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Stammer harder boy or we'll kick you out of speech impediment class

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I once joked that I had a medical condition that prevented me from speaking at high volumes, thinking of the idea of "being cold" toward people and the fact that motion of atoms slows as temperature drops. What I did not anticipate at that time, was that I had the capacity to draw any attention from the world whatsoever. I had found one person who seemed to be on my wavelength ( not a regular podcast listener, as far as I know, I got them to listen to a couple but..moving on) and that was enough for me. Almost more than I could handle at the time. Probably more than they could handle also. I have a myriad of real medical conditions but my jesting claim is not among them. I would do my whole life different if I could, nevermind remedial speech th-th-th-th-therapy.

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