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Posts posted by VajayjayLeno

  1. God, Aziz's post is amazing. I've been devastated all day and finally came here just...I dunno. No one else I know really knows who Harris was because they're not podcast/comedy nerds so it's been really hard to express myself. Yeah, he was just a silly, C-list comedian and writer who I never met but I took it a lot harder than I would've expected.




    RIP Harris.

    • Like 2

  2. Valentine's Day is going to be the Gilly/Garry wedding you guys I'm so excited and I just can't hide it.


    Also, I think Jack did pretty okay for a dude who's clearly not a comedian nor even a comedy nerd of any sort. I sometimes dig serious interviews on this show and they went to some weird places and even got Choctaw to unironically say "Check your privilege, bro." That's some shit!

    • Like 8

  3. Correction & Omissions: Concerning the Cash β€œtripod” insult…


    1. He could mean that Tango has such a small penis (microphallus) that his balls and penis look like a very small tripod.

    2. As stated prior: Cash could be saying he has a very saggy scrotum, and that his balls and penis look similar to a tripod.

    3. Cash could have flubbed the line and meant to say something like β€œtuna can dick”, but they left in the line β€œtripod”.


    My only answer is that it was sarcasm. Like calling a huge dude 'Tiny' or Stallone a 'great actor'.

  4. I totally understand Adomian's view on doing recently dead people as characs. I think, though, everyone who knows who Huell Howser is genuinely loves him as much as James does. His version never seemed mean-spirited even though it was making fun of the dude for his weird naive love of absolutely goddamn everything, because that's the exact reason everyone loved Huell in the first place.

    • Like 1

  5. I usually watch them within the weekend of their original airing but I don't think the comedy is on par with the podcast usually. This past week's was pretty good, Lapkus killed it and the bit about bloopyjays and hammerjammers ruined me


    I watch the TV show, but I think it's the structure that brings it down compared to the podcast, namely that there even is one.


    I think British panel shows would've been a better format to aim for, honestly, but it's still super watchable and fun.

  6. Β 

    It's weird, there are certain storylines that I totally feel that way for--the Womptaculars wear me out, and I almost have to turn off Victor and Tiny eps. That said, there are also plenty of one-offs that feel that way for me, maybe because they're more likely to paint themselves into a corner trying out new characters...


    And in my book, the Oh Golly saga was the crossover event of the decade. Even if the top two being a two-parter is a little weird, I have no complaint with the top two. The behind-the-scenes on that was amazing, too, and more evidence that Andy Daly is one of the great comedic geniuses of our day.



    I totally understand that. Tiny and Victor don't exhaust me, though, just because I think it's easy for me to forget that they're entirely Brendon Small somehow. The joke in the holiday episode about how Tiny and Victor never speak at the same time caught me completely off guard because I forget it's just one dude so quickly. Whereas Oh Golly, You Devil, I could feel the effort Andy was putting in, which was entirely appreciated and hilarious, but still sort of exhausting to me

    • Like 1

  7. I actually skipped listening to the OGYD clips. It's an incredible episode and if there were actual awards for excellence in podcast characs, Andy Daly deserves them, but it's sort of exhausting to listen to.


    Really, that's how I feel about a lot of mythology thick episodes. I don't dislike them, they're usually really good, but it feels stressful to listen to because everyone involved has to make the episode worthwhile and push some sort of storyline forward. I prefer the ones divorced from any sort of mythos because they can be so loose and goofy.


    *~*~*~JUST MY OPINION MAN~*~*~*

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  8. For example, if I want to get someone into Doctor Who, I show them Blink. It hits all the right notes: it's very good, it's very Doctor Who-y, but it stands alone without any previous knowledge of mythology or characters required. Similarly, the best introductory episode of CBB shouldn't be steeped in character mythology, should be representative of the show, and should be good but accessible.
