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I didn't care about movies at all. Every year my family does an Oscars pool and I would literally just pick alphabetically because I hadn't seen anything nominated anyway and thought it would be funny if I won that way (I never did, but came awfully close one year).


The Canon changed that and now I'm watching all sorts of films I never would have even heard of before. My wife keeps wondering why I'm watching all these weird old movies. You two with your arguing and passion have started to turn me into a cinephile. Every week when your podcast would show up in my feed, I'd bump it straight to the top of my playlist. I have other podcasts I love, but none has changed me the way you and Devin have.


Consider this one more voice saying that The Canon should come back. Amy and Devin should come back - because what makes the podcast great is the two of you, your insights, and your interactions. But take your time. The hiatus is a good idea, and when you and Devin are ready to make more great podcasts, we'll be here waiting. We miss your voices already, but we can wait.

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Somehow I missed this all happening, 15 days or so ago. I was going through The Zone (a forum I used to be very active on and haven't been in forever) and a link to McWeeney's blog about this caught my eye. That's when I realized what had happened.


I wasn't a big fan of Devin's. Haven't for a long time. I was an "Aint-it-cool" guy back in the late 90s-mid 2000s, then I moved to their forum (the aforementioned Zone) and Devin's work just never appealed to me. I found The Canon during their brief apperance on I Was there too and started listening to episodes. I work two jobs, one of which involves travel, so I listen to a lot of podcasts, but The Canon was one I really looked forward to. there are only a few podcasts I really really look forward to listening to and The Canon was one of the few non-comedy ones I did. Amy, your insights I really connected with, even if I didn't always agree, and I came across a new appreciation of Devin's work.


I created an account on the forums (despite having been an earwolf listener for years) to comment on this.

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I hope you continue doing podcasts, film criticism and preferably a combination of the two, but I think the canon should be concluded.

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I hope you continue doing podcasts, film criticism and preferably a combination of the two, but I think the canon should be concluded.

Not even Amy + New host?

(That's my personal hope)

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Not even Amy + New host?

(That's my personal hope)


Everyone is just going to complain about how the new host isn't as good as Devin was (even if they're as good or better) and that will drag the show down.

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Eh. Good discussion is good discussion. I love what Devin brought to the table, and his blustery energy is a lot of fun, but that doesn't mean the show only has to exist with that aesthetic. It'd be kind of cool if Amy brought in a pantheon of hosts, and rotated them episode to episode. Any form of the show will do.

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