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Posts posted by VajayjayLeno

  1. Personally, I just find it weird that when some people say "Hey, your actions kinda make me uncomfortable." there's a distressingly large subset of people who feel like it's their job to say "Hey, fuck you for feeling uncomfortable, I know my rights." and push harder instead of "Oh, sorry. I don't really agree that I did anything wrong, but I can stop to make everyone feel better."


    But that's just my opiniooooooon.

  2. Speaking to NYC as a country music mecca:


    What if this actually is a works where records don't exist? Live music is king and getting and keeping your stars for your clubs is the way to get rich in the music business. And if you ran the biggest country music bar in NYC, you'd have the market cornered in the biggest city in the country. It all totally makes sense as an alternate universe where Edison failed to get recorded music off the ground.

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  3. No, sorry, it still makes no sense. The audience knows that monkey didn't really kill anyone. People know how movies work. They don't dive out of the way of the screen if a train comes barreling towards the camera anymore. And even if you somehow discovered a completely unsavvy country bumpkin who had never heard of a movie before, telling him or her that the monkey was in fact a composite of six monkeys wouldn't do anything to help disabuse that person of the belief that a monkey might go crazy and try to kill them.


    I literally said that no one believes the monkey killed anyone. That's actually right there in the thing you quoted. The point is that monkeys are SO incapable of killing people as depicted in the movie that they couldn't even get one monkey to PRETEND to do it. They needed lots of monkeys. Saying one monkey did all of the acting makes it the tiniest bit more plausible that one monkey could actually also do the things in the movie, when just one monkey couldn't even pretend.


    Also, fuck you for telling me what I do and don't do when I see that movie about the train coming at me.

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  4. No, I totally get what June is saying in terms of the crediting the monkeys:


    Look, no one (who is sane) will watch American Psycho and believe that Christian Bale is a serial killer in reality- he's an actor! But to play a convincing serial killer on screen makes you believe that such a person could exist. If someone can mimic one accurately, then there's a level of belief in the possible existence.


    No one who sees Monkey Shines is going to believe that the monkey who played Ella is a murderous primate. It's just an actor monkey. But if one monkey can convincingly portray a serial killer monkey, you can get the impression that such a thing could exist- however, one monkey didn't play a serial killer monkey. It took a team of monkeys to create the impression of a serial killer monkey, so the monkeys are so innocent of the possibility of a serial killer monkey that there's not even a single monkey actor who could possibly even pretend to be one. But crediting just one gives the illusion of the possibility.


    It's a subtle point, to be sure, but I'm not sure it's wrong!


    And, believe me here, I feel like I've gone off the deep end for thinking I understand June.

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  5. The guy from The National was on and didn't play music. Aimee Mann has been on multiple times and has never played music. Same with Jon Wurster - okay, a drum solo might not have fit.


    I think having Wurster on to play would be great as long as Todd Glass was also on and he just played live the entire time.

  6. Engineer Cody Cody already getting ragged on at the beginning of the episode made me certain I was in for some good shit, but oh my god. Sanz killed it. He killed everything. Everything is fucking dead because he killed it so much, from 'Dante' to Aaron.


    Also, I have to agree with not being excited for him simply because my first and most prominent exposure to him was SNL. At the time, he came off as Jimmy Fallon's counterpart for unreasonable and distracting corpsing, so I always wrote him off. But just like Fallon has shown that he's a really funny and charismatic dude in the right context (and SNL rarely seems to actually be the right context for anyone), this is the right context for Sanz, because he is funny as hell.

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