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About dhxlive

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    Writing music! http://dannyhauger.com/music

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  1. See a bird and pet its wings, those purdy, birdy, flying things!
  2. Hungry are the hippos, for they shall inherit the marbles
  3. We sew the seeds for tomorrow, and replant them, they're annuals, its kind of a pain in the azaleas
  4. frosted tips, frozen nips, warming up with chips and dips!
  5. Pack your lunch before it packs you, you cant backtrack a backup backpack
  6. Headphones on, pants off... did you make the Stroganoff? Submitted by Inspiring Teachers.
  7. Address the fact, mail the fiction. Mumble the truth, lie with diction. -Stockton mocktown
  8. The mall sells some balls, but the sports store sells lots more. -Stockton mocktown
  9. Make my Columbus day. -Stockton mocktown
  10. dhxlive

    Open mic

    Open mic and tip your waiter, wag the dog and train your gator.
  11. dhxlive

    Chalk it up

    Chalk it up, talk it up. Stock up on talking Chalk. -guitarmendiego
  12. Left click, right click, double click, Jimminy Glick. by HaugDog
  13. Flip your lid and blow your cover. I just busted through that rubber. by Haugdog
  14. Fuel your mule, bury that burro. That donkey's drinking gasoline. by HogDog
  15. Come on in, sit right down. Pay the bill, get the hell out. By HogDog