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Everything posted by grudlian.

  1. grudlian.

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    Considering the weird way the movie (and I'm going to speculate the dolls) attempts to celebrate diversity while simultaneously being racist, this might be intentional. The actress playing Yasmin is Hispanic and Sephardic Jewish. The character has stereotypes of both these (or more correctly Latina and Jewish stereotypes). Maybe Yasmin is also supposed to be biracial. EDIT: 1. The actress playing Yasmin is Spanish, Sephardic Jewish and Australian (I'll assume that translates to white and not aboriginal). So, multiracial is a better descriptor. And Yasmin had even more trouble finding a clique. So, is this confirming Cam Bert's theory? 2. I'll also assume Yasmin doll (not movie) is intended to be Latina/Mexican since they throw in La Cucaracha and a mariachi band. So, I'll definitely second June's thoughts that they should have found a Latina actress. Or do a better job of differentiating Latina/Mexican culture from Spanish culture. 3. I'm also not super comfortable going around discussing another real person's race without them present. So, I'll see myself out of the rest of this conversation if it pertains to the actress.
  2. grudlian.

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    Correction: Regarding Barbie's age, she was originally a "teenage fashion model" and there were some Random House books from the late 1990s which age her to be in high school. So, Mattel seems to be placing her consistently as a teenager. This doesn't explain, as Jason states, her being a professional woman with an dream house and several jobs. Jason probably means Skipper, who is 14, instead of Malibu Stacy. Malibu Stacy is a parody of Barbie from an episode of The Simpsons. Barbie's wikipedia page (which is where I'm getting all this esoteric Barbie info, please don't think I know this) has a section on competition with Bratz that I'll copy here.
  3. grudlian.

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    As much as this movie wasn't for me, I'm glad I saw it just for this quote which I have used in real life now. I won't be telling people where I heard it though to save myself the embarrassment of admitting I watched Bratz.
  4. grudlian.

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    I was confused too. I've never seen it but I always thought it had a decent critical reception. Maybe I was confusing it with the Al Jolsen movie.
  5. grudlian.

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    Until I found out I missed the two years later announcement, I assumed Meredith was a senior the whole time and the clique scheme was her idea she'd built up over for years. Now it doesn't make sense since the principal seemed to ask Meredith how his own school ran like a prison. She was able to accomplish all that as a sophomore?
  6. grudlian.

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    When they said it, I was worried maybe I didn't know what the Bernoulli principle was. Went to Google and, no, the writer of Bratz is wrong not me.
  7. grudlian.

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    Tall nerd describes Jade's science experiment as "a Bernoulli effect". That's not even remotely what is happening. Bernoulli's principle is about water and gas flow due to pressure differentials. What I believe her experiment, minus the fireworks, is elephant's toothpaste. It's a pretty standard science experiment for kids classroom. It's an exothermic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide when combined with water, yeast and dish soap. Those aren't the ingredients she used though. Jade used Magnesium, sodium salt, percholate, strontium nitrate and, I guess, bling. I assumed they just picked a bunch of sciencey sounding words but I googled them anyway. They are common ingredients in pyrotechnics and flash powders. I'm not sure what adding the colored liquids is supposed to do, but the idea of fireworks being the end result of her combination isn't as ridiculous as I thought. Still not Bernoulli's principle though. I really loved this being a studio episode. I like the live episodes of course, but I missed the studio episodes.
  8. grudlian.

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    What's blowing my mind is people know the side character names. I wouldn't habe been surprised if Chet Hanks was credited as "tall nerd"
  9. grudlian.

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    Me too! I figured it out looking at the cast list on imdb. I assumed that was only a few weeks or a couple months at most. I thought Yasmin's brother showed up at school due to lazy writing. I feel like a real Chloe right now. EDIT: according to the quiz, I AM a Chloe
  10. grudlian.

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    There was a two year time jump? It explains a lot but I missed that.
  11. grudlian.

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    The actress playing Meredith's sister was 11 when the film came out but probably 10 during filming. I can't find the age for Yasmin's brother but I'm assuming he's supposed to be 13 at the oldest since Yasmin was a freshman. It was gross seeing him hit on a literal child.
  12. grudlian.

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    You guyz, I'm sick of all this negativity towards the the movie. It's a fun, positive movie about embracing our differences and weird racial stereotypes. At least Cameron gets it! You're being real Merediths and I need you to be more like my homegirl Sasha.
  13. I don't know that Amy Sherman-Pallidino has confirmed it but Rory's full name is Lorelai Leigh Gilmore. So, probably not a coincidence even with both names spelled differently than Marilyn's character.
  14. grudlian.

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    Spice World is legit entertaining. I can admit being moved by Odd Life Of Timothy Green. All About Steve is...well, you might need to explain that to me.
  15. grudlian.

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    Should I be worried about watching Bratz? I expected to dislike it but not alt-right musical hatred levels.
  16. grudlian.

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    I think, and I could very well be wrong about this, that the dolls were each different characters. I didn't think they had proper backstories just general personality descriptions. Also, why do I know this or think I know this? Have you seen Crossroads? As I recall, the opening scene is the three girls being bffs and the literal next scene is 10 years later with them not speaking. They don't really discuss the falling out until much later though
  17. grudlian.

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    There are several animated Bratz movies according to my local library. I assume you're right about an already existing script getting rewritten for a currently hot property though.
  18. grudlian.

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    For sure Reynolds is great in Boogie Nights. I don't think he gets enough credit as an actor. He's no Daniel Day Lewis or Gary Oldman but they couldn't be half the Bandit Reynolds was. It's been a few years since I've seen Cop And A Half but I'll say it's good for what it's being.
  19. grudlian.

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    Yeah, but I guess I was limiting it to movies where Burt Reynolds is the star. Even including Boogie Nights, I'd probably put Gator in his top 5 overall.
  20. grudlian.

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    I went on a Burt Reynolds run a few years ago. White Lightning and Gator are both pretty good. Probably his best movies after Deliverance and Smokey and the Bandit. I know Archer had an episode with extended references to both. Make the hashtag halloweendidthisgetmade.
  21. This was a really interesting listen. Everyone brought up stuff that offered some interesting perspectives on nearly all the movies I hadn't thought of. It's also going to get me to check out Martyrs. I happen to still really like The Shining and attribute any personal loss of enjoyment to the diminishing returns of rewatching most things. Plus, few movies were as legitimately terrifying to me as the first time I watched it. I also think Halloween still holds up quite well. As stated in the podcast, everything had ripped it off which might make it seem boring or old. But I think very very few movies that stole from Halloween did anything as good as Halloween even today. It still feels creepy even after all the times I've seen it.
  22. I will talk about whatever helps me forget Garbage Pail Kids existing.
  23. Since they didn't mention it in the show, the movie director Rod Amateau lost all his hair making was the original Mighty Joe Young.
  24. THIS IS A REAL THING? I was certain it was a parody of Garbage Pail Kids I remember the Gross Out Gang from the Cosby show so vividly. For some reason, the way some character says, "I ate too many hot dogs" is etched into my brain and it's such a stupid reference that no one gets.
  25. Correction: The best movie based on a Topps chewing gum trading card series is 100% Mars Attacks.