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Ridiculous Remakes and Reboot ideas

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I was thinking earlier about what a Michael Bay, live action reboot of Ducktales would look like, and I thought it might be fun to talk about ridiculous remakes and reboots that would definitely belong on HDTGM if they actually got made.

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It sounds like a fun topic until you come up with the craziest, most ridiculous, most awful idea for a reboot/remake that only a sociopath who actually hates cinema and cinemagoers would make, and then it actually gets made.




LA Confidential, toned down for a PG-13/12A certificate and with all meaningful political and social context removed, with incoherent and needlessly flashy direction by McG, seventeen writers who all ruin each other's work until EL James is brought in to improve James Ellroy's original dialogue. With Colin Farrell replacing Russell Crowe, Rosie O'Donnell replacing Guy Pearce and Steve Guttenberg replacing Kim Basinger.

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I had the idea for making up movie posters for terrible movie ideas, but I have zero photoshop skills. Some ideas:


Shia LeBeouf is DIRTY HARRY


Joel Shoemaker's The Amazing Spider-Man 3 (The poster would feature the spider suit having nipples)


Michael Bay's Citizen Kane


Mutt Williams and The Spear of Destiny


Vin Diesel in Faust


M. Night Shamalan's Rope (remake of a Hitchock film that should be more well known)


Justin Bieber in Singing In The Rain 3D

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