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Colfax McLiverneck

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Posts posted by Colfax McLiverneck

  1. Well my woman she done left me, took my truck and my dog / Welllll my woman she done left me, she run off with my truck and my dog / Lawd I knew some pain was comin’, cause I been slayin’ strange tang all night long

  2. I like to start off my Monday morning with a nice hot bowl of Corny Bangs—the delicious and nutritious wet-packed, hair-infused breakfast gruel that jumpstarts your day with an incapacitating session of compulsive retching!

  3. You can fool half of the people you like some of the time, and you can fool less than half of the people you like half as well as you want to all of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people you like half as well as they deserve all of the time.
