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Bingo Boy

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Everything posted by Bingo Boy

  1. Mama Mia, thats a spicy beef-a-sphere!
  2. When Benedict goes to the farmer’s market, the queue Cumberbatch waits in for a cucumber batch has a number sum quite cumbersome
  3. H.R. puffin’ stuff, because the Human Resources department doesn’t get drug tested.
  4. All those butter tarts gave me sputter farts.
  5. The hamburglar should just stick to what he’s good at and burgle ham.
  6. Bingo Boy

    Peppermint (2018)

    From the director of Taken, the only person who can bring down "corrupt judges, dirty cops" and a drug cartel is suburban mom Riley North (Jennifer Garner).
  7. Sprinkle me with jimmies while I tinkle and I shimmy.
  8. I’ve given thousands of hand jobs. It’s all in a day’s work for the head of a hand modeling agency.
  9. Well excuse me, but if I’m not allowed to do that in this Friendly’s bathroom then you need to put up a sign.
  10. My expert medical diagnosis is that your b-hole ‘sploded.
  11. If I’m not supposed to get high on my own supply, then why did I just waste my money buying these drugs?
  12. Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Don’t let the cute name fool you though, he mauled a zookeeper and had to be put down.
  13. You call it a wet dream, I call it immaculate ejaculate.
  14. Whenever Tony Danza walks into an office he’s notoriously inquisitive about which person is in charge.
  15. Feed me these Funyuns while you rub on my bunions.
  16. Whenever Josh Brolin goes fishing he’s Brolin- - Brolin- - Brolin on the riverrrr.
  17. I’m a big fan of cat nip videos on the internet, but not the kind you’re thinking of.
  18. I liked The Critic, I just didn’t Lovitz.
  19. It’s tough to be charmin’ when you never use Charmin.
  20. As a matter of fact, I do have a retirement plan. I just need to sit back and let my Big Dogs t-shirts appreciate in value.
  21. The Beatles would’ve been more famous if it weren’t for that careless typo in their name on every album cover. Hire a proofreader ya ding dongs!
  22. I’m trying to get on Brent Spiner’s phone plan so I’ll have unlimited Data.
  23. You say potato, I say it incorrectly.
  24. I want my baby back baby back baby back...so what if I left my baby at Chili’s that ONE time.
  25. Whaddaya say I put my Mighty Max in your Polly Pocket?