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Elektra Boogaloo

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Posts posted by Elektra Boogaloo

  1. Oh! And I totally forgot, now that the first leg of the tour is over, I would like to hear a “baggitry” update about Jason’s bags and June’s opinions thereof. Just wanted to put that out there.

    • Like 4

  2. 4 hours ago, theworstbuddhist said:

    What are those bottom three movies? They're vaguely familiar but I can't quite place them. 

    2:22, Fateful Findings, and the Visitor.


    28 minutes ago, SlidePocket said:

    They're doing the Pinocchio movie with Jonathan Taylor Thomas?! I hope they discuss the donkey transformation on the rollercoaster scene because that freaked me out when I was little.

    Oh i thought it was the one with Roberto Benini when I saw the poster. I haven't seen the JTT version but the donkeys in the Disney version scared me as a kid so I am not a Pinocchio fan.


    33 minutes ago, AlmostAGhost said:

    I was born in '76 and I like it a lot, but I'm also a giant NBA fan and have been since I was little and think it's fun for that. I haven't seen it in a little bit though. It's definitely just a product placement commercial at its core, though - but certainly there are worse offenders at that too. 

    You're spot on about it being a commercial. I just learned today from Google that it was originally a commercial but it got too long and they, like ended up making it into a movie.

    I sort of wish they made the Larry Bird/Jordan McDonald's commercials into a movie.

    I did rewatch it like a year ago, and it is like watching a Looney Tunes cartoon, but I loved Tiny Toons and Animaniacs too so maybe I just liked that shit.


    Also I did go see Hobbs and Shaw today and I have a lot to say about Vanessa Kirby's eyeliner so get ready for that.

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  3. They announced some of the movies for the tour today. I am trying to figure out why I am so deeply upset about Space Jam being on there. I have concerns about three white people covering a movie that is beloved by urban audiences. I hope they have a person of color as the guest. Or at least someone who knows basketball? Like, intellectually I know it was not a great film. And I have no problem mocking the Looney Tunes or DeVito or the acting of the athletes. But, R. Kelly the notable exception, if you come for the soundtrack we are going to have a problem here.


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  4. Did anyone go see it this weekend? Is it worth it? The live show is Aug 12, if I remember correctly so it could be the next film covered. (But I don’t know when the episode would air.) I am kind of on the fence.

    i tend to not love the Fast and Furious movies as much as the gang does but I do like the Rock and Statham best.

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  5. I saw bits of this movie as a kid and I refuse to watch it now because it disturbed me so much.

    It seems the biggest demarcation between Team Sanity and Team Fred is if you believe Fred is part of the Phoebe Cates character or not. I would love to believe that he was part of Phoebe Cates, that would make it less creepy. I will say that as I kid I felt like he was a separate being and that he was trying to make her conform to his idea of what "fun" was. I get that June sees it as a woman acting out, and I agree that women are often punished for that so I can see how the Phoebe Cates character would be punished for it. But if that is the case, I wish Fred acted out in a more feminine way. Perhaps like a Melissa McCarthy character? Or the sexuality being more about vaginas than dicks. 

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  6. I am concerned that actual Michael Bay is making so much money off troll Michael Bay. (Am I the only one who hopes he is making the DVDs himself illegally somehow? I suppose I shouldn’t promote that but it would make me feel better about how much our MB is spending on this bit.)

    I have never seen a Transformers film, and I don’t want Paul to give in. But... It could be funny if HDTGM covered one that wasn’t Revenge of the Fallen. Maybe?

    • Like 3

  7. I think if you have listened to live episodes then you pretty much know what happens. There is some video stuff first and then Tall Paul comes out to do some prep and starts the show. When it ends, they pose for pictures and such? 

    It’s a live show with improvisers. Listen and yes and.

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  8. The caller whose in laws are sending her baby clothes? That shit is BONKERS and NOT OKAY. I do think it's a good idea to donate the clothes, because even if you do have a kid, you don't want to wrap him or her or it up in all that passive aggressive energy. But you got to tell them to cut that shit out. Or actually, have your significant other do it. They are his responsibility. That's not a thing. It's not okay. You don't have a baby, don't send baby clothes.

    I'd look into women's shelters in the area, they usually need stuff for small kids.


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  9. I think Paul would enjoy doing movies based on rides! And there is more than just the Country Bears (Though according to this it is the worst https://www.themeparktourist.com/features/20180408/33790/ride-screen-8-best-and-worst-disney-movies-based-rides) but what about HAUNTED MANSION? The ride scared me as a child and the movie frightened me in a different way as an adult. 

    And id they do make a JUNGLE CRUISE movie starring the Rock, I will recommend that pro-actively. 

  10. Am I the only one ho thinks SPACE JAM was culturally relevant? I am on board with the dismissal of AVATAR. I don’t know if the remake will capture this, but there as this moment in the 90s where kids wore shirts and such Loony Tunes characters with baggy pants and backward caps. I think it started as parody, and then WB embraced it. Which is why it’s about basketball and the soundtrack is all rap and R&B. (I was very sad to delete the soundtrack from my iPod because of the R Kelly connection.) 

    I don’t think it is the Looney Tunes that people really watch for? Like that is fine for kids, but older people like the music and the basketball?



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  11. Oh, also, regarding June’s question about dolphins “raping” humans. I don’t think we can really use the term rape. Dolphins ado have sex for pleasure and they are aggressive and form gangs. (Yeah, that’s right, dolphin gangs—it’s the next West Side Story). But... while I agree that dolphins are little shits that always have their dicks out, I don’t think they understand human notions of consent. 

    If they did, that would make a crazy horror movie. Way scarier than Jaws. 

    But, still, I never want to go to those “swim with dolphins” events. One of my coworkers showed me a family picture and we were laughing because it’s like a happy couple with a dolphin but the dolphin’s penis is clearly out. 

    Animals are just being animals. People are stupid.

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  12. Wow I can't believe I have been calling John "Paul" all this time and no one corrected me.

    I sort of thought when the son showed up in the video game that it meant he was also dead? (I wasn't sure if he had killed himself or perhaps had been killed for his crimes?) I'll admit to checking out towards the end.

    Mostly my take away from this is that maybe I should take a vacation to Florida. And then I googled if it was filmed in Florida and it was not. It was filmed in Mauritius, and I was like, Oh I should go there. But it's kind of far and then I ended up looking in the Caribbean. Long story short, I went to Antigua in May.

    • Like 7
    • Haha 1

  13. 20 hours ago, MacGruber said:

    I went in knowing there was a twist but having no idea what this movie was even about. I was almost enjoying it as a verrry melodramatic morality tale and appreciating how dumb these characters were...then the twist happens and I. was. pissed.

    Huh. Maybe it is better to go in knowing the twist (is it a twist or a reveal?). Because I was like, when are they gonna get to the nonsense????? Hurry up!

    • Like 1

  14. Congratulations to Cameron for being back on top. I liked it when forum posters win and not those LOSER call-in people.

    I am excited for SERENITY. I feel a little responsible since I suggested it in the bad movie recommendation threads. I'll be curious to see what people who have never heard anything about it think is going on. I, unfortunately, only saw it after reading about it. So I was spoiled. IF anyone went in cold, I want to hear your thoughts.

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  15. Okay so I went to rent this and I said to myself, "Self, I like you more than this." And I didn't watch it. So I found this podcast very surreal.

    Besides Paul, did anyone ever go to see the Country Bears Jamboree on purpose? I remember seeing it as a kid, and my entire group being like "this sucks. Can we go on Thunder Mountain again?"

    Also, are we told the names of the bears in the ride? Because I did not know who they were. And I reluctantly googled it just now and it doesn't seem like they are the same as the characters in the movie. I mean there is a Trixie but no Beary?

    Also, I would really like a Funny or Die Short, directed by Kulap, about Jason and Paul hunting Country Bears in their natural habitat, ie Disney.

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  16. Sorry to rush to post, July but I had to comment on CENTER STAGE. 

    Not really weirded out with the cat food touching other dishes, so long as they have been washed. I think I am more disturbed by the image of it sitting in the sink and smelling? Thought getting a dedicated spoon might be a way the caller could suggest it in a nice fun (look it’s a spoon that looks like a kitty) way and not a “you are disgusting” way.


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