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This is a perfect HDTGM flick for being just an off the wall crazy movie based on a just as crazy book. With Ben Affleck in the start of his mid career downfall after Armageddon as a disgraced cop who carries a news clipping about a kid he killed with him, Liev Schreiber as a paranoid, immoral cop BEFORE becoming a villain in the movie, and a monster that killed the Mayans, this movie has a lot of WTF moments to make for a great episode. Plus with the crew's previous podcast with Kevin Smith, I would love to see if they could get Ben Affleck on to skewer this movie, if only for him to yell "Phantoms like a motherfucker."


Oh and did I mention Peter O'-MOTHERFUCKIN-Toole is in this?

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Inside my head I was like "Wasn't this one directed by Guillermo Del Toro?" so I went to IMDB to look it up, nope, I had it confused with Mimic. I wonder why:




How could I be so stupid? Mimic has three people with tense faces around an off-center green light and a purple banner at the top on a black background, where as Phantoms has four people (none are minorities) with tense faces around a centered green light with a purple banner at the top on a black background.

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What I find funny about the cover is that O'Toole is the top billed actor yet isn't in any of the covers or promotional material. Even he knew how bad this was.

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I get the impression that most movie posters are made with scenes from the film and not from photoshoots. I bet his absence has more to do with the success of Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer than anything and decided to show young attractive people. They weren't exactly aiming this one at the Lion In Winter fans.

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True, but even the next biggest star in the movie, Affleck, was like fifth billed and he had a substantial role in the movie. Mind you this movie came out after Good Will Hunting, Shakespeare in Love, and Armageddon, in that order. Two won Oscars, one for himself in that time, and Armageddon was a huge blockbuster, so it's shocking to see him so low on the totem pole. I was almost surprised to not see him listed below the Golden Retriever Demon in the credits.

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The producers must have been Matt Damon fans.

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I get the impression that most movie posters are made with scenes from the film and not from photoshoots. I bet his absence has more to do with the success of Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer than anything and decided to show young attractive people. They weren't exactly aiming this one at the Lion In Winter fans.

Speaking of which, the box art for "Scream" has always stuck out to me, because the pictures are insane. Skeet Ulrich is clean-shaven in the film, but is in full late-90s Depp mode on the cover, and then Arquette, who has a cop 'stache in the film is clean-shaven on the box.

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Ah, Phantoms! It felt like they managed to sign all the actors they wanted then realized afterward they paid everyone, they didn't have that much left for the movie.


Another one of those ones I sometimes feel compelled to re-watch from time to time. I blame that on the lovely Rose McGowan though. And Liev who always just strikes me as one of the coolest actors working, regardless of role or movie.

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