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Posts posted by grudlian.

  1. 46 minutes ago, Cameron H. said:

    I believe his involved in the whole amulet retrieval operation, but he never raps again—which is a shame.

    Also, why did Molly want a locket with a picture of someone else’s mother in it?

    Maybe this is a stupid question, but how does the dog rapping help find the amulet? Because it seems like maybe the rapping was an unnecessary part of solving anything.

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  2. 1 hour ago, gigi-tastic said:

    We need to talk about Party Time. Whose dog is that?! Why does he rsp? How does a dog in 1912 know rap? Was he planning this rap? Like is he the cruise director for the animals?  Would you burst into rap about party time  if a mouse thanked you for not ending up "in someone else's digestion "? 

    This really threw me off. I'll admit I wasn't paying super close attention to this but this really really felt like it came out of nowhere more so than a lot of this movie. I don't remember seeing that dog in any other scene and there's almost no other songs and it's anachronistic musical style.

    I imagine the writer or director just said "Titanic is big. Rap music is big. Snoop Dogg is big. So, rapping dog on the Titanic will be huge!"

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  3. I don't know if anyone else saw this, but there is another animated Titanic movie from a year earlier called Legend Of The Titanic.

    Is this a mockbuster of a mockbuster? This has to be a first.

    Just now, Cameron H. said:

    I literally cannot believe that this movie ends with a “Hey, the movie’s not over yet...” That is fucking bonkers!

    This has to be a budget thing, right?

    • Like 3

  4. Veronica Mars episode 8



    As much as I felt this season really jerked us around on who the bomber is, my immediate reaction was Patton Oswalt. I immediately assumed it was Big Dick, but after looking on imdb, I remembered he was a from the original series. So, that mostly took him out of contention. While I figured it was possible Patton agreed to the show because he's a fan or something, he was the only other realistic choice. His murder group being a way to prove how smart he is was the only person with a "legitimate" motive. But "they're Spring Breakers" is a fucking pathetic motive.

    In an earlier episode, they mention there are still days left in Spring Break. If we figure on schools having different different weeks for Spring Break, this entire season takes place over maybe three weeks. I'm not sure how long I thought this took place over, but five bombs in under three weeks with a confirmed sixth bomb? This is potentially international news. Neptune would have tons of federal support than Max Greenfield by himself. 

    Why the fuck is the school opening even happening during a bomb scare? Wouldn't this definitely be canceled? Why are they opening a new school in spring? And when, in the middle of these bombings, why are people questioning Veronica when she yells there's a bomb? Why didn't they call the police on the way there?

    The whole ending is fucking ridiculous.

    Clearly I'm not the biggest Logan fan, but damn that is fucking dumb. Even setting aside the plausibility of Patton Oswalt planting the bomb and going off somehow after the wedding, why did this happen? Who wanted this? I know this season doesn't need to be fan service, but what is the payoff? I didn't watch four seasons of this show thinking "when is Veronica finally going to quit being a detective andgo to therapy?" If you're going to kill off a show, either make the fans happy or do something thematically consistent with the series (and I get Veronica getting dumped on is consistent with the show but still). What a shitty, shitty ending. Even though I laughed at the 5 second fake out that Logan called off the wedding, ending on a wedding would at least be satisfying.

    Also, even though this entire revival felt like "wow, everyone definitely looks older except Kristen Bell", Wallace definitely aged better than anyone including Kristen Bell.



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  5. Veronica Mars episode 6 and 7



    Veronica is a piece of shit for cheating on Logan. Then to decide to get married after that is awful.

    Two bombers now? Whatever you say! I wondered when Patton Oswalt would be called the bomber because every other new character has been accused. I even called the plot of why he would be accused. But, of course, this is the next to last episode so there's still time to reveal the real killer. 



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  6. Veronica Mars episode 5



    Is Patton Oswalt's murder club supposed to be the audience trying to figure out who the bomber is? Because it certainly feels like it and it feels really insulting.

    Especially because, in this episode, twists and contradictory reveals and red herrings are over the top. Veronica and her dad are literally throwing out equally plausible stories on who might be the bomber. Then, on their individual investigations, they find evidence that both exonerates and implicates JK Simmons. But the episode ends with the bartender being a suspect (which was supposed to be shocking but felt super obvious at the same time because at some point the show had to make her seem guilty).

    This season feels like Wallace Shawn in The Princess Bride debating which glass has iocane powder. It's presented so seriously but it's equally silly. It's just a bad whodunit where I'll never be happy with the final reveal because I doubt it will add up in a meaningful way.

    There are bits that I like but this show would never have gained a cult following if this was the first season.



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  7. 10 minutes ago, theworstbuddhist said:

    I'd rather watch Rogue One and episodes 7-9 before 5 or 6 again, so 🤷‍♂️

    Edited to add: psyched for Underworld next week, as far as it is possible to be psyched for that movie. One of my first dates with my wife was to see Underworld III, the one that doesn't star Kate Beckinsale, and we have been going to them since, along with all the other bad Legendary Studios monster horror chiller films like I, Frankenstein and Dracula Untold. Underworld III is like The Magnificent Ambersons by comparison.

    Edited to change 4 or 5 (insane) to 5 or 6 (relatively sane)

    You'd rather watch the new trilogy over Empire? I think Empire is overrated but I wouldn't say it's worse than the new movies.

  8. 4 hours ago, ol' eddy wrecks said:

    So... Looking ahead to next week, who here has seen Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans?

    I have, once, a few years ago.  I think Amy's, "it's crazy, you're going to love it!" to Paul feels a bit misleading to those who haven't. I have wondered how the main plot point is going to be received here. 

    It's been a very long time and it looks like I'd forgotten most of it as I didn't remember it being crazy at all. I would have said it was all about a couple reconciling at the fair in the city. The wikipedia synopsis proves me wrong on that. I might have to rewatch it for the podcast.

  9. I saw this once and definitely didn't revisit it for this.

    I can get behind a movie with shitty characters acting shitty. What holds it for me is that the movie seems to side with them. I could maybe get behind the idea that war is so awful that this kind of behavior is the only way to handle it in a Catch 22 type way. Like Paul and Amy, I don't think the movie does this and I'm not entirely sure it's trying to. It's just drunk misogynists being drunk misogynists with no real consequences.

    I'm also not a big fan of the show but it's certainly more enjoyable than the movie. I think the negative traits of the main characters are softened significantly. 

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  10. 21 minutes ago, Cameron H. said:

    Gah! Putting “Yes” second through me off! This is a total “Hell no” from me 🙂

    I considered only having no options.

  11. Paul & Amy enlist for 1970's groundbreaking Robert Altman war comedy M*A*S*H! They work to separate the film from the iconic TV show, dissect a controversial scene with Sally Kellerman, and explore how this film was a precursor for 70s comedy to come. Plus: Tom Skerritt (Duke Forrest) explains how Altman made his career.

  12. 11 minutes ago, Quasar Sniffer said:

    I think my issue with the new season of Veronica Mars was the same as my issue with everything after the first season; that is, I can't trust anything in the show, either in its plot or character development. Every time it seems like we reached a conclusion in a mystery or a character has made a moment of self-realization, there's a twist to pull the rug out from under us. So it seems like everything is a red herring, from the suspect list to the way Veronica deals with her love life. So I'm just constantly second-guessing everything I see, and that's just not a way to emotionally connect to a show, as I'm thinking about what the writing team might have been thinking as I'm listening to the dialogue.

    This is so accurate. Based on the first episode, the bomber is logically the NUTT leader Big Dick Casablancas (or Clifton Collins mob but we don't know enough about them yet). It's obviously mone of the other old characters and none of the new characters have motivation to be terrorists. But I fully expect it to be someone else with some crazy last minute reveal that won't be satisfying.

    The big example of what I think is wrong with this season (and maybe the whole series, I don't remember), is the first scene. Veronica climbs the fence and a guard dog approaches her. She says something like "oh jeez, I better be careful". Cut to the literal next shot where Veronica has befriended the dog with snausages.

    Why introduce a problem then solve it 1 second later off screen? Who was Veronica even talking to especially if she was prepared? It's a red herring for a single shot.

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  13. Veronica Mars episode 2



    I'm not going to lie, I legit thought they killed Ryan Hansen at the beginning and I thought this was a completely ridiculous send off.

    I'm currently anti-Veronica and Team Logan. Logan is apparently in anger management due to violent outbursts and she's actively taunting him into being angry. What's her fucking problem? I'd get it if this scene was written like she was genuinely thoughtful about how refusing his proposal affected him but, nah, she feels like she wants him angry.



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  14. Veronica Mars episode 1

    I don't hate this. As much as I don't remember the original series, this feels slightly off somehow. Not terrible but still not quite what I remember.

    I hate hate hate the "cuss" thing. It's obviously going to lead to some moment that's supposed to be huge when one of them says "fuck" but this is a big no thanks from me.

    As much as I've been anti- Logan, why is he sticking with Veronica for five years if she's been telling you she won't marry you. Dump her. 



    Of course, I know they get married but if I didn't know that, move on.


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  15. 1 hour ago, Cameron H. said:

    I’m with @taylor anne photo on Logan. I think they did an impressive job of taking a really unlikable character and reforming him throughout the series. I mean he does some vile shit, and they still have us (most of us anyway) cheering for him in the end. The way I see it, nobody is perfect, certainly no one is born perfect, but a person’s willingness to change definitely makes an impression on me—especially from a narrative standpoint. We must always be open to redemption, otherwise, what are we even doing? If we don’t believe people can better themselves, then capital punishment might as well be our default for all crimes.

    Besides, it would be boring if he was a perfect angel from the beginning. :) 

    I'm 100% fine with redemptive arcs but he hasn't earned it yet in my opinion. I've even said that he's grown and maybe they could start this season with them together. I'm not sure what you all want from me on this lol.

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  16. 30 minutes ago, taylor anne photo said:


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    I do agree that he had a lot of growing to do about being a bully but I thought that in season 2 and 3 they had done a good job of showing him grow from that and own up to his bully behavior and also own up to the fact that he was perpetuating abuse when he was being abused himself. But I am also always going to be on Logan's side lol! I mean ultimately I was always on Veronica's side unless she was with Duncan lmao, but yeah seeing how much Logan grew during the new season really solidified my love for him.


    I remember thinking Logan being made sympathetic after his mother's suicide and reveal that his father was abusive/murderer felt... not quite pandering to Logan fans but not not pandering. I know that's a very real thing but it felt like lazy way to add depth.

    On the other hand, I couldn't even remember Duncan existing. A picture and skimming wiki didn't jog my memory much except them NOT being brother and sister. I'd rather have a character I hate than one who doesn't make an impression. So, I can begrudgingly admit that maybe Logan might be better than Duncan.

  17. 1 hour ago, taylor anne photo said:


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    Okay so that's not the spoiler I was thinking of, but at this point why do you think she can do better? They've seemingly been together solidly for ~5 years at this point (if we're looking at it all happening in Real Time of course since the movie came out in 2015) and despite what people might think of Logan there's SOLID character development from him throughout the run of this universe.





    I don't know where the characters are at in their current lives (so, maybe this is irrelevant now) but, based on my memory, they shouldn't have gotten together in the first place (but you're right. I do remember him having grown before the movie). So, five years of history doesn't erase the previous years of being a bully/jerk. To me, he hadn't put in the work yet by the end of the movie. Maybe by the start of the new season he has and now they can get together.

    And honestly, I'm never going to be all in on Logan and he's facing an uphill battle with me personally. 

    I'm going to watch it. I want to finish Marvelous Mrs. Maisel first.


