V8 juice were shipped out to Malta, expressly for director Renny Harlin and his wife Geena Davis. Towards the end of the shoot, the juice was served up for everybody as there was an entire room of it to be dispensed with. He also said that every scene had three cameras in constant use, resulting in tons and tons of film being used for every shot.


    An entire room of V8?! Is this some weird sex thing that I don't understand?!

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  9. Controversial statement: If Shonda Rhimes wants to make a NUNDERCOVER TV-series, then I think she should. You guys have been sitting on this idea for YEARS. You probably failed to renew an option on your own idea or something. (Listen, I don't know how Hollywood works.)


    I have been waiting for NUNDERCOVER, guys. The fans demand undercover nuns. That's just facts.


    However, I will concede that the title of her show ("Brides of Christ") needs some more pun work. Maybe the HDTGM folks could help her out with that? Get a consultant credit?



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    I totally get what Paul was going for with "Hummy Man," and I came to the same conclusion as you - that it should have been a play on Homo Sapiens instead of human - but, following the conventions of this movie, I think the actual analogue would be something more like Hubert Sapiens or Howard Sapiens, since they're playing on the "T" in "T-Rex." Really though, nobody ever uses the phrase "H. Sapiens," so maybe there is no exact analogue...

    Hummie Sapien. We should make that composer change his name!

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  11. Listening to this again and this is what I hear Jason say about the sombrero: "Sombrero-wearing--uh, uh--Mexican."


    I understand that this phrasing is awkward. But, in Jason's defense, I don't think it necessarily means the sombrero is wearing a Mexican, like the audience member suggests. Couldn't he have said "sombrero-wearing Mexican" (emphasis on the hypen between sombrero and wearing) making it a compound adjective?


    Any grammar experts out there?

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  12. To make matters worse, J&M—the film’s international distributor—decided to try and recoup some of their investment by suing Stefano.

    Jonathan: Stefano had nothing to do with why J&M was upset. It was just a case where the guy with the deepest pockets catches the bullets.

    Stefano: So even when the film ended, it didn’t really end. I was the last man standing on this thing. And by the way. I personally paid back every investor that I brought in. I didn’t want to leave any loose strings.

    Jonathan: I always felt awful about that. Really bad. It’s just shouldn’t have been. We all set upon the road with different expectations, but there again it just seemed like he caught hell at the worst time.

    Stefano: Two dramatic events happened during this time in my life. One was T-Rex not coming out. And the other was my dad passing at 58.

    Jonathan: That was such a tragedy, my god. And Stefano is such a great guy.


    I feel terrible for this Stefano Ferrari, the investor in the film. His story would be a much better movie than T-Rex.

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  13. It's actually spelled "Hummie Mann." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hummie_Mann So his name doesn't really fit the species thing since it's with two Ns. I only know this because, oddly, it came up when I googled something else man the other day and I was like, "Wait! That's a person?!?"


    I'm been thinking about the naming conventions of "Theodore Rex" and "Howard the Duck." Tyrannosaurus rex is the species name, meaning tyrant lizard king. Theodore Rex is like being named Teddy King. I don't see how all the dinosaurs can have the surname Rex. We can't all be kings. That would get really confusing.


    Howard the Duck is less specific. "Duck" is a common name that can refer to a number of species. It might be more accurate to call him Howard the Anas platyrhynchos (Mallard Duck). But probably less catchy. But also the duck is what he evolved from so wouldn't it be more accurate to call Paul something like Paul the Primate? There wasn't a word for "humans" until we evolved into them.


    And in "Theodore Rex" world, I think he would be Paul Sapien since the species name for humans is homo sapiens. Or maybe Paul Homo? I'm not sure how they decided which part of the scientific name to use and which to discard.

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    Guys, the most important revelation to come out of the oral history by Blake Harris is that Reno was played by TWO DOGS:


    Since the dog playing Reno would have such a big workload, two dogs were actually cast to fulfill the role: Digby and Betty.


    Boone Narr (animal trainer): Digby was our face dog; he just had a gorgeous-looking face. In fact, in every PR shot you see of Chuck and the dog, that’s Digby. So he was our lead dog. But Betty did a lot of shots in the movie too. She was real mellow and she was a good dog. Except the problem with Betty was that she had had puppies earlier that year. So she had this one breast that would hang down. And every time, before we shot with her, we’d have to tape it up. We had to give her a boob job every time before we did a shot! So Aaron would be looking through the camera and he’d go “Betty’s boob is hanging out.” And then I’d go up there and tape it up. Poor thing, she just needed some cosmetic surgery that we couldn’t afford at the time.


    So not only was Betty uncredited in the movie, but Digby, the LEAD DOG, has never been connected to the movie at all! TWO uncredited dogs playing one role. Now we're getting into "Monkey Shines" territory. Isn't it dangerous to imply that ONE dog could behave in this erratic way? Reno's disjointed behavior (super smart in some scenes and distracted by sunglasses in dog POV) could be explained by there being two dog actors (could also just be shitty writing/directing/editing), but the brothers Norris want us to think it's just one dog (Betty), and they don't even credit her! Poor Betty is put through her paces shortly after giving birth!!? And then gets her body manipulated to make her look male (and dare I say, younger/sexier). "Betty's boob is hanging out." They make her sound like a dried up old porn star!! Come to think of it, maybe Betty and Digby asked their agents to get them off of the credits. Good dogs!


    Could we get June's take on this??


    I agree with Jason, we should sue this movie.



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  15. Does it take an Australian to figure out the multiple wetbacks one bullet comment? I skimmed through the comments and didn't see this answer.


    It's because Mexicans travel in a single file line when crossing the border illegally. So the bullet will pass through the first one and hit the one directly behind.

    I never heard the single file thing before. I thought "wetback" referred to people who swam across the Rio Grande. Do people swim in single file? Maybe if they swim in a group? OR maybe the line is like a bad allusion to "shooting ducks in a barrel" kind of thing? Like shooting wetbacks in the Rio Grande???


    This is similar to what Cameron and I were discussing a couple pages back. It's pretty irresponsible to give him a dog/force a dog on him, especially considering the obvious disdain he has for it.

    Whoops. Yes, your discussion made me think we should ask the dog trainer lady. It does seem super irresponsible and also a waste of San Diego's tax dollars. Like they had to train this dog, and house and feed this dog then they just... give it to Chuck Norris on a whim?

  16. I have a question for the dog trainer woman who asked questions at the end of the show, if she reads the forums. Is it typical for a regular cop to just assigned to a dog partner? Shouldn't he have been there for the trianing or something? What if he's allergic to dogs? What if he kicks dogs? If you train a dog, how long is the process to handing him or her off to the cops?


    I mentioned in the minisode thread that Briard dogs aren't often used by police forces because

    I have a hard time believing the Chuck Norris character is going to do all that. He doesn't even pick up after himself. This dog is going to end up in one of those Sarah McLachlan commercials, I'm sure of it.
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  17. Also I love that Fox is mandating "gritty realism".


    GODDAMNIT, FOX! "Gritty realism" has never, ever been associated with the Fantastic Four. They are supposed to be the MORE FUN super group. My actual main problem with the earlier FF adaptation is that Jessica Alba and whatshisface played it straight. Like anyone is going to be a SERIOUS GUY who is secretly STRETCH ARMSTRONG. Meanwhile Chris Evans was hamming it up big time and the execs are Marvel were like, "We need to steal him.:


    It's also a great opportunity for family dynamic stuff. I mean, the Avengers sort of become a family after awhile but the Fantastic Four *is* a family from the beginning. I feel like the Sue/Johnny relationship is the key to that. I think teh flmmakers have focused too much on Reed and the Reed/Doom competeting geniuses stuff and lost the heart.
