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Colfax McLiverneck

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Everything posted by Colfax McLiverneck

  1. Yea though I walk through the valley of pants, I shall wear none, for they doth bind up my rod and my sack.
  2. These are not the pants you are looking for.
  3. On a dark desert podcast / Warm wind in my pants / Dank smell of burritos / Rising up through the chairs
  4. This catchphrase is brought to you by American Families for Catchphrase Decency and by the Assbert and Bungholia J. Turdbucket Foundation.
  5. A nut in the bush is worth two in the pants.
  6. This catchphrase is sponsored by the American Family Association for Catchphrase Decency and by the Dick and Gloria Assbutt Foundation.
  7. It’s only a true catchphrase if it comes from the Catchphrase region of France—specifically, the place where the ladies wear no pants.
  8. Colfax McLiverneck

    Take my pants—please!

    Take my pants—please!
  9. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him wear pants.
  10. Hashbrown the Ghost Clown wants pants too
  11. There ain’t no party like a pants-free party ‘cause a pants-free party is the only kind of party where there ain’t no pants on the people at the party.
  12. Pants and corn, pants and corn, every hot doggie loves pants and corn!
  13. I love to listen every day and if you ask me why I’ll say…‘cause Scotty Auckers has a way with C-R-A-P-O-L-A
  14. Hey nong, you’re a pod star, get your pants off, let’s play
  15. Hold my pants while I yell at this duck.
  16. I’ll have the Pants-Wrapped Squirrel Loin with Trouser Jam, a side of Sauteed Boxer Sprouts, and a tureen of Chilled Dungaree Cream.
  17. If you can’t stand the pants, get out of Pantstown.
  18. Solomon Grundy was pants-free when pants-free wasn’t cool.
  19. Pants on pants is the new hat on a hat.
  20. I’m too sexy for my pants.
  21. Lumpy mummers in velvet hats festooned, an un-pantsed logger swoons in the crunchy water moon
  22. Pants yourself before you dance yourself.
  23. Erase thyself, untimely mayonnaise—from which oblong lands cometh thou with pants for hands?
  24. If Bugs and Daffys were hookers and junkies, Looney Tunes would have been a very different show, maybe like a funnier version of The Wire.
  25. You can fool all of the people some of the time, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.