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Everything posted by VajayjayLeno

  1. VajayjayLeno

    EPISODE 116 — Top Dog: LIVE!

    So what is the exact wording of the wetback thing? Because when Paul corrected himself for it to be "two with one bullet" I immediately thought that the implication was due to the stereotype of Mexicans riding like 8 deep in a single truck.
  2. VajayjayLeno

    EPISODE 115.5 — Minisode 115.5

    I have only watched like 3 minutes of Annihilation and it involved the heroes walking through a sewer or something and Raiden got real pissed off and blew up a wall like he was Tim the Enchanter, but it was supposed to be serious. So basically, what I'm saying is that I am 100% down to watch it.
  3. Sadly, no one from this podcastverse will survive Battleworld
  4. VajayjayLeno

    4,8,15,25,47 and 42.

    Well, that's a good way to irritate all the Lost nerds.
  5. Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme; I said those words because this will rhyme
  6. VajayjayLeno

    Ask Paul!

    Okay, I have an actual question related to the show, because I screwed up last time: The Cards Against Humanity commercials. I'm dying to know the deal with those. Like, are they actually giving you these suggestions? Is it all just a bit? Because your seeming disdain for the entire commercial is hilarious and ends up being the most memorable commercial in the pack, despite the fact that you have, by far, the best commercials in podcasting.
  7. VajayjayLeno

    EPISODE 19 - Malibu

    I'm glad that it's now canon that Sarah Burns (Sarah Burns) has Cake Boss/Ho Ho syndrome.
  8. VajayjayLeno

    EPISODE 19 - Malibu

    Oh weird. I started watching BoJack Horseman late last night, which resulted in a night full of feverish, vivid dreams about BoJack Horseman. So having a BJH person on, talking about vivid dreams surrealed my morning commute up a whole bunch.
  9. VajayjayLeno

    Ask Paul!

    Paul, do you think bowties are at risk of becoming passe? I've been wearing them (among other neck accessories) for a while, but I feel like their sudden popularity has grown at a pace that suggests a precipitous bowtie crash in the near future.
  10. The Kree are teaming up with Sonic Youth- they're gonna build an expressway to yr Skrull.
  11. VajayjayLeno

    EPISODE 354 — Solo Bolo: Dos Lo

    9/11 jokes are such low hanging fruit and that fruit fell right off the tree and into my mouth and made me laugh until it hurt.
  12. How are we not already calling the beginning of the show where it's just PFT talking the "pre-ramble"?
  13. VajayjayLeno

    EPISODE 8 - A Superyacht

    How has no one mentioned the fact that Jessica totally got golems mixed up with Gollum? No one called her on it in the podcast either and it was freaking my shit out yo.
  14. Only Spontaneanation's Dolores and Mitch commercials top the times when Hayes & Sean do CBB commercials.
  15. VajayjayLeno

    EPISODE 5 - Mars Base 3

    I feel bad for thinking this when I first saw the guest list, but I saw Dave Foley and thought "Huh. Is he still funny?" Yes, yes he is. He is still delightful. Thank you for letting me know that, Paul.
  16. VajayjayLeno

    EPISODE 346 — That Is Wild

    I also really dislike being down on an ep, but Tom was a bit disappointing. I don't know. Mary and Erin were fabulous, though, so it's all okay. It's fine.
  17. VajayjayLeno

    EPISODE 343 — Athlete's Head

    Alicia Witt was such a delight. I just want to say that because of how easy it is to get that overshadowed by Gino, Victor, and Tiny. She was charming and engaging and funny and so happy to play along. I always get a bit nervous when I see first-timers on the line-up and she acquitted herself very well.
  18. Oh yeah. Paul's actual ads make me as happy as Lauren Lapkus's fake ads. They're the closest thing to the between-bit rambles from the Tompkast that this has and that's like a warm hug.
  19. JV is my FayV This is seriously amazing. This might be better than the Tompkast. It also makes me think that every goddamn podcast needs canned PFT laughter in the background because it makes everything amazing. My only criticism is that it needs a bit more rambles. Rambles are the best.
  20. I literally spent the last two weeks listening to the Pod F. Tompkast. All of it. The entire thing. Even the episode that wasn't the PFT because it just happened to be one of the few eps of the Dead Author's Podcast I hadn't gotten to yet. And at the end, I knew there was a reason I had done that. There's a reason a chose that time to do it. I'm so exciiiited.
  21. VajayjayLeno

    EPISODE 340 — LIVE from SXSW 2015 II

    My reaction to this episode is a burning envy of those who were at the show. That's a shit ton of amazing comedy talent doing a great job at what they do on stage.
  22. ...so why isn't my Heathcliff S&M website taking off?!
  23. VajayjayLeno

    EPISODE 339 — LIVE from SXSW 2015

    I found a bottle of this at Cost Plus last week and drank it. As an American who genuinely enjoys Irn Bru, I found it strong but drinkable. Anyway, I think I could've done without Raj in this ep. I like him a lot of the time but I don't really enjoy CBB when it intersects with actual pop culture, I guess? I like pop culture. I love CBB. But, to me, when the twain meet it feels more awkward than funny and his Kayne was so obvious that it didn't add anything to me beyond his usual over-the-top stuff.
  24. Adam Clayton. Adam Ant. Anton Chekhov. Pavel Chekhov. Chex Mix Johnson. Chaz Bono.
  25. VajayjayLeno

    EPISODE 338 — Be My Guest, Literally

    Seriously, the best-ofs this year could just be replaced with Michael, Paul, Lauren, and Andy coming back to do a UTU2TM-esque commentary episode. I would not mind and I truly loved the 2014 Best-Ofs