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Congo - 3rd Expedition

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When Laura Linney is talking to Joe Don Baker about having found his son and the diamonds, Joe Don Baker said something like "Oh, good. I was worried about you, I sent another expedition!"


I want to see a sequel to this movie that is the adventures of this third diamond finding expedition, where they find the downed hot air balloon and the bodies of the remaining three along the way.

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That was talking about the one that got shot down.

Their transmission got cut off because Amy knocked down the transmitter which was made out of marzipan and balsa wood, which Mitchell thought meant she was being killed by grey gorillas. So he sent another crew of people to their death, which the expedition the movie's about saw getting shot down.

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When Laura Linney is talking to Joe Don Baker about having found his son and the diamonds, Joe Don Baker said something like "Oh, good. I was worried about you, I sent another expedition!"


I want to see a sequel to this movie that is the adventures of this third diamond finding expedition, where they find the downed hot air balloon and the bodies of the remaining three along the way.


The '3rd expedition' is the plane they see on fire and later discover crashed in the jungle (it's where they get the hot air balloon from).

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Wait a minute are you guys totally sure on this? Because he didn't say "I sent another expedition" until the very end just before she lasers the satellite. I was under the assumption that that plane that was shot down in front of them was just a separate non connected group of people who just also were shot down by militants.

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Totally sure, its a breakdown of communications.


Mitchell lost communications with the Amy crew, as far as he knew they were dead, when it turned out they were alive, he informed them of something that he would have no reason to think they would know (that he sent another expedition, which he couldnt have told her earlier, since the whole reason he sent them is communications were cut off and it looked like she was dead).


The plane was most definitely related, since there was the travicom balloon inside it, Laura Linney makes a comment (either when they first see the plane, or when they come across the wreckage) that he must have sent another expedition.

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Well now it seems I'm the one who doesn't know which way is up.


Totally sure, its a breakdown of communications.


A great alternate title suggestion.

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Well now it seems I'm the one who doesn't know which way is up.



It happens to the best of us.


Also to killer gorillas.

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