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About Snake

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  1. I have listened to this Podcast since episode number 1. In fact, I even remember when it was announced and had to look up who Jason was. Since literally before this podcast even aired, I have been calling for the movie that ended Sean Connery's career to be featured on the Podcast. Please, in loving memory, it's time to do this movie!
  2. Snake

    Replicas (2019)

    This is apparently the 3rd worst Metascore film of the year and it is sporting a 9% on RT. The reviews are absolutely brutal. Considering that the #1 and #2 worst movies are the completely tasteless the Haunting of Sharon Tate & that John Travolta movie directed by Fred Durst where he inaccurately plays an autistic stalker, this is be the best choice of the three. The other two are just not as fun to make fun of from what I can tell, but I am not watching those first two under basically any circumstances. Plus this has Middleditch in it and normally that would probably make them shy away, but lord knows that guy doesn't give a fuck. He'd probably even be willing to be the guest.
  3. In honor of resetting my password and unlocking my account, I am bumping this thread I made like 6 years ago. Unfortunately, none of my original 5 movies have been done yet. League of Extraordinary Gentleman is like my own Dorian Grey painting, because until HDTGM does it, I cannot die
  4. Snake

    Episode 183.5 - Minisode 183.5

    It was the worst! I could only keep my save files for like three days, tops. Just leaking data everywhere.
  5. Why is this at the top of the feed? Are we getting a Season 2?????
  6. Snake

    Episode 183.5 - Minisode 183.5

    I want June to do the "I want" speech (ugh that I just had to type out because everyone has only ever heard of this movie, nobody has ever actually seen it). What the fuck is going on? What the fuck is going on??? All my life, I've been careful to stay in my own corner. Lookin out for #1. No complications. Now suddenly, I'm responsible for the ENTIRE FUCKIN WORLD! And everyone and his mother is trying to kill me. If - if - my head doesn't blow up first. (Off camera: Maybe it's not just about you anymore) Listen - you listen to me. You see that city over there? That's where I'm supposed to be. Not down here with the dogs, and the garbage, and the fucking last month's newspapers blowing back and forth! I've had it with them! I've had it with you. I've had it with ALL this.... I WANT ROOM SERVICE! I want the club sandwich. I want the cold Mexican beer. I want a $10k a night hooker! I want my shirts laundered.....like they do....at the Imperial Hotel....in Tokyo. (and scene)
  7. Snake

    Episode 183.5 - Minisode 183.5

    I hope they play the conversation between Keanu and Henry Rollins when Rollins is explaining what data is in Keanu's head in the lab. It's some of the worst acting I've ever heard and I love them both
  8. Snake

    Episode 182.5 - Minisode 182.5

    Just because nobody has posted the name yet, the movie is Ladybugs starring Rodney Dangerfield. This movie is both terrible and super watchable, nice pick. You can straight up just watch the whole thing on YouTube too
  9. I loved Valerian referring to himself as a bad boy lady killer when he's this scrawny little dork
  10. That was fucking great. I don't want to spoil anything though
  11. Snake

    Episode 170.5 - Minisode 170.5

    Sweet they have been a little lackluster on their movie choices lately, good to see this one popping up. I still can't believe that they're doing Ninja Terminator when Jade, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Miami Connection, the Happening, etc are all still out there. Why subject Broad City to that dogshit? Also that song always makes me wish that my friends wrote songs about what good friends we are and then play them live in our city's hottest nightclub.
  12. So.....are we going to talk about this? Can someone go and watch this and then report back?
  13. Snake

    Origin Stories Bonus: Dan Gordon

    Yeah I got to the doctor getting a boner during the robbery and that wasn't even like a top 5 craziest thing
  14. Snake

    Episode 436 - Rich Mind Vain

    I thought Tallman was Tom Hanks when I first saw the picture