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Elektra Boogaloo

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Posts posted by Elektra Boogaloo

  1. I haven't seen like any of these movies so I can't comment. But maybe HDTGM could do some Razzie winners for Feb/Awards season. It turns out there are actually a lot that haven't been covered. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Raspberry_Award_for_Worst_Picture


    Swept Away? The Postman? Striptease?


    These all feel like perfect fits for the show! Also I still demand the Nic Cage "Left Behind" even though it didn't win last year. (But at least Kirk Cameron got something after losing the Left Behind franchise?)

    • Like 1

  2. I would like to suggest the 2005 movie SAHARA. It's got an Oscar winner, a plot about a Civil War-era confederate ship in Africa (where so much of the American Civil War was fought), lost $100 million at the box office, there were MULTIPLE lawsuits about it when the book's author sued the producers for "ruining" book or whatever and the producers countersued him, and there were allegations that the production illegally bribed foreign governments.


    I just feel like it has everything, except a good movie.


    I am also told the Brook Shields movie also called SAHARA was terrible. So really any Sahara. I am not picky.

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  3. I have to agree with both of y'all on this matter. It almost feels like we have to read it before submitting any corrections and omissions because the gang won't actually talk about things that Blake has written about in his articles. So if we choose not to read them and think they missed something then we're the dumb ones for not doing all of the homework before commenting.


    At least that's just how I feel about it.

    Something I was thinking about this week, since the Slash film article was kind of late, was that I'd prefer it came out with the minisode rather than the regular episode. That way we don't have to read it to comment on the actual episode, it's sort of like an extended corrections and omissions.

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  4. I have never heard of this movie but I'm excited.


    Also excited for Jason in Dirty Grandpa, which I thought was the sequel to Bad Grandpa at first. I saw him on Seth Meyers talking about the film and HDTGM. Can't wait for Seth Meyers' guest episode. ;-)


    PS. I think it was PlanBfromOuterSpace than pointed out Efren Ramirez was in Crank, not me.

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  5. Yeah I had just posted that in the All Stars thread. He was also the young version of De Niro's son in A Bronx Tale. Also I completely forgot that they killed the shit out of a little kid in this movie, how high do you have to be to think that the only thing that can save your Shaq as a rapping genie movie is by killing off a pre-teen?


    I would love to know if this was always a rapping genie movie or if they had to randomly add the music subplot because Shaq wanted to rap. My money is on the latter.


    I hiope Shaq is on FRESH OFF THR BOAT again and has scenes will Paul so he can ask.

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  6. Listening to this now and am shocked in the discussion of Max that no one brought up that Francis Capra grows up to become a gang leader Weevil Navarro on "Veronica Mars." Perhaps the genie showering in front of him was what lead him to kill that other guy in the stadium explosion.


    He was also in "Crank" so that means he's been in two HDTGM episodes. Add him to the faves, people!




    ETA my apologies, Paul did briefly mention VMars in the talk of what he looks like now. But he was a series regular! And when that [spoiler thing] happened in the movie, that was straight up harrowing.


    Anyway, I still blame Shaq for Weevil's life of crime. I think it was a Woody Goodman situation, if you know what I mean.

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    I would like to co-sign this. This is also the reason why Geordi from Star Trek was never even hinted at being in a romantic relationship and why in Beverly Hills Cop, Eddie Murphy never kisses the white woman who was mutual friends with the guy that was killed; instead, they make Judd Reinhold the "romantic" partner, and its fucking weird.

    Just an addition to what June brought up, but it was 100% a racist decision not to have Shaq kiss Annabeth at the end of the movie.


    I dont know if anybody else has seen that documentary The Slanted Screen about how asians are portrayed in hollywood movies. But in it they bring up the movie Romeo Must Die, where Jet Li is cast along with Aaliyah as Romeo and Juliet respectively, but even though they were supposed to be the two romantic leads of the movie, at the end it has them give each other some awkward hug.


    All because either studio or producer notes about how they felt that American audiences werent ready to have an Asian actor as a romantic lead. Its pretty much certain a similar situation happened here.


    I worked at a movie theater in the early 2000s, and whenever there was a movie with an interracial kiss or love story, we would get angry letters. There was one guy in particular who was VERY put out about it and sent us threatening letters everytime he saw a film with "race mixing. My manager was like, "Please stop calling us. We don't decide what the studios do." We didn't even decide which movies we got since we were part of a chain.


    But now whenever i see a movie where people of different races make out, it makes me smile knowing somewhere that asshole is having a heart attack.

    • Like 9

  8. I'm listening to the ep right now and am excited. But, I had to stop to post. When I heard about the June BB8 t-shirt, I immediately rushed to the store because that is a thing that I need... but.




    There's a teensy grammatical error here. June said "What's its mission" not "what's it's mission." It's meaning "it is".


    Anyway, I used to be a copy editor and proofreader so I'm annoying about this stuff. But I will proofread future shirts for you FOR FREE, if you want. ha.


    What is it is mission might be my new catchphrase.

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  9. Well happy birthday, Fisher Stevens. Whose name I now always associated with Jason saying "look it up" thanks to listening to the LAKE PLACID episode a lot.


    I love June's observation that all they do is make free phone calls from pay phones. I think that shows how NOT prescient this film was. It was made in 95 and they didn't predict cell phones? I'm pretty sure I had one in 97.


    Anyway, I wanted to talk about the use of "elite" for hackers. I know that is sort of a thing. Everything used to be "l33t!!" (leet). I looked it up and apparently this originated with techy people in the 80s because bulletin board systems (BBS) would give you certain privliges when you reached elite status. But I don't think it was ever a level you would achieve as a hacker? Like a gold star some hacking organization sends you in the mail?

    • Like 6

  10. I had never heard of this movie until I was listening to the Nerdist podcast and Daniel Radcliffe mentioned it and compared a fight scene to the one in "Anchorman" so of course I immediately ran over here to see if it had been suggested. Pls pls do it. I don't want to watch it alone but now I feel that I must.

  11. I'm glad June is not afraid of twins, because I'm a twin. An identical twin--the scariest kind! I'd have to leave the forums lest I upset June.


    I think it's true that humanity in general (not June!) has a twin fear. I mean, you think of THE SHINING and other movies that have used twins. There were cultures that believe twins were an ill-omen and the twins would be killed on birth. Sometimes the mother as well. And, with these two being male-female twins, there has long been a belief that male-female twins had sex in the womb and therefore should be married to one another. I personally think this is gross. I no more want to have sex with my sister than non-twins do with their sister. Though I once got in a fight with someone online who insisted that MOST twins had an incestuous relationship. Shudder. Anyway, I think this is the deep psychological concept DEATH SPA is trying and failing to tap into.


    And to neilly's point about the brother having an accent and the sister not, it's commonly known that one twin out of all twinsets is British. I mean, come on.

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  12. I sort of love that no one on the this podcast knows the He-Man lore. It's like listening to just June talk about Street Fighter.


    All I really remember about the toys & cartoon (besides She-Ra stuff) was that He-Man has dumb hair. So I really thought they captured his essence here.


    I want the remix theme song back.

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  13. Especially because it was from such a silly, stupid joke. It was so delightful.

    I was actually thinking about June the other day. Someone pointed out I was pronouncing a (French) word incorrectly and I got really miffed and tried to act like it was a joke and I had known all along. Then I was like, self, embrace the fact that you don't know what a street fighter is.


    I think it's kind of amazing how June leans into all the times Jason, Paul and the rest of us take issue with her theories. Very open and honest.


    TL;DR we should all be more like June.

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