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Everything posted by SirVizzle

  1. I want to go as a sexy Optimus Prime for Halloween but I'm nervous I'll be Autobot shamed.
  2. I want to go as a sexy Yuri Gagarin for Halloween but I'm nervous I'll be cosmonaut shamed.
  3. I want to go as a sexy fruit or the tree that bears the fruit of one of several species in the genus Prunus (stone fruits) but I'm nervous I'll be apricot shamed.
  4. I want to go as a sexy Hall of Fame cornerback/safety for Halloween but I'm nervous I'll be Ronnie Lott shamed.
  5. I want to go as a sexy junior United States Senator from New Hampshire for Halloween but I'm nervous I'll be Kelly Ayotte shamed.
  6. I want to go as a sexy knight of the Round Table for Halloween but I'm nervous I'll be Lancelot shamed.
  7. I want to go as a sexy 180-foot golf ball for Halloween but I'm nervous I'll be Epcot shamed.
  8. I want to go as a sexy host of Slate's Political Gabfest but I'm nervous I'll be David Plotz shamed.
  9. I want to go as a sexy Rorschach test for Halloween but I'm nervous I'll be ink blot shamed.
  10. I want to go as a sexy hard candy with a fizzy, sour center for Halloween but I'm nervous I'll be Zotz shamed.
  11. I want to go as a sexy pouch of applesauce for Halloween but I'm nervous I'll be Mott's shamed.
  12. I want to go as a sexy Janine Melnitz for Halloween but I'm nervous I'll be Annie Potts shamed.
  13. I want to go as a sexy goblin founder of a bank that eventually monopolizes the financial sector of the wizarding world for Halloween but I'm nervous I'll be Gringott shamed.
  14. I want to go as a dwarf leopard, of the type distributed extensively within South America including the islands of Trinidad and Margarita, Central America, and Mexico, and as far north as Texas, but I'm nervous I'll be ocelot shamed.
  15. I want to go as a sexy deep-vein thrombosis for Halloween but I'm nervous I'll be blood clot shamed.
  16. I want to go as a sexy Ben Wyatt from Parks and Recreation for Halloween but I'm nervous I'll be Adam Scott shamed.
  17. I want to go as a sexy dog for Halloween but I'm nervous I'll be spot shamed.