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Posts posted by VajayjayLeno

  1. Okay, I have an actual question related to the show, because I screwed up last time:


    The Cards Against Humanity commercials. I'm dying to know the deal with those. Like, are they actually giving you these suggestions? Is it all just a bit? Because your seeming disdain for the entire commercial is hilarious and ends up being the most memorable commercial in the pack, despite the fact that you have, by far, the best commercials in podcasting.

    • Like 1

  2. The headline game may be the hardest I've ever laughed at anything in my life.

    "Bananas no longer! Slippery pedestrians slip on out of zoo!"

    "At the airport, plane takes off and crashes into the pentagon."


    9/11 jokes are such low hanging fruit and that fruit fell right off the tree and into my mouth and made me laugh until it hurt.

    • Like 8

  3. Alicia Witt was such a delight. I just want to say that because of how easy it is to get that overshadowed by Gino, Victor, and Tiny. She was charming and engaging and funny and so happy to play along. I always get a bit nervous when I see first-timers on the line-up and she acquitted herself very well.

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  4. Also, Sly isn't wrong about the taste of Moxie. As a native Mainer, I love it, but watching people cringe when they try it is a treat unto itself.


    I found a bottle of this at Cost Plus last week and drank it. As an American who genuinely enjoys Irn Bru, I found it strong but drinkable.


    Anyway, I think I could've done without Raj in this ep. I like him a lot of the time but I don't really enjoy CBB when it intersects with actual pop culture, I guess? I like pop culture. I love CBB. But, to me, when the twain meet it feels more awkward than funny and his Kayne was so obvious that it didn't add anything to me beyond his usual over-the-top stuff.
