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Everything posted by VinsanityV22

  1. Besser man; you really gotta make sure people plug the TV CHANNEL their TV shows are on. The name alone tells me nothing - where do I go? When do I tune in? Those are weak plugs, but I wanna support these people. Not everyone has DirecTV to search for things... and even then, until a premiere date gets out there, I don't think it shows up on those.
  2. VinsanityV22

    Lost in Space (1998)

    Hmmm... this is interesting. I recall it being competently made, but very bland. Except for the odd 2nd act set piece where they check out the abandoned ship and get attacked by metal bugs and pick up that atrocious pre-Jar Jar CGI creature. I bet it's not too cuckoo crazy... but it's almost certainly more watchable than 80% of the other movies they've looked at? I wonder if this would make a good episode now?
  3. VinsanityV22

    Enthiran (2010)

    Ignore that thumbnail - the video works. Don't know why it's doing that. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzTHmcXfeug Just heard about this on io9. As someone who had his brain shattered by watching the 3 hours+ 'Robot', I think I'm a fan of this kind of thing It's really amazing you guys. Enjoy the trailer. Wonder if HDTGM will every check out a Bollywood/"Tamil Cinema" movie? There's slow-mo motorcycle kung fu fighting, some sort of goblin-man, a bendy woman, a wolfman... and this in the first 15 seconds of the trailer!!! Seriously people, check it out
  4. Think positive! If you really don't like the episode you're tuning in for, your future self would be here right now to stop you from listening.
  5. VinsanityV22

    The Peanut Butter Solution (1985)

    Ugh. First off, I hate the Search Function. I came *this* close to starting up another thread, because typing in both, "The Peanut Butter Solution" and "Peanut Butter" didn't find this thread. C'MON! Secondly, I really wanna see this! Went back and listened to old episodes, and heard Tim Heidecker talk about this in The Odd Life of Timothy Green episode, though he called it something else (bad memory; its' cool. Happens to the best of us). His description IMMEDIATELY captured my interest and sent me to Youtube to see what the f**k the movie was about. He said, "What was that movie... 'The Peanut Butter Incident'? Remember that movie? It was a movie where these kids put peanut butter on their body and it grew hair... (gets cut off by jokes)... and I was expecting it (Timothy Green) to be a little more about this morphing (into something else)". Very intriguing! So I went to youtube and watched this trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2Cm4Cy3rxs What the hell is this!?! I need to see them tackle this nonsense! This looks like such a knock off of GOOD family-friendly movies from the 80's... like another "Mac N' Me -- to -- E.T."-type situation, y'know?
  6. VinsanityV22

    Episode 310 — Little Button Puss

    That was the most awful, hilarious, game of Riddle me this ever. I'm a little worried that Pamela Murphy being on this show means she won't show up for the Halloween episode though. Last year's was amazing, and I would love to see Dyke-ula and Steven Yuen return if they can!
  7. I concur. I don't even care if it comes to the point where Scott & Scott are going to U2 Tribute-and-Cover bands and talking about THAT. Just don't ever stop This podcast is amazing! C+
  8. Here's the link for the Facebook thing - granted it's old, but people are still commenting on it. I don't use Tumblr or Instagram. Good luck to anyone looking for the instagram link. Link: https://www.facebook...460034004034977 Are there any newer links?
  9. There's only one real way we'll ever know if Bono listens to the show....
  10. VinsanityV22

    killer clowns

    Oh man. As if I didn't have to worry about Killer Klowns already, you're telling me there are these "OTHER Killer Klowns" out there too!?! *curls into fetal position* lol.
  11. Scott's discovered a new character - "Jerry Seinfeld who turns into Don Pardo if he's around for more than 4 seconds", lol. Scott needs to do more character work on the show.
  12. I use neither Twitter nor Apple products, so I am completely surprised by all of this. All I can say is, "Thank you" to the internet for hearing my thoughts and sending them along to Scott & Scott with everyone else's. Because not a day goes by without me thinking - loudly - "Go get your big ole' juicy butt dicks back in the studio!"
  13. VinsanityV22

    Episode 309 — Tony Macaroni

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnUGid_0HNw Yup. She's definitely delightfully weird. Love her even more now I wish I looked up her Youtube stuff sooner, but I'm glad I finally did after hearing her and R. Schrift on this amazing episode
  14. VinsanityV22

    Episode 93 — Staying Alive: LIVE!

    You should definitely check out her classic appearance on Improv 4 Humans if you haven't heard it already. Her and Andy Daly and Brian Huskey = hilarious. Plus her infamous skit from the titular "Driving Yellow Jackets" ep is one of Besser's favorites, as he admitted to later on a Best Of episode I think: http://www.earwolf.com/episode/driving-yellow-jackets/
  15. VinsanityV22

    Episode 197 — No Bueno From Tip To Taint

    I made the mistake of going back and listening to the 'Armin Weeks' episodes recently... now, current Charted just doesn't live up to the standard, lol. Howard doesn't even think that Ang Lee or Zach Braff might be listening to the podcast! And he doesn't describe anything as 'pure darkness' He doesn't even think about Women in terms of Troll dolls? None of Armin makes sense. I can't handle things that are coherent. There's no going back for my brain, guys.
  16. Amazing! This is better than a 'Best Of' special ( ^ - ^ ) "It was my middle finger! It wasn't a parade at all!" -- Ooh! That was such a burn! And then "Oh great, here comes the History Boys again" - wham! When will the Earwolf engineers learn? lol. The eternal battle between engineers and Sean & Hayes continue. I will say this though; those engineers - mostly Brett - can take a beating and get right back up! No matter how baddedly they get pounded! Man! How do you get back up after being subjected to mere talks of the "Super Finger" !? Brett is practically superhuman. So is Cody - he sounds like Neo! I appreciate the engineers coming in for this episode, and I am truly astonished that they can handle being around the level of fame that Sean & Hayes exude. CBB sounds horrible too! HH should be no.1! How can Sean & Hayes be no.2 to "Would you Rather have a Riddle?" I hear the host of that show can't even say his own name or the name of the show correctly, either. Jeez. Hollywood Handbook needs to be made the poster boy for the network, post-haste. What does Earwolfman Jack have to say about this!?!
  17. VinsanityV22

    Episode 215.5 — Sklarbro County 120

    "If you're holding an air guitar, you can't be holding a gun at the same time" "THAT IS SO TRUE!" lol. That is completely NOT true you guys, haha. "If you're holding an air guitar, your hands are totally free for whatever - here, have a cookie" is how that saying should go. But that's beyond the fact - of course, you guys are caught up in the moment, and you're great at "Yes, and"'ing people for the sake of conversation. And that's why I love the show, and that's why this was another great episode! Nice to have Dan back, nice to hear some stories from Florida and "Floriders" once again
  18. VinsanityV22

    Episode 93 — Staying Alive: LIVE!

    These quotes not being used on official merchandise (as honest quotes or taglines) is a crime, you guys. lol. If I can find another poster/cover, I will totally put in June's quote, "I think Jim Varney can do anything". rofl.
  19. VinsanityV22

    Episode 93 — Staying Alive: LIVE!

    You know guys, I've realized something. I would totally pay for some HDTGM movie posters, lol
  20. VinsanityV22

    Episode 309 — Tony Macaroni

    Oh my God. What an episode! Adding Jimmy and Nick to anything automatically makes it better, but Claudia O'Doherty is rapidly becoming a new fave of mine - she's so pleasantly, charmingly weird. Her whole bit about the novel and Tony Macaroni/Pepperoni stuff (including the gem, "What's your favorite Sinatra nickname?" "Witchcraft" "Great") had me cracking up, and then when Kroll jumped in - excuse me, R.Schrift - I was losing it! Schrift and O'Doherty are an amazing pair! This had some amazing guests! And it was super hilarious! Dentist the Mentalist!?! Loved it! And man, Australia has the right idea! Every national anthem should end with, "The End". lol. This one better get some love during the next Best Of!
  21. "I WAS JUST A CHILD MYSELF! Just a puppy - one of God's little puppies. Just scootin' around, making people who have allergies SICK! " -- needs to be in the next opening quote montage. Jeez louise this episode was an amazingly hilarious episode. Kulap always makes any podcast better. And when the cast is already as amazing as NNF, it's going to result in a great time. Great!
  22. VinsanityV22

    Episode 482 - Inner City Schools

    Haha! That was a great way to end the ep! On a positive note -- positive for YitR, anyway "Fix it, I guess?" "We can stop being the worst!" "Thank you to Pitbull" lol
  23. Gil Ozeri, Benny Schwaz and Mookie Blaiklock? DOWNLOAD FASTER, MP3!
  24. VinsanityV22


    Oh definitely. Once white middle-aged "parents" (a generic catch-all, but you all know what I mean), the term lost any and all power it had as something 'shocking' and 'exciting' or 'dangerous'... or whatever-the-fu*k teenagers thought was cool about it. Looking forward to this episode! 3 Adults (Well, 2 man-children + June) looking at a teen-targeted drama always results in gold I mean, "Crossroads"? AMAZING!