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Colfax McLiverneck

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Everything posted by Colfax McLiverneck

  1. The weather outside is frightful but your conflation of seventeenth-century pre-Hegelian existentialism and the Stuttgart Market Revolt of 1677 is quite insightful.
  2. “Daddy, what’s a Mississippi Bobsled?” asked little Scotty. “Go ask your Uncle Hot Charlie,” his father said knowingly.
  3. The Comedy Man Always Bangs Twice
  4. Roses are red, corn is yellow, yo mamma just farted and boy does it smello
  5. Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, which was his first mistake
  6. People who live in glass houses are weird.
  7. Before we get to our first guest, let’s take a moment to remember that wombats have cube-shaped poop.
  8. You. Me. A bushel of fresh Silver Queen. And a kilo of hand-churned goat butter. Tis a corn-summation devoutly to be wished.
  9. Were you raised in a barn? Cause you look just like a goat I used to bang.
  10. More like my nuts resting on your mom
  11. Ain’t no party like a goatless party ‘cause a goatless party got no goats
  12. Elevator Pitch: Between Two Ferns Christmas Special with Zack in a Santa suit interviewing feral cats. Ferns blinged with tinsel. Discuss.
  13. One if by land, two if by sea, three if by an owl with glasses
  14. I’ll have a Mulgravey’s Crutch on the rocks with a twist of satsuma
  15. One if by land, two if by sea, three o’clock four o’clock if by rock
  16. Colfax McLiverneck

    Corn is the new Hot

    Corn is the new Hot
  17. The eyes are the windows to whatever’s inside an eyeball
  18. Theodor Geisel. Omaha. The number 14. Coincidence? I think not.
  19. Thomas Osaf Gration’s TOG Babels is the new Heynong Man
  20. The mouth is the reverse butthole of the face.
  21. Colfax McLiverneck

    More like Frosty the Ho-Man

    More like Frosty the Ho-Man
  22. Trigger warning—Roy Rogers’ horse is dead.
  23. Ain’t no party like a Colfax McLiverneck party ‘cause a Colfax McLiverneck party has unlimited corn refills
  24. Call me Ishmael, and I’ll call you Ishmabetty
  25. Open the door, giant poop on the floor—SOMEBODY forgot to walk the dinosaur