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Episode 135: Loads of Lady Energy

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The delightful and hilarious Jenny Slate visits the calming shores to talk about the psychic who predicted her career, her obsession with Gloria Estefan, and the time she dropped an F bomb on SNL. They also cover their favorite writers, Vince Young’s spending habits, and how Larry Bird’s son finally mucked up his father’s good name. Tom Leykis then comes by to offset the lady energy. Listen and laugh and be sure to get your tickets for a special screening of “Breaking Away” with Randy & Jason as part of the 2nd Annual Wayne Federman International Film Festival on February 28th at Cinefamily in Los Angeles

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I hate to admit that I wasn't a fan of Jenny's after the SNL blunder. I was one of the people who thought it was a ploy to get attention. I am glad to say now that I was 100% wrong and hearing her talking about how deeply upsetting that was for her, makes me feel bad for my rush to judgement. She has become one of my favorite funny people and I just love her on Kroll Show. The interaction with the yogurt/water woman about how she should sing is terrific.


Great episode guys.

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Double Adomian this week?!? So awesome! Good one this week guys, was fun to learn a bit more on Slate. She had me rolling the whole episode.

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I hate to admit that I wasn't a fan of Jenny's after the SNL blunder. I was one of the people who thought it was a ploy to get attention. I am glad to say now that I was 100% wrong and hearing her talking about how deeply upsetting that was for her, makes me feel bad for my rush to judgement. She has become one of my favorite funny people and I just love her on Kroll Show. The interaction with the yogurt/water woman about how she should sing is terrific.


Great episode guys.



I think, even aside from that gaffe, she was just on SNL before she was ready for it. She had her moments, but never really jumped out at me like some new cast members do on that show. She's been great on every podcast I've heard her on the last few years, and is always good in actual performance stuff like Kroll Show and Girls.


It was funny when Jenny asked if it was OK to swear. I know the Sklars usually try to keep it to a minimum, but that was never going to happen on an episode with 1) a discussion of saying "fuck" on network TV, and 2) Leykis as a character. I wish we could have heard Leykis interact with Jenny, but he was still great, as always.

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Visiting a psychic = immediate loss of credibility.


Whatever will Jenny Slate do without the approval of the Flatulator?

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Visiting a psychic = immediate loss of credibility.


In terms of what? Her sense of humor isn't good anymore because she went to a psychic? She's funny and (seems to be) a genuinely decent person.


You don't need to have the same spiritual beliefs or any spiritual beliefs to appreciate her as a talented actress/comediANN. No doy.

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I've been to a fortune-teller before, but as a goof. I don't believe in any of it, I just thought it'd be entertaining. Does that mean I have no credibility?


Anyway, I think Jenny Slate's "fuck" on SNL might be the most explained and examined expletive I've ever come across. I've just heard the story recounted many times, especially by Slate herself, but I don't really understand the fascination with it and I'm curious if she's tired of talking about it. I know I would be.

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