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Episode 5 — Manners

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Why thank you, kind listeners, for joining us this week for The Apple Sisters. We are here to talk to you about etiquette in the most genteel and polite way we know how. Our guest is the delightful Miss Manners who teaches us all a thing or two about behaving with class and dignity. Our wonderful listeners sent us in some insightful questions, and we answer them like the gracious ladies we are. We even include a message to the men our there on how we like to be treated. Thank you once again for tuning in. You can all expect a handwritten note of appreciation for listening.

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I finally heard the theme correctly this time:
"We're as tart as a granny smith."
"We're as TIGHT as a granny'S FIST."
I'm so glad that I found out what the true lyrics were as the ones I misheard were very disturbing and many levels.

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"You have to fight back against the power of the man!" That answer cracked me up. Very progressive for 1943, ladies!

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Another great episode! Did Candy go to any parades this weekend?

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@kenneth - we should probably post the lyrics, eh?
@julia - thanks. like the ol' saying "WE ARE ABLE TO MAKE IT HAPPEN"...that's it, right?
@andres she's the bee's knees
@bobby We heard she ran to New York City for some kind of Queen Crowning. We're assuming she was talking about the burrough?!

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