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Colfax McLiverneck

A horse walks into a bar and asks “You got any grapes?” The bartender says “I think you’re in the wrong joke buddy. And by that I mean you’re not a duck, because the joke is about a duck that walks into a bar three different times and asks for grapes, and

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A horse walks into a bar and asks “You got any grapes?” The bartender says “I think you’re in the wrong joke buddy. And by that I mean you’re not a duck, because the joke is about a duck that walks into a bar three different times and asks for grapes, and each time the bartender says no and stop asking or I’ll nail your beak to the bar, and so the fourth time, the duck asks if he has any nails, to which the bartender replies no, so the duck, knowing that he won’t get his beak nailed to the bar, asks for grapes again, but the joke doesn’t work with a horse, unless maybe you ask for an apple or some corn, we might could go from there and see what happens, but I really don’t see a clear path to a punchline, though it might be appropriate for a long-form improv scene, but I hate improv, and you look like a horse with no sense of humor on account of that long face, so how about you save us both the trouble and get out of here?”

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